Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 380 Adjacent Dimensions

"Quantum ghost? You mean probability cloud?"

Ye Zhou asked with a frown.

"Yes, the quantum probability cloud...theoretically, this is the only way in which it is theoretically possible to interfere meaningfully with the quantum computing process -- I mean, in the way we know it."

"How to prove this?"

"I don't know...we don't have any experience in this area. But what is certain is that if it is really some kind of quantum ghost that affects quantum computers, then we must be able to detect new The energy fluctuations. Or, to put it another way, the probability cloud and the extra dimension can be said to appear simultaneously to some extent, and its appearance will inevitably cause gravitational fluctuations.”

"But this kind of fluctuation is too small. Even with the most sophisticated non-resonance detection experiments, it is estimated that it cannot be read..."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said:

"There's actually a way to side-check if we're encountering some kind of quantum ghost -- if it's gone now, then even if it's not a quantum ghost, it should be something related to it, right? ?"

Lin Ling was stunned for a moment and replied:


Hearing this, Ye Zhou let out a long sigh.

He is not a professional interrogator, and from Lin Ling's current performance, it is impossible to immediately infer whether she is lying.

But at least one thing can be confirmed:

Such an impact will definitely not be achieved by existing human technology.

After a moment of silence, Ye Zhou asked:

"In your life experience, have you ever encountered any phenomenon beyond your knowledge and beyond scientific understanding?"

Lin Ling frowned slightly and asked back:

"Are you referring to paranormal phenomena?"

When the topic got into the technical field she was good at, the nervousness and anxiety she had when she first entered the shielding room almost completely disappeared, and a strong confidence gradually began to radiate, which made this scene or what could be called The atmosphere of the "interrogation" communication has also changed.

"Yes, paranormal."

After hearing Ye Zhou's answer, Lin Ling thought for a while before answering:

"No. At least so far, no."

"Leader, are you suspecting that this possible quantum ghost is related to me?"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"I can't be sure for the time being, but my intuition tells me that it has a lot to do with it. Do you have any understanding of the formation mechanism of the so-called quantum ghosts - or guess?"

Lin Ling nodded slightly and replied:

"Many, the most classic ones are speculations related to extra dimensions. In fact, for now, the relationship between quantum physics and extra dimensions is very large, especially under the condition that the gravitational strength is much lower than other forces."

"String theory is also often used to explain certain problems in the quantum realm, but it's a bit far-fetched to say quantum ghosts."

"If you want to talk about the most realistic and most likely way to form quantum ghosts, it should be colliders, particle detonation and the like... and so on."

Speaking of this, Lin Ling suddenly stiffened.

According to the judgment of the man on the opposite side, the interference this time is most likely related to him, and this interference may be related to quantum ghosts—quantum ghosts, which are related to high-energy physics experiments.

All this seems to have produced some kind of secret connection.

But how exactly is this connection established, and is it real?

Fear suddenly enveloped her, causing her body to tremble uncontrollably.

Yes, up to now, she has not encountered any supernatural phenomenon or any major accident, but if this interference is really related to her, then such an accident can almost be said to be in the future. is bound to happen.

What will it be?

She looked up at Ye Zhou, who nodded solemnly.

"You thought about it too, didn't you?"

"Discussing space and time in the quantum realm is a silly behavior, so, so far, you haven't encountered supernatural phenomena, which doesn't prove that this incident has nothing to do with you."

"From now on, we will increase your confidentiality level, and for a period of time in the future, you must be fully monitored until we determine the source of the interference, understand?"

"Understood! Then can I say hello to the family first?"

At this time, Lin Ling has completely calmed down, and she has even begun to plan in her mind how to spend a long time in a closed small room and how to keep her mental state stable during the continuous inquiries. .

"You can say hello to your family, but you must be under surveillance. Well, you can go back to your room first. If there are new requirements in the future, I will notify you immediately."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Lin Ling stood up, turned to open the door, and left the shielded room under the guidance of the guards.

Ye Zhou, who stayed in the shielded room, sighed deeply.

The first interrogation not only did not eliminate the fog, on the contrary, the scope of the fog became larger.

From a perceptual point of view, he didn't want this disturbance to come from the so-called quantum ghost at all, but from a rational point of view, this was indeed the only possibility they could explain with science.

If all other reasons are ruled out later, then the answer can only be found in this direction.

Eight hours later, Ye Zhou completed the inquiries of all relevant members. With the intervention of professional interrogators and intelligence agencies, the risk of information leakage and espionage intrusion was preliminarily ruled out.

Subsequently, Ye Zhou and the core team members analyzed the disturbance data for nearly 10 hours and found that the disturbance of the quantum computer continued after Ye Zhou closed the base, but the disturbance disappeared one hour before Ye Zhou officially started the inquiry No trace.

It was like a ghost, appearing without a sound and disappearing without a sound.

And those who hear its voice are like a great enemy.


"So, you think this might be the first paranormal event we've ever faced?"

Chen Hao, who was sitting opposite Ye Zhou, looked solemn, but there was some doubt in his tone.

At this time, the base had reopened, and Ye Zhou's overtaking command had ended. The superior urgently dispatched a professional working group to the Six Nose Base to take over the investigation, and Lin Ling, who Ye Zhou thought was the core of the incident, was also under control.

However, to really find out the cause of this incident, a deeper and wider investigation is needed.

"This is not a supernatural phenomenon, but a scientific phenomenon that exceeds our current level of technical observation. Its essence is still a basic scientific law, but we cannot explain it now."

After a pause, Ye Zhou continued:

"Speaking of which, I always thought that there would be a special management organization at a relatively high level for this type of incident - such as the Dragon Group or something, but it turned out not to be."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao's expression became lighter, he smiled and replied:

"Dragon group, you might as well approach the science program group."

"Actually, it's like this kind of supernatural - no matter what it's called, we have indeed filed a similar incident, but because the frequency of occurrence is too low, it is impossible to set up a special agency to manage it."

"UFOs belong to the Aviation Administration, ball lightning belongs to the Institute of High Energy and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, unknown creatures belong to the Agriculture and Forestry Bureaus at all levels, and Mirage, Peach Blossom Land, etc. belong to the Academy of Geology... In fact, almost all of these discoveries were finally proved to be Some kind of intracognitive event, and there is no further study."

"But this time is different. I estimate that for a long time, this incident will be handled as an extra-cognitive incident."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou sighed deeply.

"So, the lack of basic science will still seriously limit our understanding of the world at some point."

"Why, you also want to do basic science?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"No. Basic science is important, but applied technology is equally important. What I'm doing now is biased towards low-level applied technology. Being able to do these well is not a small thing."

"Although this matter seems to have a great impact on us at present, the actual impact is still limited, so there is no way to raise it to the first priority for processing."

"I will continue to do my own business, but once I find any clues related to this incident, I must be informed as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry, you were the core of this incident."


January 10, 20x5, is a day that is truly recorded in history by future generations.

On this day, the human world was in contact with the neighboring dimension world for the first time. Several institutions around the world have observed quantum disturbances from neighboring dimensions, but only China has adopted a cautious strategy.

At this moment, no one has realized that this strategy, which seems to be overreacting at the moment, will save the world, and all people in it, in the not-too-distant future.

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