Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 379 Quantum Ghost


"Hello number one."

Ye Zhou fully understood the meaning of this sentence, because on a certain night not long ago, he used this code name for the first time.

Before that, he had never heard a similar title at any time or on any occasion.

The first time he saw the letters on the note, he almost immediately ruled out the possibility that the sentence was used to refer to other people, or to refer to other things, because this possibility was not at all. logically persuasive.

The reason is also very simple.

That is, he is the only one of all people here who has ever been exposed to things beyond the current level of human technology, and the situation they are facing now should obviously belong to the same category.

Ye Zhou's face was solemn. He put away the note and walked towards Chen Hao. After whispering a few words, he immediately walked out of Six Nose Mirror 003's control room and went to the command room of the underground base.

In the next few minutes, all personnel with insufficient security levels were removed from the command system and concentrated in the non-core work area, while the core team members who were able to contact Six-Nosed Mirror 003, except for those who continued to detect computer disturbances All but the two engineers were ordered to return to their rooms for isolation.

The defense forces of the entire base were all mobilized, the peripheral troops entered the base, and the base guards were all activated. After the last message was sent out through paper, the gate of the base was slammed shut.

This underground base has completely become an island.

No information could be sent out, no information could be passed in, the radio was completely silent, and even the wired communication system was cut off.

For the first time in reality, Ye Zhou exercised the transcendent command of the "Suiren", and his purpose was very simple, that is, to determine the source of the disturbance and the identity of the mysterious "communicator".

After everything was arranged, Ye Zhou went to Xiao Ping's room accompanied by Wu Ping and two other security personnel. He first explained to Xiao Ping his purpose of overtaking command, but ignored the background of the information on the note. detail.

Until the situation is clear, he must keep the information closed to the greatest extent possible, so as to eliminate all possible disturbances.

Afterwards, Ye Zhou went to the outer electromagnetic shielding room where the No. 003 host of Six Nosed Mirrors was located. After sitting down on the chair temporarily moved into the shielding room, he ordered Wu Ping to bring all the people on his list into the shielding room one by one.

And the first person was Lin Ling.

After entering the shielded room, Lin Ling's expression was obviously a little nervous. Although she had not received the news that the entire base had been closed, judging from the fact that the army entered the base and everyone was isolated separately, it was obvious that there was a big problem in this base. question.

What could be the problem?

Information leak? Spy Invasion? Or... six-nosed mirror No. 003 was damaged?

She couldn't think of the reason, and she couldn't figure out what it had to do with herself. After all, since entering this base, in fact, the things she had learned were basically useless. To put it bluntly, she was involved with the project. Success doesn't really matter.

Therefore, after seeing Ye Zhou with a frosty face, although she was a little uneasy in her heart, she was not afraid - this was probably because of her calmness and a clear conscience.

However, Ye Zhou's first sentence was far beyond her expectations.

"Have you disclosed the information about our conversation that night to anyone?"

Lin Ling was stunned for a moment, then shook his head subconsciously and replied:

"No! I know the principle of confidentiality, and I never discuss things unrelated to work!"

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, pointed to the opposite chair and motioned her to sit down. Behind him, Wu Ping was wearing sound-isolating earmuffs, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Ling's every move.

Lin Ling sat down cautiously, looking down at the ground, Ye Zhou noticed her movement and immediately asked her to raise her head.

"Sorry, I need to see your expression. Please remember that every question I ask you next is of great importance. If you hide anything, it may lead to serious consequences that you absolutely cannot bear."

"Such consequences include, but are not limited to, leakage of secrets, failure of the chain of command, and the outbreak of a full-scale war."

"So, please answer the question truthfully, and never distort or hide any details, understand?"

"I see!"

Lin Lin nodded nervously, and looked at Ye Zhou without daring to dodge.

After a pause, Ye Zhou said:

"First of all, I would like to give you a brief introduction to the current situation we are facing."

"In one sentence: The computer of No. 003 in Six-Nose Mirror has been interfered by unknown reasons, and after encoding and decrypting the interference intensity waveform, we found that the interference waveform can be compiled into a meaningful message through ascii encoding."

"And the content of this message is: Hello Number One."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Lin Ling suddenly widened his eyes.

She now knew why Ye Zhou's first sentence was to ask her if she had disclosed the details of the conversation between the two that night.

The quantum computer was disturbed for unknown reasons, something she had known for a long time. Although it was difficult to understand what happened in this electromagnetic shielding room, which was almost the strongest in the world, it was not inexplicable.

But infer from Ye Zhou's words, the so-called "interference" is not the purpose, but the transmission of information.

And the information passed is exactly about the content of "Number One".

This is very wrong.

No wonder his expression is so serious, because this is indeed an extremely serious threat, even from the most optimistic point of view, it also implies that the security system of the entire base has been broken - it does not even rule out that there are enemies lurking in the air. Possibilities inside.

Thinking of this, Lin Ling hurriedly said:

"I can guarantee 100% that I have absolutely not disclosed relevant information to anyone, nor have I had any possibility of unconsciously leaking secrets, I have never had sleepwalking symptoms, a normal mental state, and I have no habit of journaling or recording... ... Leader, can I ask a question?"

After seeing Ye Zhou nodding, Lin Ling continued:

"Can you be sure that this message is not a coincidence? If it is not a coincidence, can you be sure that the 'Number 1' in this message refers to you?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"The first problem: there may be coincidences in the information, because our understanding of quantum physics is too low to explain the random perturbations of qubits. However, from the current situation, the probability of coincidence is relatively low, because this information passes through The regular perturbation method is passed a total of 5 times."

"Second question: I'm not sure that 'Number 1' refers to me, but I'm the only person in the base known to be associated with this title, so my first step is to start with Find clues."

"Your question is over, now I'm going to ask you a question."

"Before, you received a notice from the project core team that when you entered the control room of the six-nosed mirror as a high-energy physics analyst, did you already know the specific situation of the disturbance of the six-nosed mirror? What is the preliminary judgment?"

Lin Ling frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, she answered:

"At that time, we mainly analyzed from several aspects, and there were five possibilities in total."

"The first, and the most intuitive, is that the base's electromagnetic shielding system has malfunctioned, and the disturbance is caused by electromagnetic radiation within the base."

"Second, it has been suggested that the material properties of the topological quantum chips we used may not be stable enough. After high-intensity operation, the material itself undergoes weak decay, causing the qubits to escape or fail."

"Third, there may be some kind of high-energy particle that we can't detect at present, which penetrates the shield and interferes with the quantum computer. This particle may come from the storm of a certain star in ancient times, but it just happened to be It's just passed by."

"The fourth, there may be some kind of gravitational effect, similar to the tidal, earth-moon effect. We don't know what the specific effect is, we just think it's possible."

Having said that, Lin Ling suddenly stopped, and her expression became a little weird.

"None of these four guesses can explain the reason why the disturbance will eventually form meaningful information. is the fifth one. We just put it up as a joke at the time. Now it seems that the most likely ."

"What is it?"

Ye Zhou asked with a frown.

Looking at Ye Zhou's doubtful eyes, Lin Ling took a deep breath and replied:

"Quantum Ghost."

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