Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 383 Burn The Cage

Although the laser ignition plan failed, everyone except Wu Ping was still shocked by the scene just now, but their shock points were actually different.

For the old man and Ye Lan, they were surprised that the domestic laser weapons have developed to such an extent that they can even lock this pile of small fires with a diameter of no more than one meter from space. If they are used for anti-missile... ....Wait, this seems to be an anti-missile system.

But for the rest of them, they saw more than the laser itself.

Especially Ye Shu, since the last time Ye Zhou popularized the military equipment of Chouguo, he has been paying close attention to this piece, and also knows the position of the laser anti-missile system in modern warfare.

The space-based laser anti-missile system, once used, will have a shorter lifespan, but now, his son can actually mobilize such a national weapon through a phone call, just to light a bonfire.

So, what level has he developed in the country?

At this moment, Ye Shu suddenly realized that there would be no answer to this question.

Because he couldn't ask at all.

However, this is also a good thing.... Who can refuse to have a big man in his family?

Even this big man must remain anonymous for the rest of his life.

On the other hand, Xiao Mo finally ran into the RV and released a small half bottle of gasoline. Under the violent combustion, the originally wet firewood was dried up in an instant, and the fire rose as he wished.

Seeing this scene, Ye Zhou said with some emotion:

"Sure enough, gas trucks still have the benefits of gas trucks. If you are driving a new energy vehicle today, it is estimated that the fire will not be ignited..."

"A new energy vehicle will do, right? If you remove the battery, won't it still be able to ignite?"

Father Ye asked a little puzzled.

"It's lithium batteries that can be ignited. Now domestic new energy vehicles are basically sulfur-silicon batteries, and they can still be ignited... Okay, hurry up and ignite the charcoal."

"I found out that we are really dating. In fact, we could use wax cotton to ignite the charcoal first, and then use the charcoal to ignite the firewood. Each one of them didn't even think about it, just like this pile of firewood is better."

Hearing his words, Wu Ping laughed and replied:

"Probably this is the dignity of a man..."

The flames gradually grew stronger, Ye Zhou invited the service staff of the camp to sit around the fire together, and then inserted the red willow skewers around the fire, and started to grill the skewers in the traditional way. The aroma quickly dispersed. , Except for the dedicated guards who took a few symbolic bites and insisted on going back to stand guard, most of the people ate with the Ye Zhou family until the bonfire was extinguished and the moon was in the middle of the sky.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, Ye Zhou's long-standing pressure gradually dissipated.

With a warm fire in front of him, a deep and pure night sky above his head, and trusted comrades and friends around him, at this moment, he felt a long-lost peace in his heart.

He fiddled with the bonfire with a long pair of tongs, threw two new pieces of firewood into it, and then said to Ye Lan and Wu Ping who were beside him:

"Actually, before I came here, I always felt that this kind of vacation was a waste of time, but after I came, I felt that it was harmful, people still need to rest."

Wu Ping nodded and replied:

"Yes, in fact, Boss Chen has told me many times before, saying that I am the closest to you, and let me supervise you well, but I actually can't do this well - mainly because of the things you are studying, I don't. I understand, so there's no way to prioritize."

"I plan to ask Boss Chen to find me some non-confidential information in the future, so that I can understand a little bit, so that next time you tell me that the project is in a hurry, I can at least refute it."

Ye Zhou shook his head helplessly and said:

"I'm just being polite, you don't have to take it seriously... There are so many people who haven't rested, how dare I rest. Speaking of which, when was the last time you said you were going to go back on vacation?"

"In March, there will be someone new to take over for me for a while, don't worry, it won't affect the work. Moreover, the news I received here is that the security measures for you will be relatively relaxed in the future----- Ye Gong, have you received the notification too?"

Ye Zhou nodded.

In fact, a large part of the reason why he chose to take this vacation in a place where the security is far more difficult than the complete control area is the notice Chen Hao gave him before.

After the application of rsa decryption technology, the second thing the officials did was to try their best to decode all the intelligence of the other party about themselves, and to carry out a round of targeted strikes. Therefore, the domestic security situation, especially for him That said, it has definitely improved a lot.

If this trend continues, it can be expected that some important scientists in China who are still incognito will be able to return to their normal lives one day in the future.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou sighed with some emotion.

He once again realized the influence of national strength on individuals. When you are inferior to others, many things can only be done behind the scenes, but when you have crushing power, these things can be brought to the table. .

It was late at night, Wu Ping chatted with Ye Zhou in front of the bonfire for a while, then got up to check the post, while Ye Zhou lay down by the bonfire and looked at the night sky above his head.

This night, the moon and stars were rare. He carefully tried to find the positions of those unfamiliar constellations, but he always found nothing.

Ye Lan climbed over from her own position, sat down beside Ye Zhou, and then began to look at the sky above her head like Ye Zhou.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

Hearing Ye Lan's voice, Ye Zhou shook his head slightly and replied:

"Nothing special, just thinking."

"Thinking about what? The universe? Life? Or the meaning of the end of science?"

"...You're thinking too much, I'm thinking about the progress of the Nantianmen project. The nuclear-powered aircraft will enter the ground test next month, and I'm recalling the documents that Chen Hao sent me yesterday. "

"Is there a problem?"

"No problem, all parameters are based on the technical documents, and Mao Xiong also contributed some experience. It should be said that the current data results of this engine are a little better than I expected."

"If the test drive can be successful and the thrust reaches the calibration value, I feel that the first flight of the Golden Crow should be a little earlier than expected."

"How much ahead? I remember when the project was announced, didn't it say ten years?"

"Ten years is a conservative goal. In fact, for the project team, their internal goal is five years. Then, because of the lifting of technical blockades in various aspects and the large-scale conflict some time ago, Mao Xiong may be aware of it. Realistically, there is no more hidden tuck in technology, so the progress may be further accelerated."

"It has been two years since the Nantianmen project was established. The Golden Crow is the first milestone achievement, and the resources invested in the short term are also the most. If the situation is optimistic, it may be possible to fly for the first time in three and a half years, or four years. "

"This time is quite suitable, just to continue the blank period when the RSA threat ends... Then our development window in the future can be extended for a while."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Ye Lan hummed and continued:

"Brother, I said I wanted to ask you a question before dinner, can you answer it now?"

"Okay, just ask."

Ye Zhou still looked at the moon in the sky and replied without turning his head.

"Well... Actually, you know, I've been studying the history of international economic development recently. Then, I found a problem."

"The economic development of this world is not linear, nor is it uniform -- I'm not talking about blockades by powerful countries or interference by hostile forces, but some, how to describe, resource boundaries?"

"Since ancient times, the economic development of a country has been affected by this resource boundary. For example, the most classic is the development of several dynasties in history. After they developed to the later stage, they generally began to touch that boundary. ."

"The contradiction between resources and demand is getting bigger and bigger, and the marginal effect that can be obtained by fighting has been decreasing. Even the powerful forces that hit the Arabian Peninsula like the Yuan Dynasty finally began to decline rapidly."

"Of course, you could say it's a lack of productivity, but the problem is, it's not just the big countries that have this problem, but the smaller countries on the European side as well."

"In fact, our productivity has been developing in a spiral, but at the same time, the speed of resource consumption is also increasing."

"And when the resource consumption curve starts to cross the productivity curve, the decline begins."

"I've looked at almost every case, and then, I now have a guess."

"You said, could it be that our consumption value is fundamentally greater than the production value? Could it be that no matter how hard we try, we can't change the fate of this decline?"

"----Don't interrupt me, I know our productivity is developing, but what if this development is just because our curve hasn't peaked yet?"

"The technological explosion of the last century has made the development of productivity faster and faster, but at the same time, the speed of resource consumption is also getting faster and faster. I have a hunch that if this conclusion is correct, then our decline this time will be caused by Possibly more violent than ever."

"Even pessimistically, when the gap between the speed of productivity development and the speed of resource consumption reaches a certain threshold, we lose the possibility of continuing development?"

"I've thought about this question for a long time....I think the answer is very pessimistic."

Hearing Ye Lan's words, Ye Zhou suddenly laughed for no reason.

He suddenly realized.

----No, he actually always knew the answer to the question raised by Ye Lan, but he never systematically rationalized the logic.

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"First of all, I have to congratulate you, you probably stumbled upon the expression of entropy increase theory in economics. But if you look through the literature carefully, you should find that someone has proposed this idea. "

"And, they even gave a solution, and the key to solving this problem is: the explosion of technology."

"As long as there is a real technological explosion at a certain point in time -- not the kind where technology and consumption rise at the same time, productivity can leapfrog development, thereby narrowing the gap between what you call resource consumption and productivity development, achieve sustainable development goals.”

"As for how to achieve such a technological explosion? I don't know what they said, but I can guess that it is nothing more than international cooperation, increasing investment, and paying attention to environmental protection."

"However, I can also tell you that without the intervention of external influence, it is only internal optimization. It is difficult to break the so-called 'production-consumption' cage."

"It requires extremely precise calculations, extremely hard sacrifices, and it also requires luck. The problem is that humans can't rely on luck, because we have no chance of coming back."

"That's what worries you, isn't it?"

Ye Lan nodded solemnly, and after a while, she asked:

"Aren't you worried?"

Ye Zhou exhaled a long breath, got up from the ground, then picked up the last few pieces of dry wood and threw them into the fire, and answered:

"I'm not worried."

"Because, there is me."

"I'll light a fire and burn that cage down for us..."

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