Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 382 The Work Is Not Done

After crossing an antique-style stone bridge over the Turks River, the two returned to their campsite on a gentle lawn.

This campground is isolated from the main scenic spots, so there are no hotels, homestays and other facilities in the traditional sense, but correspondingly, the relevant staff have arranged complete camping facilities. In terms of living conditions, in fact, Not worse than those pseudo-star hotels in the scenic spot.

When the two returned to the camp, their parents and two elderly people were preparing dinner. According to the plan, they did not intend to let the accompanying service staff do it, but wanted to experience the feeling of a barbecue from the beginning to the end.

Experience that from chopping wood.

Therefore, Ye Zhou watched the scene of his father panting and swinging his axe to chop wood on the stake. He stepped forward to get the axe, and after laying out the dry wood, he simply slashed it open with an axe. After splitting more than a dozen pieces, he even fell in love with this feeling.

It's no wonder that some people always say on the Internet that "cracking is a crime". With the blessing of the "Master of Structural Science" talent, this simple destructive pleasure has been magnified several times, making him unable to stop.

Ye Shu wiped the sweat on his forehead and said in admiration:

"Hey, you kid, you don't seem to be quite agile. Have you been exercising all this time?"

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"Why don't you insist on exercising? You are forced to exercise every day by the leaders. The body is the capital of the revolution. Can you do it without exercising?"

"That's good, that's good. Before I came with your mother, I was worried that you would lose weight. We were watching the news, and it's been a tough time. But today, hey, you're still a lot stronger. It seems that your leaders are treating you well. nice!"

Hearing his words, Ye Zhou secretly murmured:

That's pretty good, and even better if I don't force me to eat a healthy diet.

However, he did not say these words, but put on a hypocritical smile on his face and praised the so-called health plan.

Anyway, the purpose is to reassure the parents, and it’s okay to say something against the heart---- Besides, if you look at it from an objective point of view, that kind of life that seems to be more painful is indeed very good for your health. Yes, after at least two years of perseverance, I already feel that my body is much stronger than when I was in college.

After chopping a large pile of firewood, Ye Zhou's forehead also oozes sweat. Although it was winter, it didn't snow on this day, and the temperature was higher than before.

Ye Zhou took off his slightly bloated coat, and piled up the firewood. Ye Lan was helping her mother to skewer the meat. Although she was a little unskilled, she was generally decent.

"Why isn't this meat marinated?"

Ye Zhou asked.

"What's the marinating? These are all excellent beef and mutton. Look at the snow pattern. It's a pity to marinate it. It has to be roasted now, and you can just sprinkle the seasoning on it when it's roasted later."

"Furthermore, the barbecue in this place is to eat pure, roast slowly, let the temperature gradually force out the juice of the red willow, and penetrate into the mutton skewer to form a special fragrance, I don't understand anything!"

Seeing his mother's smug look, Ye Zhou shook his head helplessly.

In fact, most of the family's meals are cooked by my father. Even though my mother is right now, if she really gets her hands on it, it might not be as good as Ye Zhou, who occasionally goes to the kitchen.

After confirming that the raw materials were almost ready, Ye Zhou planned to go to the side to start a fire. He took the igniter from the camping tent on the side and the wax cotton for the fire, but he didn't know whether it was because the temperature was too low or his operation method. No, no matter how hard he tried, the fire wouldn't start.

The old man, who had been watching the fun, couldn't bear it any longer, so he stood up from the chair, grabbed the igniter in Ye Zhou's hand and started to work, and said something like "You kids right now just don't have a life. Experience, you can't even make a fire", "we still made a fire in the snow at that time", "you can't make a lighter so advanced" and so on.

However, this pile of firewood did not give him the face of the nearly 80-year-old old man. If he can't give birth, he can't give birth.

Next came my father, then Wu Ping, who was standing guard, and finally the service staff at the camp. Five big men surrounded a small pile of firewood and tried their best, but they didn't start the fire.

The consecutive failures made Wu Ping, who had a calm personality, a little anxious. He looked at the service staff beside him and said:

"Hey, I'm going, this is really evil, what's going on, Xiao Mo, how did you make fires before?"

Xiao Mo spread his hands helplessly and replied:

"I don't understand this thing either. It used to be easy to make a fire, and there was wax cotton... It probably snowed two days ago, and the dry wood was a little wet, plus the recent weather It's cold again."

"Look, this firewood is smoking, barely a spark and it will go out soon."

"Then what should I do? Should I replace it with charcoal? No, the atmosphere won't be there with charcoal. If it really doesn't work, go and get some gasoline out of the car, pour some gasoline on it, and you'll be fine."

"...It's also a way, okay, I'll smoke. Leader, wait a moment, sit by the side for a while."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, looking at the back of Xiao Mo walking towards the RV outside, a bold idea suddenly popped into his mind.

Otherwise, would you be extravagant today?

To be honest, he provided the big toys made by his own technology, and most of them didn't play with him. . . .

Thinking of this, he stood up and shouted:

"Little Mo! Don't go! I'll give you the whole life!"

The three people on the side looked at Ye Zhou with a wanton smile on his face. They didn't think of what he was going to do for a while, until Ye Zhou ran to the side and took out his mobile phone and looked up at the sky, Wu Ping suddenly realized that he pulled the other two The man took a few steps back.

"What is he doing?"

Father Ye asked suspiciously.

"Well...he said he was going to give us the whole fire."

"Is it the whole fire, or the whole life? How to fix it? Void ignition?"

Wu Ping shook his head and replied with a smile:

"It's also fire, and it's also life... In short, just watch it, it's a good life."

After they discussed what Ye Zhou was going to do, his brief phone call was over. Then, he ran aside with a smile on his face and pulled Ye Lan and his mother away, and said:

"Don't look up for a while, be careful of hurting your eyes."

Hearing his words, Ye Lan couldn't help but ask:

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"It looks good, it will be here soon."

At this moment, as Ye Zhou's voice fell, everyone who was staring at the firewood was suddenly attracted by an abrupt bright spot next to him.

The bright spot appeared about one meter to the left of the firewood, and it was still flashing, and after each flashing, the distance between it and the firewood would get closer.

After a short dozen seconds, the bright spot finally appeared on the firewood.

Then, the flickering of the bright spot began to stabilize, and at a certain moment, its brightness suddenly increased.

Not only the brightness, but the diameter of the bright spot has also increased a lot. After less than two seconds of continuous exposure, the bright spot completely disappeared.

And that pile of firewood, and even the ground below the firewood, had been burned through by the laser beam cast from space.

After confirming that the laser irradiation had ended, Ye Zhou excitedly ran to the firewood, but the scene in front of him greatly disappointed him.

The firewood was burned through, but the result was completely different from what he expected.

The temperature of the laser was too high, and most of the firewood that was irradiated was ablated almost instantly, and the sparks remaining on the edges of the ablation were even less than the sparks they lit with wax cotton.

This thing can't be used for space ignition at all...

Seeing the shocked expressions of the others, Ye Zhou smiled awkwardly and said:

"I'm sorry... If this job isn't rotten, it's actually pretty good... Well, Xiao Mo, why don't you go get some gasoline?"

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