January 1st, the imperial capital.

It's a brand new day for people all over the world, and even more so for the Liu Hai family.

He is not a native of the imperial capital, and he does not even live in the imperial capital at all, but on this special day, he appeared in the square of the imperial capital.

And the reason why he is here is very simple, because his old father, who is over 60 years old, wants to go to the square to watch the flag raising in the last period of his life.

His father has been suffering from lung cancer for two years, and his health is worsening day by day. Even if the rural cooperative medical care reimburses most of the medical expenses, cancer is cancer after all, and it is not so easy to overcome.

Seeing his father endure the pain of radiotherapy and chemotherapy after surgery every day, even the doctor couldn't bear it, so one afternoon 6 months ago, the doctor vaguely conveyed to him that "conservative treatment can be considered".

For the elderly at this age, the so-called conservative treatment means to stay home and spend the last stage of life well.

He was well aware of this.

He doesn't blame the doctor or fate, it's not that he's not really sad, but that his father, a retired soldier, doesn't allow him to have such "unmanly" thoughts.

Therefore, he can only hide his grief as much as possible, and greet the death that will come at any time with a smiling face.

According to the doctor's judgment, my father's condition has eased a little after one operation, but the chance of recurrence is 100%, and there is absolutely no possibility of any further intervention in the next recurrence.

When he heard this judgment, he once asked the doctor if there would be miracles, such as the sudden disappearance of cancer cells—he had seen many such cases in some tabloids.

But the doctor's answer dispelled his unrealistic fantasy.

"Don't believe in those unscientific things. If there was such a technology, we would have taken it out for you long ago."

"It's not a liar or a fool who makes up this kind of news. You should use your money where you really need it. Don't be deceived and be thankful, understand? I've seen this kind of thing too much, and there's no happy ending. !"

And Liu Hai can only nod silently, but what the doctor doesn't know is that even if he has said it so clearly, Liu Hai has not given up the slightest hope.

He applied for many, many new drug experiments, consulted many new treatments, and even wrote a letter to the top-level Union Hospital in China to inquire about his father's condition.

Although these things he did have not been reported for the time being, but in his heart, there has always been a vague expectation.

What if?

What if one person can conquer the sky?

What if cancer can be beaten?

My father is only in his 60s, and he has not reached the age to leave him, so he must work hard.

Therefore, when my father proposed to go to the square to watch the flag-raising, he agreed without hesitation, because he had seen from some professional medical reports that keeping patients in a good mood would also promote recovery.

However, it is not easy to achieve this desire.

My father was so fragile that he couldn't take a plane, and there was no direct high-speed train from where he was to the emperor. The process of transferring trains was too much tossing, and my father, who needed to ensure oxygen, couldn't bear it.

After thinking about it, he decided to do it thoroughly. He simply drove by himself and watched everything he wanted to see but never saw.

So he drove the new energy SUV he bought with a loan, and set off with a family of five.

Their starting point was Xining. On the way, they first took a detour to see Qinghai Lake, which was close at hand but had never been there, then went to Zhangye and Dunhuang, and then went straight to Ningxia to see the prairie in Inner Mongolia.

After passing through the big words of the Yellow River, they looked south to see the ancient capital of Chang'an, and then went east to Luoyang. Seeing that the year was coming to an end, they finally hurriedly entered the Heb province and headed for the imperial capital.

During the entire 3-month trip, Liu Hai worried several times that the battery of his new energy vehicle, which was less than 100,000 yuan, would be overwhelmed. He did not expect its performance to be much better than he expected. Not even three thousand.

This is much cheaper than the oil bill. I heard from the salesman that this is a silicon-sulfur battery, which saves electricity and lasts. He still doesn’t believe it.

With the dedicated service of this car, they hurriedly rushed, and the family finally arrived at the Imperial Capital on the night of December 31. After a short rest, they immediately drove to the square.

At this time, it was only 5:00 in the morning, and there was a substantial chill in the air, but this huge square was already full of people waiting for the flag to be raised. The father, who was tightly wrapped in the quilt, kindly gave way to the people around him, allowing them to enter the forefront of the crowd.

Liu Hai pushed the wheelchair in one hand and held his son in the other, saying thank you constantly, while the wife beside him took out the snacks they bought along the way from the bag he was carrying and distributed them to others.

Most people thanked them for taking them, and some didn't like to eat them. After taking them, they turned around and stuffed them into their son's pockets. Liu Hai just smiled and didn't struggle too much.

After they finally found a place and stood still, the time was approaching 7:00. The son on the side was shivering with the cold, and asked while chewing the sugar in his mouth:

"Dad, when does the flag-raising ceremony start?"

Liu Hai was taken aback by his son's question. When he checked the process of raising the flag on the Internet, he only told him to arrive as early as possible. He didn't really say when it would start. He opened his mouth vaguely:

"My dear grandson, today starts at 7:36. From January 1st to 10th, it will be 7:36. From the 11th, it will be one minute earlier every day until June."

Hearing the old man's words, Liu Hai smiled and said:

"You remember it clearly!"

"Ho... Then don't you remember clearly? Back then, you and I were the ones who almost entered the honor guard... Son, when the flag is raised, you remember to help me up, and I have to stand. Look!"

"Dad, don't you? You're not healthy, it's okay to sit..."

"No matter how bad your health is...then you have to stand! This is...this is, raising the flag!"

The old man's tone was a bit stern. After saying this, he couldn't help coughing again. The mother on the side quickly handed him hot tea, and after moistening his throat, he finally caught his breath.

After a pause, the old man continued:

"Your generation, the feelings for the national flag... No, it's not as strong as ours, it's not as strong as my grandson!"

"Don't underestimate this flag, it's not just a symbol...it's our soul!"

"The sacrifice of thousands of people... Haizi, you are a history student, you know, what is bloody mountains and rivers!"

"Compared to the Tang and Song Dynasties, the establishment of our dynasty and the sacrifices we made are the greatest."

"Ho... it's all over, the blood of the suburbs. Our flag, it's really blood-stained!"

"We...the country we laid down, you have to guard it! If you want to guard it, you can't treat this flag as a piece of red cloth!"

Looking at the solemn expression of the old man, Liu Hai nodded deeply, reached out and held the old man's hand outside the quilt.

Time passed by minute by minute, and 7:36 was about to come. With a loud slogan, the guard of honor walked out of the tower with neat steps.

The old man's expression gradually became a little excited. He looked at the guard of honor that was gradually approaching, struggling to hold the armrest of the wheelchair with his hands. When Liu Hai saw this, he hurriedly stepped forward to help him. The wife on the side wanted to put the quilt on the old man. But he was pushed away with his trembling right hand.

Afterwards, the old man's already weak body suddenly burst out with tremendous strength. He leaned on his legs, his hunched back suddenly stood up, and the quilt on his shoulders shook off, revealing his old green military uniform.

On his chest, several medals were quietly pinned there, reflecting the shimmering light of the morning sun.

Liu Hai held his father's arm tightly, even through the not-so-thin clothes, he could feel the thinness of the old man.

There was a sudden surge of unstoppable sadness in his heart.

Because he knew that his father's body had weakened to the extreme, and almost all of his last energy was used in this flag raising ceremony.


What should I do after that?

How much time does he have? And myself...... How long can I be a son?

Liu Hai bit his lip tightly. The phone in his right pocket vibrated, but he didn't have time to worry about it. Instead, the old man beside him felt something abnormal and said without looking back:

"If you have a call, please answer it quickly, the flag will be raised later, don't...look around!"

Liu Hai smiled bitterly, gently released his father's hand and took out his mobile phone, but the first time he saw the information on the screen, he suddenly froze in place.

It was a call from a doctor at Union Hospital.

He answered the phone in a hurry, but the doctor opposite seemed busier than him.

"Is Liu Hai? I communicated with you before, so, at 4 o'clock this afternoon, take your father to the hospital to find me, we have a therapy, you can give him a try."

"What kind of therapy?"

"Gene editing targeted therapy, I can't tell you too much now. I just got off the operating table, and I have to catch the next one. Remember the time!"

"Okay, at four o'clock in the afternoon, doctor, how can I find you when I arrive at the hospital?"

"Just report your name and place of origin, and someone will receive you. Don't say it, hang up!"

Wang Hai stared blankly at the phone that automatically turned off the screen, and didn't react at all for a while.

Gene editing... own father, is he saved?

It seems like a dream.

His thoughts were extremely confused, but at this moment, a loud password brought him back to reality.

The old man sang along with the accompaniment softly in his mouth, and a red flag slowly rose with the rising sun.

Liu Hai seemed to have forgotten the old man's instructions. He looked at the old man's face and then at the red flag.

Then, his eyes crossed the red flag, looked at the rising red sun in the distance, and then looked at the city tower.

At this moment, he had a feeling in a trance.

Under this sky, two suns appeared.

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