Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 384 It's Time For Us To Be Hooligans

Ye Zhou's vacation in Xiata can be said to be peaceful, but thousands of kilometers away from him, the tide that has been rolled up because of the successful implementation of the rsa decryption technology has begun to brew.

In the imperial capital, in a small conference room, several people including Chen Hao were having a crucial discussion.

"...So, the Ugly Country has in fact confirmed our RSA hegemony, isn't that right?"

It was Chen Hao who spoke, and his eyes turned to a middle-aged man across from him.

"Yes, that's why they made a compromise recently. But, on the other hand, we don't think their compromise will last too long."

"Their technical accumulation is still very strong, especially in the frontier fields such as quantum computing. According to our technical judgment, even if they cannot make a topological quantum computer in one step like us, relying on the previous technical accumulation, manufacturing It's not difficult to come up with a low-temperature superconducting computer."

"Especially when they are already under a major threat, they are likely to mobilize national forces to organize research and development at any cost, which we cannot stop with our information superiority."

"In fact, the balance between our two sides is fragile. After they have made a series of compromises, the marginal benefit of quantum computers for us has begun to decline. If we disrupt their development indefinitely, it will eventually be very difficult. It might provoke a desperate revolt from them."

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Chen Hao frowned slightly and continued:

"So according to you, even after we have the RSA decryption technology, we still can't achieve complete dominance?"

"Of course not. When there is only one ugly country in the world with nuclear deterrent capabilities, they have not completed global domination."

"In fact, what we need to do now is not to use RSA to extort each other without fear, but to really apply RSA technology."

"Apply? What do you mean?"

"It's literally. However, it is not used in the core sensitive areas, such as tampering with financial data, tampering with military orders, etc. We must not be able to do it for the time being. However, even if we don't do these, we will use this Quantum computers, too, can still do a lot."

While speaking, the middle-aged man projected the material on his computer onto the screen in the middle of the conference room, and then continued:

"Among them, I have put forward several directions, you can take a look first, if it can be passed, then the rsa decryption technology we have in our hands is likely to have a far-reaching impact on our current development environment. …”


Two hours later, Shata.

Ye Zhou received the conclusion of this meeting from his personal terminal. After reading it, he was almost shocked by the black belly of Chen Hao's group.

Yes, this is not a final report that will be passed and executed immediately, but the possible future application directions of rsa decryption technology listed above are indeed something Ye Zhou cannot refuse.

Unlike what he thought, these directions did not focus on some grand and high-rise perspectives, but were subdivided into one thing, but these things, if all of them can be done, will be very important to the current situation. Circumstances can play a very subtle push.

It will neither disturb the already extremely fragile and sensitive balance between the two countries, but also remove obstacles to China's development to the greatest extent. Those who can put forward these suggestions have an understanding of the international macro situation. .

Among them, the first suggestion on the application of RSA decryption technology directly hits the core pain point of a large commercial company in Chouguo.

Interference and interception of Starlink system control instructions.

This is an extremely ingenious strategy. Elon Musk's Starlink plan plays an important role in the Ugly State's space strategy, but at the same time, it is a strategy disguised as a commercial behavior.

More importantly, looking at the global scope, even the allies of the ugly country themselves have not complained about this plan.

Therefore, choosing to use RSA decryption technology to attack Starlink has inherent advantages in terms of logic, morality, and maintaining the balance between the two countries.

The officials of the ugly country may be able to guess that it was us, but they cannot directly interfere, and it is even less likely that they will turn their back on it, because we only need a simple reason to get rid of this suspicion:

You say we interfered with your control system, what evidence is there? There are so many unknown rays and high-energy particles in the universe, why don't you blame the cosmic microwave background radiation?

Besides, the Starlink system itself is an extremely complex control system. Isn’t it normal that the control is not good? If that doesn't work, we're here to help you!

This is truly grasping the other side's soft underbelly - especially at the moment when the hard power of both sides is beginning to reverse, it is even less likely that they will take the initiative to destroy their international image.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou smiled slightly and continued to look at the second suggestion.

The content of the second recommendation is related to electronic signatures and electronic currency. The expert group recommends reading the transaction data of several well-known international neutral banks, and extracting from the database the domestic sensitive list, especially some members of the ngo organization. Transaction data, so as to identify some illegal forces active at home and abroad from the capital chain, and carry out precise strikes against them.

Among them, especially for electronic currency transactions that are encrypted with elliptic curve encryption and hash algorithm like Bitcoin, after the implementation of rsa decryption technology, their so-called anonymity will no longer exist.

In this way, some people who clearly know that they are suspected, but cannot grasp the specific evidence, can no longer get away with impunity.

Unless you are really passionate about leading the way for the enemy, as long as you use money to do things, you will be able to find out your details.

Ye Zhou actually has reservations about this suggestion, because it may involve privacy protection in some civilian fields, and there are disputes on ethics and policy boundaries, but at the same time, he also agrees with one point:

Correction must be overcorrected, otherwise it is better not to correct.

As for how to control the so-called "boundary", it needs to be carefully considered by the upper level.

However, taking a step back, it is impossible for most serious people to use those so-called "neutral" banks that are actually "money laundering". This strategy has little impact on the domestic public.

In addition to these two strategies, the remaining strategies are basically the operation of exchanging information hegemony for interests, including but not limited to exchanges in education, scientific research, food, currency, culture, etc., which even include "future "Frequency of appearance of elements of Chinese culture in Hollywood movies".

This made Ye Zhou feel a little emotional. Just like what Chouguo did to Huaxia before, now Huaxia himself has begun to exert his strength in soft power.

After reading the entire report, Ye Zhou thought for a moment, then called Chen Hao directly and explained his opinion.

"...So, in general, I have no objection to these strategies of yours, whether it is in terms of enforceability or the accuracy of strikes."

"However, I still want to remind one more thing: rsa is not a technology that can completely bury ugly countries. Until now, they are still the world's most powerful country."

"If they attacked before and we fought back, the RSA decryption technology just turned the situation between us into a mutual attack and defense."

"The centipede worms are dead but not stiff. To bury them completely, we need more development time."

"As the instructor's speech said, if we kill a beast, we can throw its body directly out into the snow, but we can't throw away the body of the Chou Kingdom."

"It's going to stay in the house to rot, stink, pollute our air, and it's still going to cause us a huge problem - we haven't even killed them out."

"So, we have to be fully prepared."

"First, the improvement of technology must not be stopped, and all key projects must continue to maintain the existing rhythm and efficiency."

"Secondly, the exploration of the 'Event No. 1' should allocate corresponding resources, because this event is likely to have a significant impact on the future."

"Third, we still have to be vigilant against the enemy and keep an eye on their movements at all times."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao hummed on the other end of the phone, and then said:

"Regarding Article 3, do you mean we're still going to have a more conservative approach?"

"Do not."

Ye Zhou paused for a few seconds, then continued:

"I'm talking about being cautious, not conservative."

"In the past, we have been wronged too much, and now we have weapons in our hands, I think..."

"It's time for us to play hooligans, isn't it?"

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