Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 392 The Second Message

Imperial Capital, a secret sanatorium.

Lin Ling has been in this nursing home for more than a week, but she still has not been able to adapt to life here.

With no acquaintances, no contact with the outside world, monotonous activities, and no way to continue her high-energy physics research, it can be said that she almost completely said goodbye to her past life.

She doesn't know what the meaning of this farewell is, nor what kind of information the official wants to get from her. In the past week, the most important thing for her is to answer questions.

Keep answering questions.

The main research direction at work, ideas about the research content and what you want to do in the future, your views on the cepc of lhc, your understanding of physics, when did you decide to embark on the path of physics, the past Have you ever encountered something out of the ordinary in your life, have you done anything on their list...  

The most important thing is, what exactly was the conversation with Ye Zhou that night.

Lin Ling didn't hide anything about these questions, because she didn't know what she had to hide, but after answering them in a circle, she suddenly felt the meaninglessness of this series of questions.

Yes, it is meaningless.

Now he is facing an extra-cognitive event in the quantum field, and official investigators are obviously still trying to find the answer in traditional ways.

How is it possible to get an answer this way?

What we should really do is to make ourselves more fully exposed to areas that humans do not yet understand, to contact quantum, to contact lhc, to contact string theory, and to explore a deeper and broader future.

Doing so may not bring the answer, but at least, it is many times more reliable than the questioning method like interrogating a spy.

However, what she didn't know was that this kind of interrogation didn't really want to get answers from her, but just used this method to eliminate all irrelevant disturbance factors.

In fact, behind this sanatorium, a virtual organization team composed of domestic high-energy physics and quantum-related scholars has been established. They are monitoring the disturbance of quantum computers every day, and they have also begun to build new quantum computers. , hoping to reproduce the situation at that time.

Just like human exploration of delayed erasure experiments, "recurrence" is always the first step toward the truth.

However, such efforts have not achieved very good progress-in the time dimension, a week's time is like a wave splashing in the sea, and it is not enough to make any waves.

Therefore, in the second week of the interrogation of Lin Ling, she was told that she could leave the nursing home for free activities, but was temporarily not allowed to participate in work-especially not to appear in the Institute of High Energy Physics.

"Then where should I go?"

Before leaving, Lin Ling asked.

"Keep in touch and don't leave the country. You can take this as a vacation. I heard from your leader that you haven't had a vacation for a long time. Take this opportunity to take a good rest."

Such an answer left Lin Ling somewhat at a loss.

If you can't go back to work, and you can't get in touch with things you are familiar with, how can you get answers?

She seemed to be caught in a vortex, or rather, a black hole.

In this black hole, countless information surrounded her, but she couldn't read any of those information.

"Can I see that....that Number One again?"

"When necessary, we will arrange for you to meet. But there is no sufficient evidence to show that you are actually related, and our current research is strictly limited to the exploration of 'phenomena', so please wait patiently. ."

"Of course, we have informed him of the progress of your investigation and will contact you through us if he deems it necessary."

Hearing this, Lin Ling had no choice but to agree.

In fact, he doesn't have much right to choose - even if he is involved in such an incident, in the final analysis, he is just a small role.

However, just before she was about to leave the nursing home, she was suddenly stopped.

She dazedly followed the staff back to the room she had just left, and got a piece of news that left her completely at a loss.

Six-nosed mirror No. 003 was disturbed again, and this time, the information conveyed by the disturbance was:


Xiata is where Ye Zhou is currently located, and Shahe is the name of this sanatorium.

At this point, no one can doubt the connection between the disturbance of the quantum computer and Ye Zhou and Lin Ling, but what this connection means and what kind of information it is trying to convey to the world, no one knows.

The information was immediately rushed to Ye Zhou, who gave a simple instruction:

"The surveillance continues, let her come to Shata."


A few hours later, Ye Zhou saw Lin Ling who had come to Di Lin Ling in Xia Ta. He didn't know the purpose of letting her over, but he just had an instinctive feeling that if he wanted to completely solve the mystery of this matter, You have to talk to her face to face.

Shiata's temperature was much lower than that of the Imperial Capital. After landing, she was still wearing a coat that was temporarily found on the plane. She looked bloated and funny, but the hair on her forehead and the anxious expression on her face were all over her. Ye Zhou couldn't even think of joking with her.

After saying hello to the family, Ye Zhou took Lin Ling and followed Wu Ping to walk on the trail before walking. After a short distance from Wu Ping, Ye Zhou said:

"It wasn't a good week, wasn't it? What did they ask you?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, Lin Ling was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer for a while.

She had expected this "Number One" to be eager to ask her about the latest disturbance.

After a pause, she replied:

"It's really not very good, mainly anxiety, I have absolutely no idea what's going on or how to fix it, it's never happened before."

"Moreover, I think there is also a problem with the direction of our current research. We should try to create conditions by ourselves to cause disturbance to the quantum computer, and study the difference between this disturbance and the disturbance we received before, instead of simply monitoring.. ...What can the monitoring detect?"

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"At least we have now received a second piece of disturbing information, which actually indicates the relationship between 'Event No. 1' and the two of us, which gives our subsequent research at least one possible direction."

"Actually, you don't have to feel so anxious. Monitoring you will become routine, but I can guarantee that such a routine will not affect your life."

"You should be able to resume work soon. At that time, you can try to find the answers to this series of mysteries in the world of high-energy physics."

Lin Ling nodded slightly and said helplessly:

"But I don't know how to start my research again. I feel like I've seen a ghost now - a quantum ghost... Does this thing really exist? What is it? What form does it exist in? What is the purpose of its connection with us? Up to now, all the information it transmits is irrelevant. If it really comes from a higher dimensional being, why not directly The unified theory is passed back?"

Ye Zhou gave her a funny look, shook his head and said:

"First of all, from the current facts, the time for each disturbance is limited, and the intensity of the disturbance is also fixed, which is likely to imply that even if there really exists what we think is a high-dimensional life body, it wants to It's not easy to get in touch with us."

"Secondly, we have not yet been able to rule out the 'randomness' of these two perturbations. A very simple guess: what if this is another manifestation of the delayed erasure experiment?"

"If in the future, we have the technology to stably interfere with the quantum computing process, then we have applied this interference on the Six-Nose Mirror 003, causing the interference to be transmitted to the Six-Nose Mirror in all time dimensions. 003."

"So, we, who are still in the 'past', intercepted this interference. So, do you think the whole logic is smooth again?"

Lin Ling was stunned for a moment, then nodded solemnly.

"This is probably the most likely explanation I've heard so far. You are the leader of the quantum computing project, and you have full authority to choose the way of interference, so it is normal to transmit information related to you... least more reliable than Quantum Ghost. Can you be sure?"

"Of course I can't. If I could, the information sent should not be these two inexplicable words, but should be information similar to '2030yezhou' that can directly anchor the disturbance time point."

"Maybe the next one will be."

"No, I have a hunch that the next message won't be there for a long time."

"No matter who the sender of the information is, its purpose is to make me pay attention to you, and I need to find out what your importance is."

"follow me?"

Lin Ling looked at Ye Zhou suspiciously, she thought from beginning to end that, at least in this incident, she and this "Number One" were on an equal footing.

That is to say, she and him are both "selected" people who need to find their true positions.

But now, judging from the other party's words, it seems that only myself was chosen.

And the other party, just as a basis to help yourself accomplish certain things.

But that doesn't make sense.

If so, shouldn't the message be the name of some top decision maker?

Only then can you get the most resources to support yourself. …

Thinking of this, Lin Ling suddenly froze in place.

Looking at the face of the man opposite, she suddenly realized that the resources that this person can mobilize may be much more than what she had preconceived about.

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