Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 391 Will Musk Receive Bacon?

The grandmother who couldn't get through the phone thanked Ye Zhou and the group in dialect. Ye Zhou learned from the guide that she didn't understand the "no service" on the phone because she thought her son didn't answer the phone. himself was abandoned.

To her, this is probably the most terrifying thing that has happened to her in this waning age.

After getting on the phone, Ye Zhou taught her how to listen to the prompt tone on the phone. Her mood improved immediately, and she even dragged the guide to keep him for dinner, but Ye Zhou's itinerary was not over yet, so everyone could only decline .

After leaving the grandmother's house, Ye Zhou and his party continued to go to other settlements. The maintenance worker had to do a road test at each settlement, so they happened to be on the same road. After seeing a few typical left-behind old people, Ye Zhou Zhou set off to return, while the maintenance man continued to go deeper and do his routine road test work.

After returning to the river valley, Ye Lan, who had been holding back for a long time, finally opened her mouth.

"Brother, I now know why Starlink is a waste."

Ye Zhou glanced at her and felt a little funny in his heart.

In fact, before setting off, Ye Lan was arguing with herself because of the practicality of the star chain.

From her point of view, although Starlink has various problems, the advantage of covering remote areas is objective. We should not reject it, but should find ways to seize the opportunity.

Ye Zhou does not agree with this point of view, but what he said to Ye Lan before was some technical solutions, such as insufficient effective channels, poor stability, the difficulty of infrastructure construction is no less than that of ground base stations, the high energy consumption of Starlink ground base stations and the difficulty of maintenance, etc. , if these reasons are presented in a digital way, it will be convincing, but if you say it out of thin air, others really can't listen to it.

"Why do you say it's trash again? Come on, talk about it?"

"The first one is the issue of cost. Brother, you said before that the cost of a Starlink satellite is 2 million taht, but the channel width is only 40g. Now an ordinary 4g base station has 20g, and I just listened to that It is said that the construction cost of a small station is only 200,000 RMB at most."

"Although there is a certain gap in coverage, it is actually not a big problem to make up for the gap through quantity."

Ye Zhou nodded and added:

"Actually, most base stations now have microwave solutions. In remote areas, the distance between two base stations can be extended very far. The continued development of this technology will further offset the coverage advantage of Starlink."

Ye Lan hummed and continued:

"And it's not just this, I think, it's mostly a difference in route."

"Tell me specifically?"

"That's right, you see, Starlink's ppt is to solve the problem of network coverage in remote areas, but in fact, what they solve is only network coverage."

"Maybe the residents there can use the Internet, but they don't enjoy the extra dividends of infrastructure at all."

"There is no need to build roads, no need for inspection and maintenance, and no need to exchange personnel and materials. What if there is a network?"

"If you buy something online, can it be passed to me through the air? Don't you have to rely on the postman? Since you already rely on the postman, why don't you do a good job in the ground infrastructure?"

"The idea of ​​​​Star Chain is fundamentally different from our current thinking. We really want to build a fully connected world, but Star Chain... If this system is built, it will only create one after another. It's just an isolated island of information."

Hearing Ye Lan's explanation, Ye Zhou first nodded, then shook his head.

"It makes sense, but it's not entirely correct. The Starlink system has natural benefits for Ugly people, because they essentially don't have the 'bottom needs' like ours."

"When we see that an area has no network, we will further think that they also have no water, no electricity, and no commodity circulation, so when we go to solve the problem of no network, we will consider how to use the highest efficiency to solve the problem synchronously. All other issues."

"But they don't need it. On the one hand, their transportation network and living standards at the bottom are higher than ours; on the other hand, to be honest, they don't care that much about the life and death of that small number of people."

"Can't eat? Hungry, who told you not to drive to buy it yourself?"

"Under their system, the best solution is to treat the head and the feet, so Starlink can go so smoothly. But we can't, we have to do it all at once. This is for temporary peace. The essential difference to seek for the world."

During the conversation, the group had returned to the Turks River, which crossed the "tourist area" and the "non-tourist area", and they bumped into a maintenance personnel of the State Grid. Nets already use exoskeletons.

With a tall storage box on his back, in the background of snow-capped mountains and rivers, it is really exactly the same as the picture in Death Stranding.

The only difference is that he and the group he represents are not simply running for rewards and interests.

Ye Zhou took out his mobile phone with emotion and took a picture of this scene. Ye Lan even ran up to take a photo with others. Seeing his back gradually walking away, Ye Lan said:

"Brother, the exoskeleton you made is quite useful."

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"What did I do that didn't work - no, the exoskeleton is not my credit, only the battery part has to do with me, don't exaggerate my contribution."

"I know, I know, you are all good comrades anyway!"

"You should also be a good comrade. Well, try to make the old man call you comrade too!"

"Hmph, just wait, that day will come sooner or later."

After 6 hours of walking, the group finally returned to the camp. The others had already prepared their dinner. Ye Lan ran to the old man to talk about what happened today. When talking about topics such as bones, the old man could not help but wipe some tears emotionally.

He never thought that this kind of problem could be solved in this way.

Not to mention him, actually Ye Zhou didn't think of it either.

Technological progress has had far more impact on the country than he can see from his high office.

At the very least, relying on the achievements of a series of industry developments such as communications, electricity, infrastructure, etc., some people have truly been able to eat.

And this is only the first step. When the subsequent cross-terrain vehicles are further developed, the difficulty of ground transportation and the cost of material transportation will be further reduced. The so-called coverage advantage of Starlink will be completely reduced to a joke.

As for the equipment cost of the communication system?

Let Hua Kee give a 0.5% discount first, anyway, they often give a 20% discount and a 30% discount.

The most expensive thing is never the equipment, but the construction process, just like the least profitable domestic communication equipment is not the equipment, but the maintenance service.

At this time, it was four o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone in the camp set up a fire to cook noodles. They were going to have a special afternoon tea to replenish their strength, but the security guards suddenly brought over a person.

It was the maintenance man in charge of the communication coordination.

He was carrying a large bag of things in his hand, and his expression was a little embarrassed. He was obviously frightened by the battle in this camp. After seeing Ye Zhou, he opened his mouth and said:

"Leader, I have something for you, if it's inconvenient, forget it..."


Ye Zhou stepped forward curiously and asked.

"That, the bacon that grandma gave, she said she couldn't eat it anymore, part of it for you, part for that old brother, and some for me----I don't want it anymore."

The guide on the side also quickly stood up. He took the bag from the inspector and opened it. It was full of blackened bacon.

"Here's a piece of cake for us..."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly and said:

"It's a little thought from others. Just accept it. After the service point is established, you can help arrange it and pay attention to her daily life."

The guide nodded quickly, and then, Ye Zhou invited the maintenance man to eat noodles together. After the latter declined, he finally came over.

The washed bacon was cut into pieces and thrown into the pot. It mixed with the soup and gave off a strange smoky aroma. Ye Zhou picked up a piece of bacon from the bowl and threw it into his mouth, chewing hard.

It's really hard, not something that the elderly can bite.

But, it's also really fragrant.

He looked beyond the tents of the camp to the rolling mountains in the distance, then to the still blue sky, and finally stopped somewhere high in the void, and a question suddenly popped into his mind.

Will users of the Starlink system send bacon to Musk?

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