Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 385 Doing The Star Chain!

Ugly Country, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.

A Falcon 9 rocket is ready for launch on the launch pad. As long as the final inspection is completed, it will carry 10 next satellites provided by iridium communications company into the low orbit of space, and continue to complement Musk's Starlink system layout , to provide mobile satellite communications for the ground.

This is the second Falcon 9 rocket launched by Tesla this year. In just two months, they have completed the whole process of launch, recovery, maintenance, and re-launch. Compared with the efficiency Last year, it almost doubled.

Musk is extremely satisfied with this kind of efficiency improvement. He is an extreme utilitarian himself, pursuing the highest efficiency and the highest degree of completion in everything. If he can't do one thing, he can't be perfect. Saying it is a failure.

Everyone in the company has seen his irritable temper and tough methods, and no one is willing to disobey his orders - in fact, from the current situation, the benefits of obeying his orders, It is indeed the highest.

In the main control room, a man in a shirt walked up to Musk, who was sitting in front of the observation window, coughed, and said:

"Sir, our rocket is ready and ready to launch. However, we have a little trouble..."

"What's the trouble? Technical?"

Musk's brows instantly wrinkled, and seeing his expression, the visitor couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

If it is not for no choice, he is really reluctant to come and report bad news to the other party at such a time, because in the past year, Tesla and SpaceX have encountered enough troubles.

First, a series of failures of new energy vehicles, followed by the huge impact of Huaxia's sulfur-silicon battery technology on the new energy market, and then, just two weeks ago, the official of the ugly country conveyed to him for no reason that the With the intention of slowing down the chain plan, NASA's support funds have shrunk suddenly, and the second launch plan of Falcon 9, which has been in the final stage, has to use the company's own funds.

He even had to downgrade production plans to squeeze enough money to complete the launch.

But what about after the launch?

The construction speed of Starlink ground base stations is far behind the launch speed of satellites, which means that even if he can launch all 42,000 planned satellites into space within a year, the so-called communication network will not be able to. Can't really work.

The ineffectiveness of the communication network means that commercialization cannot continue.

If the service cannot be sold, there will be no income.

The only solution is to rely on official blood transfusions.

Judging from the current situation, the official blood transfusion may soon be stopped...

The visitor shook his head slightly, and after dispelling the bad guesses in his mind, he answered:

"It's not technical trouble, it's the military. They sent two representatives who seem to want to talk to us about this launch..."

"The launch? What's there to talk about? This is just a planned launch. Could it be that they plan to call it off now?"

The visitor looked at Musk with some embarrassment, and said hesitantly:

"Judging by their seems that way."

"What are you kidding me?? Call them over at once! I want to see them right away!"

"Sir, they are already waiting in the reception room. I'm afraid you need to go over by yourself. They said that what they want to talk to you about involves confidential information..."

Musk's expression became a little cold. He walked behind the launch commander and patted him on the shoulder. After indicating that the launch preparations would continue, he walked towards the reception room without looking back.

After opening the door, his expression changed instantly.

From the frosty face before pushing the door, it immediately turned warm as spring.

"Colonel Lewis, Colonel Dany, I didn't expect it to be you... Long time no see, why, do you also want to witness this historic launch?"

A man and a woman sitting on the sofa stood up and shook hands with Musk, and then the man among them said:

"Musk, you're still so energetic. How is it, Riley? I heard she's pregnant?"

"That's all lace news made up by tabloid reporters... You know, I don't have the heart to think about having a baby right now - Starlink is already busy enough for me. By the way, Dan Colonel Ni, how was the ice wine I gave you last time?"

"not bad."

Dany nodded slightly, with a gentle smile on her face.

"I figured you'd like ice wine because I noticed you were drinking mojito at the last dinner party - it's weird, my doctor told me that sugar makes me age faster, but the pattern seems to be on your side It didn't work."

"You're still so good at sweet talk. Well, let's sit down and talk."

The three sat down on the sofa, and after a moment of silence, Louis said bluntly:

"Musk, you probably guessed the purpose of our visit today. Actually, I don't want to go around too many detours with you. What I want to tell you is our suggestion."

"This launch, you'd better cancel it, and if you can't cancel it, delay it until at least three months later."

"You should know the reason. Huaxia is also launching low-orbit satellites. They have expressed serious dissatisfaction with your Starlink system. If they continue to launch regardless of their opposition at this sensitive moment, we are worried. Relations between the two countries will be affected.”

Hearing this, the smile on Musk's face became a little stiff, and after taking a deep breath, he said:

"Colonel Lewis, seriously, I don't quite understand what you mean - what does it mean that the relationship between the two countries will be affected?"

"Wait, let me finish. What I want to say is, is there any relationship between us and them?"

"You know, I'm a person who pays attention to current affairs. I also saw the confrontation some time ago. If we hadn't stopped early, it's hard to say in which direction things would develop."

"In this case, should we still think about how to be friends with them?"

"Colonel Louis, I don't understand. I don't understand why you guys are suddenly weak, just like I don't understand why our carrier fleet suddenly stopped moving, why NASA is ending its investment in spacex, I don't understand why we are stationed in Why did the bases of other countries suddenly withdraw... What happened to make you suddenly change your attitude towards our enemies?"

Hearing Musk's words, Louis' gentle expression instantly turned serious. He looked directly into Musk's eyes and said:

"It's not something you should know, and you shouldn't ask at all."

"You know, we came here today to express our greatest sincerity. We are just giving you advice, not forcing the termination of your launch plan."

"What I want to tell you is that your opponent is far more formidable than you think."

"Yeah, you can still stick to your idea and get this launch done, but after that? Aren't you worried about their retaliation?"

"No, even if you are not afraid, we cannot accept such a result. In any case, I have to tell you that if you insist on continuing to launch satellites, then all the losses you suffer after that will be treated as accidents. ."

"We can't speak for you -- no one's going to endorse you anymore, understand?"

After listening to Lewis' words, Musk's expression became a little stunned.

What's going on here?

He had never heard such a strong so-called "advice" from a military personnel, and it could even be said that it was no longer an advice, but some kind of... disclaimer.

As Louis said, they are unwilling to endorse themselves and take the risks behind the Starlink project.

Something must have happened.

This incident has even made the officials change their judgment on the military interests behind the Starlink plan, so that even if they give up the monitoring network and information advantages that can be easily established through Starlink, they must give priority to ensuring the relationship with Huaxia.

In the hands of the other party, what is the most incredible thing?

Maybe it's time to tap into some higher-level relationships to gain access to information that you don't have access to.

Thinking of this, Musk said:

"Sorry, Colonel Lewis, I didn't expect the situation to have developed to this point...but as you said, you are just giving me advice, so I also have the right to accept or not to accept."

"You know, this is not a single rocket launch at all, but a demonstration launch of rapid rocket reuse. We have been preparing for this launch for several years, and if we give up now, it means that all our early efforts will be in vain. already."

"I think even NASA understands the significance of this launch."

"So, I'm afraid I can't accept your suggestion----this launch must be carried out, but after that, we will reorganize the communication and rearrange the plan of the Starlink project."

"Do you think the military can accept such a plan?"

Louis and Dany looked at each other, and after a while, the two nodded slightly reluctantly.


Twenty minutes later, the two left the launch base. After getting into the special car, Louis opened his mouth and said to Danny:

"Fortunately, at least we persuaded him to rearrange the Starlink project, which is considered a progress."

"However, he is a lunatic.... We must continue to put pressure on him in the future, otherwise, he may really push the plan regardless, which is very unfavorable to our current situation."

Hearing his words, Dany nodded slightly and replied:

"I understand, I will communicate with NASA in the future."

"However, maybe this is also an opportunity - let him suffer a little loss, we can also test the limit of our opponent's ability, and we will not be too passive in the future response."

Louis sighed slightly.

"I hope so..."

Moments later, as their car pulled out of the base, a huge Falcon 9 rocket shot up behind them.

The smoke was so thick that the flames even darkened the sky.

And the owner of this rocket has no idea what kind of challenges he will face.

Such a challenge may even cause the huge empire he built up to collapse.

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