Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 372 Information Tampering Strategy

Ye Zhou was sitting in his room, with Xiao Ping and Chen Hao sitting opposite him. The latter arrived at the base after receiving the experimental results. In the follow-up work, he will be responsible for the military and Coordination between the General Technical Office to coordinate intelligence collection and deciphering.

"...So, based on the current situation, the performance of our six-nosed computer is actually still slightly lower than expected this time?"

Chen Hao asked.

"It looks like this at present. The main reasons are micro-electromagnetic disturbance, insufficient number of effective qubits, and the influence of non-local effects. We cannot solve these problems in a short time, but fortunately, the anti-noise performance of topological quantum computer itself It is very strong, even if the external conditions are deviated, it can reach the basic usable standard.”

"However, it took nearly 140 seconds to complete the calculation of the 1024-bit prime factor, which means that in the follow-up intelligence analysis work, we must have a choice of priorities, and it is impossible to monitor all fields synchronously--- -Unless you get a few more 'six nose mirrors'."

Hearing Ye Zhou's answer, Chen Hao nodded slightly, then looked at Xiao Ping beside him and asked:

"Old Xiao, is there any difficulty in the subsequent large-scale trial production? Do I need to coordinate new resources here?"

Xiao Ping shook his head and replied:

"The resources are not needed. The current resources are enough. The main thing we need now is time."

"Time? What do you mean?"

Seeing Chen Hao's expression, Xiao Ping pondered for a moment, then continued to explain:

"I'm not talking about the time from an external threat - I believe that after the birth of Six Nose Mirror 003, that threat will soon disappear."

"What I'm really referring to is when our internal researchers reach the limit of what they can bear."

"To put it bluntly, this is a very real problem. In the past few months, everyone has been overloaded with work, and everyone's mental and physical consumption has been huge. Before the six-nosed mirror 003 came out, they could still rely on It's been a while, but now that the main goal has been achieved, it's impossible to make everyone work so hard."

"Everyone has human nature, and no one can resist this inertia, which is also the biggest problem in our project management."

"Especially when we are always in this closed environment, everyone's psychological fluctuations will become larger and larger.... So my suggestion is that under the right conditions, we can slow down the follow-up a little bit. The R&D process first focuses on practical design.”

"After we get the practical results as soon as possible, we can solve our urgent needs and then do other considerations."

Hearing his words, Chen Hao nodded solemnly.

It is true that this project team has been closed for too long. Although they advocate dedication and the spirit of sacrifice, this way of working is not long-term after all, and the members of the project team also need to relax moderately - however, this kind of work Relaxation can only be after crisis contact.

Therefore, how to use the highest efficiency to relieve the crisis has become the key to the problems they are facing now.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao looked at Xiao Ping apologetically and said:

"Elder Xiao, to solve your problem, I am afraid it will involve some confidentiality strategies... I will discuss this with Ye Zhou separately, please..."

"I understand, I understand, you can discuss it, then I'll go back to rest first."

"It took me so long, I couldn't bear it, so I went back and slept for 8 hours today!"

Ye Zhou and Chen Hao stood up, shook hands with Xiao Ping respectively, then sent him to the door, and then sat down on the sofa again, but Ye Zhou was much more relaxed at this time.

In front of Xiao Ping, he still maintained a stable image, but in front of Chen Hao, he wished he would collapse on the sofa.

Chen Hao shook his head amusingly, took out a bottle of ice water from the refrigerator, unscrewed it and took a sip before asking:

"Are you basically aware of the situation outside?"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"Clear. The six fleets are all replenished and ready to go to the Indian Ocean. Coupled with a series of transfers of their global military bases, you don't have to think about what they are going to do."

"But I'm curious as to how they're going to carry out the operation this time... air strikes on Punjab? Or do they use deterrence in exchange for negotiation as they used to be?"

"Their deterrence is no longer effective. This time, they will definitely do it directly. I also feel sorry for the third brother. A grain-producing area that was finally saved on the Deccan Plateau was beaten to pieces."

"Isn't they asking for it? If they don't do it, can there be so many bad things? Seriously, what is our follow-up plan?"

At this time, Ye Zhou had already sat up from the sofa. He looked at Chen Hao in front of him with a serious expression, quietly waiting for his answer.

"First of all, intelligence collection and deciphering must be carried out first, and this part still depends on you. I have to confirm with you first, how long do you think it will take us to decompose from prime factorization to rsa decryption? You should estimate conservatively. , which has a great impact on our follow-up plans.”

"Six hours."

Ye Zhou didn't mean to make a fool of himself, and answered directly.

"6 hours?? I want you to be conservative..."

A surprised look appeared on Chen Hao's face.

"This is conservative enough. There are more than 200 experts in the field of computer science in this base, and a large part of them have already participated in the military's decryption project. More than 40 people have a background in cryptography."

"In addition, there are more than 60 professional cryptography experts, all of whom have dealt with opponents countless times."

"Their experience is richer than anyone else, and I also provided them with a large number of RSA encryption model cases. Based on these cases, it is not too fast to design a fully functional decryption module in 6 hours. already."

Hearing Ye Zhou's explanation, Chen Hao nodded and replied:

"If that's the case, we can just skip the No. 1 plan and use the No. 2 plan."

"What is the first plan?"

"Symmetrical activity plan. It's very simple. It is to intercept the deployment strategy of the opponent's main combat units in advance, and then use some military mobilization to restrain them in advance."

"The advantage of this plan is that it is less difficult to analyze and obtain intelligence, and the disadvantage is that the deterrence is relatively weak."

"After all, in the eyes of our opponents, we are still obtaining intelligence through traditional methods, and the response actions may also be coincidental. Before they perceive the ultimate threat, they can't really retreat - they may speed up their actions."

"That's something we don't want to see. To be honest, we simply don't want to see this war really start."

Ye Zhou stood up, also took out a bottle of ice water from the refrigerator, took a sip before answering:

"I agree with this point of view. Seriously, just leaking information is not enough to disrupt their arrangement. Think about it from another perspective. If I were an opponent, I would not cancel the operation because of one or two leaks."

"It's only when there's really a major loss from this leak that I stop and think about what the hell is going on."

"However, the result of thinking is likely not to end the war, but to break the jar."

Chen Hao nodded in agreement and continued:

"So, we have solution number two: information tampering."

Ye Zhou was stunned, and instantly understood what Chen Hao meant.

"What kind of information tampering? Military dispatch?"

"More than that. To be precise, we want to tamper with all information related to this incident, including financial data, trade data, rear integrated dispatch data, and most importantly, military dispatch orders."

"However, doesn't such a large-scale operation directly expose our technology?"

"Sooner or later, it will be exposed. RSA decryption is a project that all capable countries are working on. The progress of the ugly country is only two or three years behind us. No matter how we hide it, as long as they find that their intelligence has been leaked on a large scale , you will immediately think of rsa decryption technology."

"Rather than timidly trying to hide, it's better to show them the sharp weapon directly."

"Sometimes, the sword in the sheath is not as good as the sword drawn."

Ye Zhou frowned slightly and continued to ask:

"Do you think they'll eat this set?"

"They will eat it. Now, no country has complete quantum encryption technology. Unless they revert their combat methods to World War II, abandon the data link and joint command system, and transmit all information by telephone and paper, otherwise information Leaks will be their biggest obstacle.”

"Based on this situation, withdrawing troops is their only option."

"Think about it, if a country can use technical means to mobilize your army, and you have nothing to do in the short term, is it necessary to continue fighting such a battle?"

"Our opponents are crazy, but so far, they are not stupid. They can definitely understand the stakes."

After listening to Chen Hao's explanation, Ye Zhou breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Then go according to your plan, and make a quick decision!"

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