Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 374 The Choice Of Businessmen


There have been countless wars in human history, but no one has been so close to a world war as it is now and was forcibly pressed.

Even in the missile crisis that year, the strategic preparations of both sides have not reached the current level.

Ye Zhou has seen in the news that the occurrence of a certain war often requires a fuse, and then this fuse leads to a small-scale war, and then "the war spreads to all parts of the world".

But this time, the so-called shadow of war skipped the stage of spreading, and in a very short period of time, came to the brink of a full-scale outbreak.

If the Ugly State really did air raids on Punjab as planned, forcing China to join the war, then the island nation was destined to take the opportunity to sneak attack on China—or sneak attack on the Ugly State, and the decisive battle was bound to begin.

Immediately afterwards, Mao Xiong's new hatred and old hatred are counted together, attacking the three fools of the Baltic Sea, Belarus entering the war, and Europe is all involved.

Yindu stabs China in the back, China is a country, and it will take turns to fight the Three Kingdoms and one place.

The Middle Eastern princes took the opportunity to take revenge and attacked israel.

Turks sent troops to attack Kurds.

Argentina took advantage of the chaos to retake the Falklands.

The northern peninsula will wait and see in the early stage. As long as the western camp shows signs of retreating, it will attack the southern peninsula aggressively.

srbija brought the power of captured F-35, rekindled the Balkan war, and marched into Kosovo.

All the conditions have been met. From world peace to world chaos, it will take less than a month.

The bears will fight, and the world will wait and see; but if the rabbits and bears open, the chain reaction will start immediately.

The result of the chaos is very likely to be a global restart.

----Unless, a certain force can stand up and turn the tide.

For example, the Ugly Kingdom showed alien technology far ahead of its time, and ended the Punjab war in the shortest time.

For example, the rabbit cut three heads and quickly conquered two countries and one place.

For another example, Xiong Da reproduces the glory of the steel flood and disrupts the whole of Europe.

However, none of these three possibilities happened in the end.

Someone used an even more incredible way to completely cut off this war chain at the first step of its initiation.

International public opinion was at a loss, and those senior researchers and writers seemed to have seen a ghost.

All they know is that the Ugly State official, who had been arguing with swords the day before, as if to drag the human world into hell, had already put down their weapons after waking up and made peace with their biggest opponent.

No one knows what happened to Eagle-chan that night.

But everyone can see that since that day, Eagle sauce has changed.

He can't stand up.

The number of standing aircraft carrier battle groups has been reduced from 6 to 3, overseas military bases have announced plans to dismantle them, the deployment of anti-missile systems has been postponed indefinitely, and the technical blockade has been gradually lifted.

The world has entered a long-lost period of true peace.

At this time, everyone suddenly realized that after some countries stopped, the world could become so beautiful.

No need to worry about sanctions that may come at any time, no need to worry about an unwarranted humanitarian crisis in your own country, and no need to frightenly curry favor with those monopoly giants in order to leak some leftovers from their hands.

Although such positive effects have not yet fully spread, everyone can see that in the next few years, the world will enter a new era.

Among all people, the first to spot this trend, of course, are those businessmen with a keen sense of smell.


December 28, Shencheng.

This is Edward's second visit to the city, and the last time was 10 years ago.

I remember that at that time, although Deep City had developed into a big city, the gap was still not that big compared to New York and London he had been to.

At that time, he was often worried because he couldn't find the food and hotel that suits his liking. Now he still has such troubles, but the reason has changed.

There were so many choices, he didn't know how to start.

In fact, since he got off the plane, he has been shocked by this technologically advanced city. All customs clearance procedures are electronic, whether it is customs clearance, declaration, follow-up car appointment and payment, all through a mobile phone Done, even the trash can has been replaced with an electronic induction system.

Edward was extremely puzzled about this, but the supplier representative who came to pick him up told him that it was just a small humanized design.

"Humanized design? But I don't think the process of littering has become more convenient... Or is it for environmental protection?"

"It can be said that it is for environmental protection - but it is not entirely for environmental protection. This is a smart city system. Relevant information will be collected by trash cans, public toilets, street view cameras, and intelligent sewers."

"For example, trash bins will collect information on the number and type of garbage thrown in, public toilets will collect chemical gas concentration and breath, street view cameras will collect direct traffic information, sewers will collect weather and water flow information, and so on."

"This information will form a data network, analyze the number and category of pedestrians in each area, and finally..."

"Wait wait! Let me guess!"

Edward interrupted the other party's explanation, and then said confidently:

"Is this used to fight crime? Identify the areas most likely to commit crimes through personnel characteristics, and then assign police forces to monitor them in advance!"

"My God, this is a genius idea, I think Chicago needs a system like this, do you sell it?"

The supplier representative gave him a somewhat amused glance and replied:

"Mr. Edward, I'm afraid you are wrong. This is not for fighting crime... In fact, it is for the city's unmanned system."

"Urban unmanned system? What?"

The representative pointed to a small unmanned car in front and replied:

"No, like this, it's a modular unmanned vehicle that acts as a mobile food truck and sells meals to nearby office workers."

"You see, it's just driven over from somewhere else because the smart city's data network points it to the areas that are most populated and most likely to need meals."

While talking, the various functional areas of the unmanned dining car have been unfolded, and the loudspeaker is playing cheerful music, and at the same time, there is also a magical "come and buy it" cry.

Seeing this scene, Edward burst into laughter, and then said:

"Although it looks sci-fi, it's a little funny to sell it... Maybe our mobile ice cream truck should also take this form."

"Yes. The reason why this unmanned vehicle is called a modular unmanned vehicle is because it can replace various modules, such as ice cream carts, breakfast carts, mobile ATMs, mobile nucleic acid monitoring stations, etc... This city now has Thousands of modular self-driving cars that you can keep an eye on on the street, they’re fun.”

"Thousands of units??"

Edward's eyes widened in shock, the representative nodded silently, and then said:

"How about we don't take the company's car today, let's try the unmanned bus first?"

"is it safe?"

Edward asked hesitantly.

In his opinion, "autonomous driving" is not really safe -- especially when Teslas are prone to failures.

"It's safe -- but it's also slow, and that's a real problem."

"It's okay, it's okay, I think, we weren't in a hurry, right?"

The representative smiled and nodded, then took Edward to the side of the road. After waiting for a few minutes, a driverless bus painted in blue and white slowly stopped in front of them.

"This car is not actually the most advanced driverless car. Its working principle is to follow it through lidar. You see, the bus in front is its target car..."

"Will this save a lot of manpower?"

"Yes, but this is not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to achieve full-time driverless driving. Now it is just artificial intelligence training."

"very cool!"

Edward exclaimed sincerely.

Before he came to this country, he was only aware of the hidden changes in the relationship between the two countries because of the keen sense of the businessman, and felt that it could be profitable here, but two hours later, after he got off the bus, he followed When the representative walked into the crowded night market stall, he realized how wrong he had always been about the country.

"So... are there so many people here every day? Where are the police officers protecting them?"

"In the police station."

"No no no, I mean patrol officers, patrol officers who deal with emergencies, such as robbery, theft, etc..."

Hearing his words, the representative smiled and replied:

"Mr Edward, this is not your country..."

"Actually, there are occasional robberies here, but street theft is almost non-existent. You know, all my information is on my phone, but stealing my phone doesn't give these thieves enough interest."

"The price of a second-hand mobile phone is only a few hundred yuan at most, and the benefits are not proportional to the risks. Instead of doing this, they might as well open a night market stall - Nuo, there are handmade coffee stalls there."

"It's punk...but, it's also beautiful."

Edward sighed deeply, then continued:

"I think I should apologize to you. Before I really came here, my impression of Huaxia was completely wrong. I thought that he was really dilapidated as some media reported, and the people lived in hot water."

The representative shook his head and replied:

"You don't need to apologize to us, and in fact, we don't need your apology either."


Edward's eyes widened in surprise.

"Because we don't care."

After a brief pause, the representative continued:

"Just like today, you may be our big customer. According to past experience, I should treat you well, show my greatest enthusiasm and humility to please you, so as to get your order. "

"But that's clearly not the case."

"You're still our valued customer, but not the only one."

"But if you want to buy the best sulfur-silicon battery in the world, we are your only option."

"So, we don't care."

"We don't care what kind of eyes you use to see us, and we don't care what the so-called 'international public opinion' is, because we know that sooner or later, we will become you and the world, the only choice."

"Yes, our country still has many shortcomings. After all, she is still in its infancy, but we know that day will come sooner or later."

Speaking of this, the representative smiled slyly, then turned his eyes to Edward and said:

"Like now, you can't even pay for your coffee without me, can you?"

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