Kunlun Mountains, Gonger Peak, and the underground base of the Liubi Project.

Today was the first day that the base began to gradually lift the ban. Many project team members have begun to leave the base after review, but Ye Zhou is still here.

Although Six Nose Mirror 003 has been in normal operation for more than a month and has also played its corresponding role, this does not mean that the Six Nose project is over.

On the contrary, this project will continue to be maintained for a long time, based on the existing rsa decryption special quantum computer to further expand, try to expand it to other special fields, and finally achieve the goal of general-purpose quantum computing.

Therefore, Ye Zhou still needs to continue to provide relevant support for this project. For him, it is not easy to come to Kunlun Mountain once, so it is better to stay for a while longer.

Chen Hao also agrees with Ye Zhou's decision, but as usual, he has applied for Ye Zhou's mandatory vacation to his superiors in advance, and he has to urge Ye Zhou to confirm the time and place of the vacation every three or five days.

Ye Zhou couldn't say that he was bored by this, he just felt...a bit long-winded.

"You really don't have to rush me every day. If I want to come out, I'll tell you. Isn't this over yet? The peripheral group hasn't been withdrawn yet. I have to wait for them to leave before I leave, right?"

Chen Hao smiled disapprovingly and replied:

"You don't understand this. This is a psychological strategy. I have to make you have a sense of taking a vacation in your heart, so as not to delay it longer."

"It's been more than a year since your last vacation. Seriously, no one can stand the intensity of this work."

"You have also delayed the physical examination for 3 months. For this, I was scolded last time."

"So don't think I'm long-winded. Although these are trivial matters, as long as they are related to you, there are no trivial matters."

Ye Zhou sighed and replied:

"I know I know...hey, how's the gene editing going? I'm talking about the medical field."

"Can you give me a whole shot of genetic enhancement or something? It's better not to sleep."

"...You are poisonous, who dares to use this unstable technology for you?"

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou suddenly widened his eyes.

"Is there really such a technology?"

"...No, don't ask."

"If you have it, you have it. Can you be a little bit more rigorous as a scientific researcher?"

"I said no, even if there is, it is impossible to use it now. This is not only a scientific issue, but also an ethical issue. Even if we can modify the human body through gene editing, it will only be used after long-term theoretical verification. superior."

"Besides, the easiest gene editing to implement now is for the embryonic state. You are already 25, so what are you doing?"

Ye Zhou laughed and said with some disdain:

"You still want to bluff me at your technical level? The current gene editing technology can directly affect the gene structure by targeting RNA. Who said it has to start from the embryonic state?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you this, isn't it just a vacation, take a break----but I have to wait until I go to see how the six nose mirrors work today."

While chatting casually, the two walked to the control room of the six-nosed mirror, but what surprised both of them was that the atmosphere in the control room today was a bit strange.

Too serious.

In fact, since No. 003 of Six Nosed Mirrors completed the solution of the 1024-bit prime factor for the first time, the atmosphere of the entire project team has gradually become jubilant, and later, using this quantum computer to successfully complete the deterrence of the ugly country Afterwards, the members of the core team were the same as the Chinese New Year. They wanted to kill pigs every day to celebrate. Even in the most serious data processing work, everyone had a faint smile on their faces.

But today, that smile disappeared.

"what happened?"

Ye Zhou stepped forward and asked.

Hearing his voice, Xiao Ping, who was standing at the front, turned around and answered:

"Little Leaf, just in time for you to come, come and have a look."

"The work of No. 003 is a little abnormal today, and the noise rate is particularly high. The results we usually get in two minutes will take more than half an hour today."

"We retrieved the intermediate data and found that the calculation process of the quantum core was severely disturbed, and most of the noise became random."

"Has the properties of quantum chips changed? Has the external environment changed?"

Ye Zhou asked with a frown.

Logically speaking, the anti-noise performance of the topological quantum computer itself is very strong, and it is hardly affected by some traditional electromagnetic disturbances. Even if a small part of the background radiation will cause disturbance, its performance will not drop too much.

But now, according to Xiao Ping, the performance of this computer has dropped by more than 90%.

This is not random performance fluctuations, there must be some factors that interfere with the work of this computer!

"There is no change, the properties of the chip are normal, the external environment is also stable, and the electromagnetic radiation situation is even better than what we did two days ago."

"We've ruled out almost every possibility, but still can't find a result, and we suspect that some unknown particle might be affecting its work."

"Just now we have notified the Institute of High Energy Physics, and they happen to have a few people still in the base, and they will come to take a look in a while - but it can't be of much help, at most it's just a theoretical deduction."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly and replied:

"If it's an unknown particle disturbance... that shouldn't be the case. 003's core cabin shielding system is so strong that it hasn't been opened since it started working. How could there be a sudden problem?"

Hearing his words, Xiao Ping sighed.

"This is also the point of our doubts... Quantum computing is still too mysterious for us. Maybe many times, we can't figure out the real reason for it."

Ye Zhou hummed noncommittally, and after a pause, suddenly said:

"Would you like to try restarting?"

"...It has been restarted, but it still doesn't work."

"Then there's really no way. If it really doesn't work, replace the quantum core, but it's definitely too late today. Mr. Xiao, do you think this is an accident or a man-made event?"

Xiao Ping was silent for a moment with a serious expression, and solemnly said:

"I think there is a high probability of an accident. The reason is very simple, if our enemy has this level of technology to directly interfere with the quantum computing process, it means that their quantum physics level is at least decades ahead of ours, There's no reason to be beaten by us with a dedicated computer."

"Is it possible that they just mastered a certain aspect?"


Xiao Ping shook his head firmly and continued:

"This thing is not a martial arts secret book. It can't be used by taking out a scale and a half claw from the middle. Even if we build a special computer, we have thoroughly eaten its related theories from beginning to end."

"Interference is a more difficult thing than computing, especially when our environmental shielding is so extreme."

"To interfere, it can only be quantum-to-quantum."

"But to achieve this level of manipulation, let alone ugly countries can't do it, no one in this world can do it."

Having said that, everyone present relaxed a little bit.

It has now become a fact that the performance of No. 003 has been degraded due to large-scale interference, but as long as the source of this interference is not from the enemy, the problem is under control.

After thinking for a while, Ye Zhou said:

"Export the noise disturbance data, let's look at the time-sharing noise distribution, and find a way to fit the monitoring data changes to see which time period and under which conditions the interference is the strongest."

"It's been done, and the fitting results are not optimistic. It's still the same sentence, the disturbance is almost completely random..."


Ye Zhou's moment captured the key words in his words.

"Yes, it's almost random, but there are certain rules, such as the repeated occurrence of several disturbance wave peak combinations."

"Has the corresponding monitoring data changed?"

"No, everything is normal, so I'm not optimistic."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou sighed helplessly.

He knew in his heart that this so-called "regularity" can't actually be used as a reference for any analysis at all, because you don't know whether it is a real regularity or just a small pseudo-cycle that appears in a random process.

At this time, several experts from the Institute of High Energy Physics had already entered the control room. Ye Zhou raised his head and glanced at it. The girl named Lin Ling he met earlier was actually there.

The two of them recognized each other, but they just nodded, no further greetings.

At this time, the disturbed wave graph had been sent to Ye Zhou. He looked at the high and low curve above, and his eyes locked on the so-called "regular" wave.

It is true that similar fluctuations are repeated several times, but the interval before each repetition is different, and the intensity of the interference fluctuations is actually different.

This is most likely just a coincidence.

Ye Zhou thought so, but a thought suddenly popped into his mind.

What if this is binary data?

The "Decision Maker" talent is in effect.

From this messy situation, he pulled out a thread.

Ye Zhou immediately started to mark 0-1 numbers on the wave graph according to the peaks and valleys, but after the marking was completed, he asked relevant cryptography experts to repeatedly deduce it many times and found that this did not constitute meaningful information.

Ye Zhou frowned and thought for a moment, and then changed to use high perturbation and low perturbation to represent 1-0, and this time, in a very short time, the cryptography experts who were waiting on the side came to a conclusion.

"Ye Gong... This disturbance seems to be really meaningful."

"If you compile it according to the ascii code... In this series of numbers, the parts that we said are regular can really form words."

"What word??"

Ye Zhou's heart jumped suddenly, and then, the other party handed over the results recorded on the paper.

Ye Zhou's eyes swept across the line of letters on the paper, and after a half-second pause, he froze in place.

The muscles all over his body tightened, the blood carried a huge amount of adrenaline rushing through the blood vessels, fine sweat beads oozing out of his back, and his heartbeat was so fast that even the "courage" talent could not be suppressed.

After a full half a minute, Ye Zhou slowly turned around and looked at the group of high-energy physics researchers who were still discussing under the gazes of the audience.

His eyes were filled with unspeakable doubts and shocks, and the people he looked at were unaware of the current situation.

Ye Zhou raised his hand and looked at the piece of paper in his hand again.

On that, there are only 10 letters.


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