Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 390 First, You Have To Have A Ground Base Station

"What do you mean her son doesn't want her anymore? You ask carefully, why did he suddenly stop her?"

Ye Zhou frowned and stepped forward, reaching for the mobile phone in the old man's hand, the latter gave him a helpless look and let him take it.

The guide was still trying to communicate with the old man, but after Ye Zhou turned on the phone screen, he immediately discovered the problem.

No signal.

Ye Lan, who was beside her, took out her own mobile phone, which was also in a state of no signal.

"...Brother, there is no signal."

"I saw."

Ye Zhou answered helplessly, and then said to the guide:

"You tell her, it's not that her son doesn't answer the phone, it's that the phone has no signal. Did this place have a signal before?"

The guide quickly translated it to the old man, and then replied:

"Is there a there a problem with the phone?"

"It's not the phone that's wrong, it's the base station. Do you know where the base station is in this area?"

"What is a base station?"

"It's the iron tower, the signal tower."

"There are no signal towers around here!"

"...Are there any weird looking trees, or a straight telephone pole with a white box hanging on it?"

"Trees have trees! I'll take you there!"

A few minutes later, the group followed the guide to a fake tree on the hillside that looked plastic at first sight. Seeing Ye Zhou skillfully pry open the cabinet disguised as a rock, the guide was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

" this a cell tower? Can a tree be a cell tower too?"

"...This is a landscape base station. There are such things everywhere in the scenic area. In theory, if you kick a big rock on the side of the road, it may be a base station. There is a problem, and the ups blew up."

Ye Lan looked at Ye Zhou's movements and asked curiously:

"Brother, are you still doing this?"

Ye Zhou took out the deformed hybrid battery from the cabinet without looking back and threw it aside, then said:

"It would be strange if I didn't know how to do this. You're afraid you've forgotten what my old job is."

"Oh... yes, you are a communications engineer. How about it, can you fix it?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"It can't be repaired, the entire power supply system has been blown up, and the power supply module has also been burned. Call for repairs, but it will take a long time to come here. This place is too remote... First find a way to pick up the old man. , let her call her son."

After that, Ye Zhou got up and planned to close the cabinet door, but a faint shout suddenly came from his ears.

"Hey!! What are you doing!!"

Ye Zhou looked in the direction of the voice, and a figure riding a donkey suddenly appeared on the grass not far below.

Both Wu Ping and the guards scattered around the periphery put their hands on their waists vigilantly, but Ye Zhou recognized the identity of the man.

"It's alright, don't be nervous, it's Xiewei's person, it is estimated that they regard us as stealing the battery......"

A few minutes later, the man rushed to the location of the base station and wanted to continue approaching, but was blocked by Wu Ping.

Before he could speak, Ye Zhou spoke first:

"The ups are burnt and have to be replaced."

The visitor was stunned for a moment, and looked suspiciously at the deformed battery. After confirming that Ye Zhou was not lying, he asked:

"Are you tourists? Or from MS? Why are there so many people here?"

The guide wanted to answer, Ye Zhou shook his head slightly and said:

"We are not co-wei, or we found that there is no signal, so come and have a look. Is there a way to deal with it?"

At this time, the people who came had already seen that Ye Zhou's group had a special identity, and the originally tough tone had also eased.

"I came here to deal with it. I received a signal from the network monitor before and found that the battery here was working abnormally. Hey, the temperature has risen too much in the past two days, and the battery has been aging again. ...Can you make a move? I'm going to have a look."

Wu Ping stepped aside a little, but still stood in front of Ye Zhou. The person came to the cabinet and was about to open the door with the key, but found that the cabinet had been pried open by Ye Zhou.

"...You pried open the cabinet? Brother, you are familiar with your hands, fellow?"

"It's a didn't bring a backup power supply?"

"Take it, it's in the bag."

While talking, the person who came came took out a thin battery from the backpack, the size was a lot smaller than the hybrid battery that Ye Zhou pulled out before.

"Well, do you know the new sulfur-silicon battery? Which company are you from? Haven't you come up with a new battery solution?"

"Uh...I'm not one of them. You brought one?"

"Change one piece first. I can't carry that much by myself. Anyway, it's compatible. Put it on first, and then come back and change it in two days."

While talking, the person who came came quickly changed the battery, and after restarting, Ye Zhou's mobile phone finally had a signal display.

"Okay, it's very convenient. When did you receive the abnormal signal?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, the visitor frowned and asked:

"I said, big brother, you can't be friends with business, right? I can't answer your question, competition is not like this..."

Ye Zhou gave Wu Ping a wink in disbelief. The latter walked over to the visitor and showed him his credentials. The visitor then said in a panic:

"No, leader, I don't mean anything else.... My name is He Fang, I'm Huaji's coordinator, I just came to repair the base station, I didn't do anything else..."

"I know, we are also here to repair the base station... I'll just ask casually, if you don't want to answer it."

"You can answer, you can answer! The signal we received more than 8 hours ago, this is not just coming, the road is too difficult to walk, otherwise we can hurry up..."

"Eight hours is quite fast. The signal received in the middle of the night can come here now, which is good. Are there often problems here?"

The visitor shook his head and replied:

"There are very few problems. This is the first time this year. Usually, we are diligent in maintenance, and we will deal with it when there are signs. Now we are all agile network monitors. If the network is disconnected for more than 12 hours, we will all be held accountable."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, then looked at Ye Lan meaningfully, and said nothing.

After chatting a few words with the maintenance staff who came to repair, the group went back to the old man's house and dialed the phone. Seeing the excited expression of the old man, Ye Zhou sighed with emotion.

This was the first time he had come into contact with the lonely old people who really lived in remote areas. Before that, he had never thought that a temporarily unavailable phone would have such a big impact on these old people.

He walked quietly to the door and looked inside, and unexpectedly, the room was much neater than he expected.

Indeed, as the guide said before, there is only the simplest food in the kitchen, but there is still no shortage of basic materials such as rice, flour, grain and oil.

There are even a few bacon hanging on the beam, but from the degree of blackening, it should have been several years old.

"This looks seems to be a matter of self-care, right?"

The guide beside him heard his words, nodded and replied:

"That's the problem - to put it bluntly, it's still a problem of the road."

"The road here is too difficult to walk, the altitude is high, the terrain is complicated, the cost of transporting many things is high, and the courier fee is also expensive. Leader, think about it, for example, if I want to bring a box of instant noodles in, I need to be alone. It's a separate trip, not to mention other bulky cargo."

"So, the result is that the materials here are getting scarcer, and these people have less and less choice."

"Now I can occasionally bring them ham sausages and the like. What if the mountains are blocked by heavy snow? They only have some rice, bacon and other supplies left in their hands. Well, here comes the question: these old people, Not to mention whether they can cut the bacon, even if it is cooked, can it be chewed?"

"This question is too small to be said, and it even looks a bit ridiculous to people in the city."

"You can't eat bacon, can't you eat anything else? Why don't you eat fresh? Why don't you eat some small buns, big steamed buns, etc.? It's not really too poor to buy!"

"However, the fact is that you can't afford it. It's not the commodity itself that is expensive, it's the way the commodity travels."

Ye Zhou hummed, not knowing how to answer for a while.

As the guide said, this is a problem that can't be smaller, and it can even be said that this is a dead corner that is almost impossible to solve after the government has solved the basic life problems as much as possible.

But the question is, because it's a dead end, doesn't it exist?

Does the quality of life of these large number of left-behind elders need to be further improved?

This is an extremely sharp discussion. On the one hand, there are ultra-high costs and ultra-low cost-effectiveness ratios. will bring about an imbalance on the other side.

So is there a way to make up for this dead angle?

The delivery of daily necessities through the postman is just an imperfect way of delaying the military. It relies on the goodwill of people, not the rigor of the system, and it is inevitable that it will not last for a long time.

He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't.

This deep sense of powerlessness was something he had hardly ever experienced.

However, in the next second, a voice sounded from behind the group.

"The problem you mentioned is not really a problem, and it will be solved by next month at most."

Ye Zhou looked back in surprise, and it was the previous maintenance worker who was talking.

"How to deal with it?"

"Actually, it's not difficult... You make the problem complicated. Isn't the core of the problem that the road is difficult to walk, and things can't be transported in. Is it expensive to build a road?"

"Look, I came in on a donkey now, and the goods I can bring are limited. What if I change it to an electric donkey?"

"Our company just recently purchased a batch of all-terrain electric donkeys -- the kind with dual-drive tracks and wheels, and the load is much higher than that of live donkeys."

"It's not just us. I heard that Guodian's equipment has also been changed. They are more powerful. They have exoskeletons, like Death Stranding. Also, their operating environment is a bit more complicated than ours."

"And your post office. Damn, your post office should also carry out reforms. The response is always slower than ours."

"After that, a tourist-resident service point will be set up here. After the goods are brought in from the outside, they will be collected and distributed at the service point. The supply will be coordinated by several of our companies that are supposed to conduct daily inspections. The kind of logistics you mentioned is difficult. , it won't be a problem in the future."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou asked in disbelief:

"For these families, get an exoskeleton?"

The maintenance man shook his head and replied:

"It's not essentially for these households, but for the facilities here. For example, we are for base station maintenance, and the power grid is for their circuits. And to be honest, the cost is not as high as you think."

"The purchase price of one of our e-Donkeys seems to be hundreds of thousands. It is allocated to more than a dozen base stations within the range, and the cost of a base station has only increased by 20,000 to 30,000. In the field of communication, this is not money at all."

"Furthermore, this place is vast and sparsely populated, but there are still many villages in the country, such as the typical Medog before, which is remote but has a high population concentration. In places like that, the last eDonkey was very economical. already."

"Objectively, the long-term costs for the company are down -- especially when we're subsidized for assisting in the delivery of supplies."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou finally understood the official solution to this problem.

They did not intend to provide an independent solution for this problem, but carried out an integrated optimization based on the existing resources and facilities.

The two major infrastructures of power grid and communication exist by themselves. Then, it is only necessary to moderately increase the corresponding investment, even if it is only a very small increase, and the problem of insufficient materials can be solved by the way.

However, the premise of all this is that you must first have a power grid, and first you must have a ground base station.

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