Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 371 The Birth Of Six Nose Mirrors

On the 12th and 10th, Kunlun Mountains, Gongger Peak underground base.

Ye Zhou stood in the control room, looking at the screen in front of him with a slightly nervous expression.

Just half an hour ago, the computer No. 003, code-named "Six Nose Mirrors", completed its first cold start. The system debugging was all normal, the software data input was normal, and the bit signal of the quantum computer was transmitted to the upper decoder through the microwave transmission line, and then It is converted into an electrical signal through the optical module, and finally enters the traditional computer system.

And now, what appeared in front of Ye Zhou was a very simple software interface with only one function, that is, decomposing prime factors.

Yes, this is a function that can be said to be extremely simple, but it is this function that lays the foundation for RSA decryption.

As long as the function of decomposing prime factors works normally, then on traditional computer platforms, engineers can expand modularly based on this function, so as to further carry out real intelligence decryption operations.

And this kind of functional module is actually already in the hands of the military.

Decomposing the prime factor is the only stumbling block, and it is also the problem that the Six Noses project team will solve today.

Ye Zhou straightened up a little and said:

"All departments, now make the final confirmation before testing. Is the power supply system normal?"

"Report! The power supply system is normal, the voltage and current are stable, the backup power supply has been activated, and the energy storage module has been involved, meeting the test conditions!"

"Is the temperature control and pressure control normal?"

"Report! The temperature and pressure control of the six-nose mirror machine room is normal."

"Electromagnetic shielding system?"

"The electromagnetic shielding system is normal, all isolation doors at the base have been closed, and noise disturbance has been minimized."


After a series of inspections were completed, Ye Zhou took a deep breath.

In front of him, two prime numbers with 1024 digits have been generated, and the product of this prime number has also been placed in front of him. As long as he taps lightly, the product will be immediately input into the software, through quantum The core calculation, re-solve these two prime numbers.

His finger was already on the mouse, but the moment he pressed it, he suddenly stopped.

Maybe something should be said first?

From six o'clock in the morning, all the members of the project team have all started their work, and everyone has checked the modules they are responsible for countless times, just to ensure that this special quantum computer operates in this final inspection. of foolproof.

In order to achieve this goal, they have been working hard for 6 months.

----No, not just six months.

In fact, starting decades ago, starting from the Langya Conference, this generation of scientists has already begun to forge ahead for their quantum path, and until today, they have achieved staged success.

Ye Zhou raised his head and glanced at the faces around him. Some of these faces were still young and some were old, but each face was full of the same expectation.

Looking at their expressions, Ye Zhou suddenly felt that at such a time, no matter what kind of testimonials and clichés he said, it would be blasphemy to them.

They just want to see results as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou nodded secretly, and then tapped Enter lightly with his fingers.

There was no sign, and even everyone present did not feel how special this action was. It may be many years later, when those historical researchers dug out the dusty archives, they will find that this has a great impact on the history of China and even human history. The moment of significance actually happened so plainly.

Just a very smiling action, it rewrote all the history after that.

It's not just the people around the screen, in fact, even the computer's response is just as flat, no huge fan humming, no green codes flashing quickly, and no cool switching frequently. Pages, some are just an earthy, italicized label:

"please wait......"

That's right, the designers of this software even spelled the word "wait" wrong.

But now, no one will pay attention to this detail, the people present are just standing there quietly, their eyes fixed on the ellipsis that keeps flashing.

30 seconds.

The ellipses are still flashing, and the result is still being evaluated.

50 seconds.

Xiao Ping on the side lightly touched Ye Zhou's shoulder and asked:

"Xiaoye, how long do we have to wait? A 1024-bit prime number... No matter how powerful a quantum computer is, it will take at least an hour or two? Otherwise, let's do something else first?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"It won't take an hour, I estimate it will only take a minute or two. Mr. Xiao, haven't you made predictions before? How long does it take to solve the predictions?"

Xiao Ping's face showed a trace of apprehension, and after thinking for a while, he replied:

"If it is really calculated according to pure theory, as you said, the result can be solved in about a minute or two, but quantum computing also requires a bit of luck, plus we are the first trial production, all aspects will exist. Errors, I think, may still require a lot of trial and error.”

"Topological quantum computing is a field that none of us have practiced, and things that are purely theoretical are sometimes not so reliable here.... Hey, to be honest, I don't know how long it will take to get results, but let me I can't stand standing here."

"It's too torturous, my heart is not good. I have to go out first, Xiaoye, and the results will come out later, just tell me directly!"

While talking, Xiao Ping was about to walk out the door, and the other people on the side did not stop him, because they could understand Xiao Ping's current mood too well.

In just a few dozen seconds, the anxiety and expectations in their hearts have probably risen to the peak of their lives.

The heart beats violently, the hands and feet are weak, and they can't even talk in a low voice, because the tense muscles in their bodies make them lose the precise control of the vocal cords.

Among these people, the only one who is still relatively calm is Ye Zhou, but his calm is not because of his strong psychological quality, but because of the effect of his "courage" talent.

The ellipsis on the screen was still flashing, and Ye Zhou also began to feel a little anxious. He looked away and watched Xiao Ping, who was skillfully opening the onlookers, walk out, revealing a slightly hunched figure. A little old-fashioned.

How long can this old man last?

Ye Zhou sighed slightly, moved his eyes back to the screen, and then his pupils shrank instantly.

It's still the same dirt-to-explode interface, but the original "Please wait..." text has changed to "Complete."

Under the software, there is a notepad file.

Ye Zhou didn't even think about it. He controlled the mouse and clicked on the notepad. After seeing the two numbers listed separately, he immediately shouted:

"Old Xiao! The result is out!"

When Xiao Ping heard the voice, he turned his head suddenly, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Come out? ....... the result... right?"

Ye Zhou looked at the screen again, and after checking it carefully, he nodded solemnly at Xiao Ping.

At this moment, Xiao Ping's face was full of old tears.


After the success of the first solution experiment, the base did not hold celebrations, commendations and other activities like other projects, but only the project commander Xiao Ping and the project chief engineer jointly drafted a report document. After the approval of the layer, it is passed to the highest decision-making layer.

Even the content of this report document is mediocre, without any description of taking credit, and there is no impassioned wording. Except for the basic results and data reporting, there is only one simple sentence:

"The work has achieved initial results, and we will continue to work hard in the future."

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