Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 375: Eternal Day

Imperial Capital, Daxing International Airport.

In this highly modern airport, a very traditional ceremony is taking place at this time.

Of course, this kind of ceremony is not about worshiping ghosts and gods or worshiping the sky, but passing through the water gate.

Yes, a new aircraft was delivered to Air China, and today will be the first flight of this aircraft.

Two fire water trucks sprayed high water columns, the highest points of the water columns were connected together, and the colliding water currents dispersed again, like a waterfall, floating on the plane that was slowly passing through the water gate, bringing a touch of dazzling brilliance. rainbow.

The aircraft that is passing through the water gate is the first large passenger aircraft that is officially delivered and put into use, the c969.

The passenger plane is equipped with two Qilian-2 aero-engines with a total thrust of 320 tons. The fuselage is made of a large number of composite materials and has a wingspan of 63 meters.

Like the Boeing 787, the world's largest passenger aircraft, the cross-sectional shape of this aircraft adopts a double arc shape, and adopts the design of smooth wings, streamlined nose and shark fin-shaped wing ends and tail, which optimizes the head space. On the premise of ensuring the aerodynamic layout, the utilization of cabin space is greatly improved, and it can accommodate up to 410 passengers at the same time.

This figure exceeds the Boeing 787 by nearly 20%, and because of this, there have been many voices of doubt in the world.

For example, the excessive pursuit of the cockpit width may result in damage to the overall lift structure, the dense arrangement of seats results in a narrow space, and the complex electronic design reduces flight safety... and so on.

But when the plane was actually on public display and officially put into service, all those voices of doubt seemed to disappear overnight.

the reason is simple:

One country, the speed of light, issued an airworthiness certificate to this plane.

For the executives of COMAC and Air China, this certificate of airworthiness is not a relief at all, or even the icing on the cake, because according to their plan, no matter whether the other party wants to issue an airworthiness certificate or not, in fact, this time the first flight will fly.

However, with the traditional recognition in the industry, their work will become a little simpler.

At this moment, Cai Jianjiang, the chief engineer of COMAC in charge of the c969 project, was standing in a shadow not far from the water gate on the tarmac, and next to him was Song Zhiyong, the chairman of Air China.

"It's really not easy to come this way."

Cai Jianjiang sighed with emotion and said.

"Since the founding of the country, there has never been an easy time. But now, at least our own big plane has come out. In the future, our road will be wider and wider."

"That's what I said, but until the end, no one dared to make a deal. It's not like we didn't have the honeymoon period. What happened? After letting them slow down, they beat us harder than anyone else."

"It used to be before, and now it is now. Well, let's not talk about this topic today, how about the first flight in a while, and you're going too?"

Hearing Song Zhiyong's words, Cai Jianjiang nodded slightly and replied:

"Of course I'm going. If I can't make the first flight of the big plane I made myself, then I've spent the past few decades in vain. It's you, in fact, you don't need to go, you are a high-ranking person after all. Weight, if something goes wrong, I can't explain it."

Song Zhiyong smiled and said:

"I bought a car, and I have to test drive it myself. Now that I have bought such an expensive big plane, it's a bit unreasonable not to let me fly for the first time. Don't worry, I believe your level will be tested. It's been so many times, what's the problem?"

"It's not whether you believe us or not, it's a matter of principle..."

"All right."

Song Zhiyong waved his hand, interrupted Cai Jianjiang, and then continued:

"Principle things, I know in my heart. However, what I consider is not whether I am safe or not, nor is the performance of this aircraft stable and unstable. As the chairman of Air China, I must, and it is necessary to consider more many things."

"You know, this is the first real delivery of our domestic large aircraft, no matter how much confidence we have in this large aircraft, in fact, whether it is internationally or domestically, the safety of this aircraft is Still suspicious."

"This suspicion will not be changed by a pile of data, nor will it be changed by a certificate of airworthiness. What they are looking for is more perceptual understanding."

"This is a very simple psychology: a car, if your manufacturer dares not drive, everyone will not dare to drive; a dish, the chef does not dare to eat, other people dare not eat; a plane, if I don't dare to sit, and many people don't dare to sit."

"We can't accuse these people of being stupid, and we can't say, 'Let time prove everything' because time can't prove such a thing."

"We can only follow their wishes and do what they want to see."

"Don't think it's a compromise, like I said, this is the first big plane that I personally decided and organized to buy, and the first big plane in the history of our republic to fly on our own routes. , I don't want to miss this historic moment."

"So, subjectively, I want to sit, but objectively, I have to sit, so what's the hesitation?"

"Okay, don't think too much, let's witness history together."


Two hours later, Song Zhiyong and Cai Jianjiang took off the c969 from Daxing International Airport. After two hours of flight, they crossed most of China and landed at Chang'an International Airport.

There were no accidents in this flight, it was not like a first flight, but it was as if they had flown this road countless times.

The reporters who had been waiting at the airport for a long time swarmed up as soon as the two walked out of the cabin. One of the female reporters asked loudly while jumping:

"Mr. Song, how is the flight this time? Is our big plane comfortable?"

Song Zhiyong watched her movements, couldn't help but smiled, and then answered:

"Very comfortable! After flying for two hours, I experienced the first class, business class and economy class of the c969. I can assure you that the experience of this aircraft is definitely far better than that of most current airlines."

"In addition, our passenger entertainment system is also very advanced. I can even access the game hall through the airliner network in the air, and fight landlords in the same room with my friends on the ground."

"Trust me, it's definitely an experience you won't get on any other airliner."

Hearing his words, a male reporter on the side suddenly shouted:

"Mr. Song, I heard that the redundant thrust of this plane is close to 40%. Does this mean that if the plane is in danger in the air, the passengers can be brought back safely by only relying on the thrust of one engine?"

"This question may be more appropriate for you to ask Chief Engineer Cai."

Song Zhiyong looked at Cai Jianjiang, who was beside him. The latter pondered for a moment and replied:

"This question will first be answered in two parts."

"First of all, what is the probability that our aircraft will have engine problems in the air? But yes, so small that it is unlikely to occur during the flight life of this aircraft."

"Secondly, whether the plane can return safely on a single engine. Actually, it's not just an engine-related problem, but it's a flight-control system-related problem, contrary to what you think."

"Here, I can answer you in a responsible manner: At this stage, our aero-engine technology and flight control technology are all ranked first in the world. It is the world's first, not the first echelon."

"So, we can do what other planes can do; we can do what other planes can't do!"

Hearing his words, there was a burst of exclamation in the crowd, and then someone continued to ask:

"Chief engineer Cai, I have another question here. As the chief engineer of COMAC, what are your expectations for the future development of our civil aviation business?"

As soon as this question came up, the reporters who were still a little noisy immediately quieted down. After looking around for a week, Cai Jianjiang said solemnly:

"It's a big issue, and I can't go into too much detail here, and I can't reveal all the details due to confidentiality requirements."

"However, from the scope of the disclosure alone, I can answer your question from several angles."

"First of all, we will establish the world's largest and most intensive international freight and passenger routes in the future, making Huaxia the world's largest air port."

"Secondly, we will continue to update the models of large aircraft, pursue progress in the three dimensions of mileage, fuel consumption, and speed, and improve the efficiency of international air mobility."

"Thirdly, we will further deepen the reform of the aviation industry, train a large number of industrial workers, experts, engineers and related practitioners, create jobs and assume social responsibilities."

"These three strategies complement each other, and in the future, we will continue to strengthen our utilization of the sky and establish our own aviation network."

"Everyone knows that now we have the new Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road plans, and after our c969 first flight, the Air Silk Road plan, which has been disclosed to you before, will also officially enter the implementation stage."

"In history, there was once a country called 'the empire on which the sun never sets'. We do not have such ambitions to dominate, but we will establish our own 'route on which the sun never sets' through the development of the aviation industry."

Hearing his words, many reporters present showed expectant expressions on their faces. After a while, the short female reporter who was the first to ask the question asked:

"Chief Engineer Cai, I heard that we will build a route around all major countries in the world. Will this route be called the 'Air Silk Road' in the future? Or, internally, we will have other routes for these routes. call?"

A mysterious smile appeared on Cai Jianjiang's face. After a pause, he replied:

"This is a good question... In fact, we have discussed this issue internally, and the original name was 'Sunset Route', but this name was opposed by most people because they felt, um, unlucky. "

"So, we have given the route a new name after listening to some comments."

"But, today, I can't announce the name to you because it's tied to another major achievement in aviation."

"Please wait patiently, it won't take long, maybe in a few years, this name will be known to everyone."

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