On December 30, Hailan, the experimental field of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Xu Lei stood on the ridge in high spirits, with a wanton smile on her face, dancing and shouting at the brothers who were still struggling to harvest:

"Hurry up with your actions! Why are all the girls chirping, my mission has been completed, I'm just waiting for you!"

Hearing her words, a boy in the rice field in front of him raised his head with a face full of love, and answered helplessly:

"I said Lei Lei, don't sell it when you get a cheap deal there. Today's lottery is the best place to collect the fields you've drawn. You don't know how to help when you're done, standing there like a landlord overseer, what are you doing? !"

Xu Lei smiled and replied with a natural look:

"I won't help you to collect it, each person has two fields, who made you unlucky to draw in the corner? Besides, your terrain is a little worse, and your work is delayed? Vegetables are the original sin, don't make excuses. !"

"What kind of terrain is bad! Big sister, I am a terraced field, and yours is a flat field, can this be the same? Okay, don't worry about me, go and gather up the rice that has been harvested, it's time for threshing. "

"Be careful first, don't drop too many ears of rice, or you'll have to pick them up one by one later, which will be troublesome!"

Hearing this, Xu Lei pursed her lips in disapproval and said:

"So what's there to pick up, isn't it just a few ears of rice? How heavy can it be? We're going for 2,000 kilograms of yield per mu, is it still a little short?"

The boy who was still trying to cut the rice with his head down straightened slightly and replied:

"Strict, rigorous, do you understand! We are serious agricultural science, why are you saying that it's like settling accounts... Okay, you go to someone to move the thresher over, and then go to Bring the sack over here."

"This broken field... Sooner or later, I will connect it into one piece, and then harvest it with a harvester!"

"I already said I was going to buy a small harvester. Who told you to oppose it? Now you know it's uncomfortable? Bah, you're uncomfortable, I'm going to move the sack!"

As she spoke, Xu Lei ran briskly to the edge of the experimental field in the distance. Since she is not a professional rice farmer, she is not skilled in harvesting, and her face and hands were accidentally scratched by grass leaves. The small wounds, some of which were even oozing with blood, but she didn't seem to care about it.

On the contrary, the tutor who was threshing at the edge of the experimental field could not see her disregarding appearance. After complaining a few words in distress, she forced her back to the infirmary to deal with the wound, but she just went back and simply slapped her face. , after disinfecting the wound with the self-provided boric acid, he ran back again.

Looking at her expression, the tutor couldn't say anything else. After all, he had been busy for several months, and when the harvest came, he couldn't bear to let her miss this most important moment, so he just told her to cover her face with a mask , then let her run around busy.

Xu Lei first helped carry the rice to one place, and after making sure she really couldn't do the threshing job, she ran behind the threshing machine to help open the sack, but she wasn't strong enough to move it into a bag. Bags of rice, and finally can only stand aside to help weigh, record the weight of each bag of rice.

"Well, this bag isn't full enough... 56 kilograms. Next next, fill up a little bit, we're running out of sacks!"

"This one is too much! Be careful, you can pick it up when it spills out! 65 kilograms! The next one!"

"Okay, this 60kg, just fit this one, can you see it clearly?"

Every time she reported a number, Xu Lei recorded a number on the bag with a marker. After almost all the sacks under her feet were used up, the thresher on the side finally stopped.

At this time, her side was already full of bales of rice.

"This piece is one acre of land, the one over there is one acre, then the middle one is three points, the farther one is six points..."

"Be careful, if you make a mistake, I'll kill you!"

Hearing her words, the little junior brother who was bending over and calculating carefully gave her a funny glance, and then said:

"Sister Lei, don't be so fierce, or you can do the math yourself, you can't be wrong!"

Xu Lei snorted angrily and carefully checked the notebook in her hand. After a while, she and her junior brother came to the result at the same time.

"1836 kilograms."

"How many??"

The tutor on the side came over in surprise and looked at the numbers on Xu Lei's book.

"Is it right? Are you sure it's over 1,800 kilograms?"

Xu Lei nodded solemnly and shoved the book directly into the tutor's hand.

"Definitely! I counted it several times!"

"Great, great... 1,800 kilograms, this is still a single season. Even if the water, heat and fertilizer conditions in other areas are not as good as ours, the average yield per mu can reach at least 1,000. Two hundred kilograms."

"One thousand, two hundred kilograms, two crops a year. The early rice is calculated at 800 kilograms, and the annual output has exceeded 2,000."

"I remember that the highest annual production is only 1500, right? The production has increased by 40%!"

Hearing this, everyone present showed an indescribable smile on their faces, because they knew that the meaning of this number was much greater than it seemed.

The 40% increase in yield this time is not the previous increase in the yield of experimental fields, but after it has been extended to all major rice growing areas in China, the yield per mu can be increased by 40%!

This also means that from the moment of its birth, this new rice variety has reached the conditions for going out of the laboratory and out of the experimental field, and even without further improvement, it can become a pillar-type rice variety throughout China. !

It is precisely because of this that the difficulty of promoting new varieties of rice will be reduced by more than an order of magnitude, and they had previously considered that the goal of comprehensive promotion would be achieved within three years, or even earlier.

The annual average output of 2,000 kilograms has an easier-to-understand interpretation.

This means that, according to the average grain consumption level of Chinese people, one mu of paddy field managed by one labor force can feed at least 6 people per year.

Gone are the days of struggling for land and food.

Xu Lei looked at the bulging sacks with emotion, and a strange feeling suddenly rose in her heart.

After a moment of silence, she suddenly turned her head and ran to the experimental field. Everyone didn't know what she was going to do, so they could only wait there. After a few minutes, she ran back from the experimental field out of breath, still holding a large Holding the collected rice that was left on the ground.

She distributed those rice grains into everyone's hands one by one, and finally left the most sturdy one in her own hand, and then said to the tutor:

"Boss, tomorrow, I want to take a vacation..."


The next day, Xu Lei landed in Changsha on a plane. The luggage she carried was very simple, except for the backpack with clothes on her back, and only the suitcase in her hand.

She got on the subway with her suitcase, changed several trains, and then changed to taxis, and finally arrived at the destination of her trip.

Changsha Tang Dynasty Longevity Cemetery.

At this time, it was in the afternoon, the blue sky was clear, and the sun shined through the tall trees in the cemetery, casting mottled shadows on the ground. Walking among those shadows, Xu Lei looked solemn, but with a faint smile. .

She kept walking along the path until she came to the tomb that she always wanted to come, but never dared to come.

Xu Lei stood aside carefully and waited until the last group of people who came to worship left before walking towards the tomb, walking slowly and gently, as if she was worried about disturbing the sleeping old man.

The first thing she saw was the various "gifts" placed in front of the tomb.

Two small bowls, one with white rice and one with rice.

A violin, with interlaced bows and strings, seems to be able to play with just a little force.

Two bunches of fresh seedlings with water droplets, I don't know where they came from this season.

A pair of hard-soled shoes for tap dancing.

A pair of Mahjong.

The whole stick of Chinese cigarettes gathered together.

Several luxury car models that look expensive.

Xu Lei took a deep breath, carefully removed the gifts to make room, and opened her suitcase.

Inside, it was the rice plant covered with ears of rice that she had picked up from the Hailan experimental field.

She took the rice out of the suitcase and placed it in front of the tomb. After watching it quietly for a few seconds, she said in a low voice:

"Old Yuan, our Academy of Agricultural Sciences asked me to tell you that our gene-edited rice experiment was successful."

"The results are very good. The experimental field has increased production by more than 60%, and it is expected that the production capacity of ordinary grain fields will increase by 40%."

"Look, this is the paddy I picked up from the fields - a little bit incomplete, because the good ones are threshed and it's fallen."

"But you should still be able to see it, right? Look at the number of tillers and the number of grains per ear. It's much better than our previous varieties."

"According to this situation, we estimate that it will be fully promoted from next year, and there will be preliminary results in the year after."

Having said this, she stopped suddenly, and continued after a while:

"Old Yuan, I remember that the last time I saw you, I was still in school. I saw that you were in good spirits at that time, but I didn't expect it... Hey, forget it, don't talk about that."

"Last time you told me, let me study hard, graduate early, and choose the field of seed science. I originally wanted to choose it, but I was too stupid, so I chose facility agriculture in the end."

"However, facility agriculture is also very good. Our field management system is excellent, even better than what you visited in our school before."

"I still remember what you said about enjoying the shade under the grass. It seems a little difficult now."

"Because our direction is not giant rice.... Now it seems that the yield potential of dwarf rice is relatively large."

"However, it can't be done under Hexia, but it can still be done with a full meal."

"You may not know that there was another food crisis some time ago, and as a result, we never ran out of food from the beginning to the end."

"Hey, don't say, there is credit to you, and credit to us."

"How are we doing well?"

"I didn't dare to come to see you before because I felt that I didn't make any achievements, and I was ashamed to come here, and I was blinded by the bursary you gave. Now..."

Xu Lei paused for a moment, then raised her head to look at the boulder in front of her.

There are two lines of gold inscribed on the boulder:

Man is like a seed, to be a good seed.

"Now, I should be a good seed, right?"

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