Simulation: Great Power Technology

Three Hundred And Ninetieth Chapters Far Away

"So, what are you going to do with me?"

Lin Ling asked.

Now that things have developed, she can say that she has fully understood the situation.

She originally thought that it was the man's limit to be able to configure security under the Six Nose Base, but from the current situation, his limit was far more than that.

In this case, what you can do yourself is actually only "cooperation".

Hearing Lin Ling's question, Ye Zhou also fell silent.

In fact, he didn't have any ideas on how to "deal with" Lin Ling, even though the disturbances received by the quantum computer now clearly indicated the importance of Lin Lin, but they did not indicate any direction.

Keep her by your side to observe?

No, as Lin Lin said before, observations based on classical physical theories have no meaning to find out the truth of the matter. Whether she is kept by her side or locked in a sanatorium, there is essentially no difference.

She must reach out to the study of quantum physics and high-energy physics, and the reach and depth must be wider and deeper than ever.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou thought for a moment and said:

"In response to this incident, we have established an investigation team, but now, this investigation team is still a virtual organization."

"That is to say, the members of the investigation team have their own jobs and are only in charge of the research on this matter part-time."

"I'm considering whether to set up a joint research institute for quantum physics and high-energy physics, which is independent of the current Huawu Institute and is dedicated to studying the connection between the two."

"You yourself have said before that now we have sky model and fraction model theory to explore the commonality of quantum physics and high-energy physics. This is actually a very good topic. If we continue to invest resources and energy in this topic, it will be very good. Might be a useful aid to the situation we are facing right now."

"So, my idea is to let you participate in the organization of this research institution—don't worry, I won't let you be the person in charge of this institution now. In fact, your ability is not enough to undertake such a research institution. responsibility."

"The General Technical Office will assist you, you just need to participate."

Lin Ling on the side nodded solemnly and did not speak.

"So you agree?"

Ye Zhou turned his head to look at Lin Ling suspiciously, the latter was stunned for a moment, and then asked:

"Can I still choose not to agree?"

"...Actually, yes. At least you can express your own wishes."

"I don't have any special intentions, I just want to get to the bottom of things. Now that you can give me this path, I'm quite satisfied—better than doing nothing."

Hearing her words, Ye Zhou sighed with emotion, and then said:

"Nobody's going to be worthless....especially in the next few years when everybody's going to be busy."

"Whether in the field of applied technology, or in the field of theoretical research, or in other fields of economics, sociology, or even culture, history, we will become very busy."

"You should also know that the international situation has changed a lot. If we were in the stage of catching up and defending in the past few decades, then in the next ten or twenty years, we will enter the stage of surpassing and defending. the offensive phase."

"At this stage, we need some breakthrough results to expand our advantages - the joint project you participate in later may be an important part of it."

Lin Ling nodded and asked after a moment of silence:

"So, does this project have a name?"

"No, I will let Chen Hao take one. Of course, if you have any good ideas, you can also tell me."

Lin Ling smiled awkwardly and replied:

"I can't, I'm just a nameless person, I'm just asking."

"It's a coincidence, so do I. So leave this kind of thing to other people to worry about, you just need to do your own research. By the way, if you find any abnormal situation in the future, you need to maintain 100% vigilance and notify immediately I."

"I'm your first priority in reporting, understand?"

"I see."

Ye Zhou hummed and didn't speak any more.

For him, everything that can be arranged now has been arranged. Lin Ling and the joint project team she will participate in will become a foreshadowing in the development of Huaxia. As for what kind of benefits this foreshadowing will eventually bring, he Can't predict yet.

The two continued to walk along the ancient Xiata Road for a while, and neither of them took the initiative to speak, and the atmosphere became a little awkward. Ye Zhou saw that it was almost dinner time, and signaled Lin Ling to start returning.

Halfway through, Ye Zhou suddenly remembered a question and asked:

"So, has your original department communicated with you about the future work arrangements, and are your wages still being paid normally?"

Lin Ling's expression was a little embarrassed, and after hesitating for a moment, he replied:

"The current work arrangement is to let me take a vacation first and not get involved in the original project, but after receiving the second message, the arrangement seems to have changed again... In short, I am now a homeless person."

"The salary must be paid normally, but don't worry about this..."

"Well, I will give you Chen Hao's contact information later, and he will arrange the follow-up. If you have any difficulties, you can communicate with him directly, or with his designated contact person - whether it is in life Still at work."

"Your secret level will also be adjusted, which may have a certain impact on your life, and you need to prepare in advance."

After saying this, Lin Ling didn't answer yet, but Ye Zhou himself was suddenly in a trance.

It seems that not long ago, I was the one who was told that "secret level adjustment will affect life", but three years later, my position has completely changed.

I hope that in another three years, the girl opposite me can also play the role she should play.

This is a very far chess piece, just like Zhongyuan, which has been freed from the battle of the corner dragons in a game of Go, and has not been paid attention to at this time. However, who can say this? Is it meaningless to drop a piece of Zhongyuan?

Maybe when the chess is played to the end, this Zhongyuan move can play a decisive role.

And take your time.

After returning to the camp, Ye Zhou immediately introduced the current situation and his plans to Chen Hao over the phone. The latter recorded them one by one and planned to report to his superiors to start preparations. Lin Ling also met Chen Hao via video call. In front of him, he arranged the follow-up itinerary.

Originally, according to the previous request of the superior, Lin Ling should take a full vacation, but the current situation obviously does not allow her to waste too much time, so that night, Lin Ling left by car and went to Rongcheng to meet Chen Hao .

Sitting on the plane that took off for herself, Lin Ling suddenly felt a little dazed.

At this time, she didn't know what kind of future she was about to face. Her confusion and anxiety were exactly the same as Ye Zhou who went to the Spark Factory for the first time.

Even more complicated than what Ye Zhou faced at the time, she didn't even know what she could do.

The only option is to go down this road with no future at all, and try bit by bit to peel off the fog and find the star that belongs to you.

Thinking of this, Lin Ling sighed deeply.

She leaned limply on the chair, playing with her hair in her hands, and couldn't help recalling Ye Zhou's face in her mind.

That face is obviously still very young, but the temperament revealed from his whole body does not look like a young man at all.

---- This also seems reasonable.

In his position, I am afraid that he has to experience and deal with more complicated things in one day than in his entire life.

At that time, he boasted that he wanted to sit with him in a conference room to see his face clearly and ask his name clearly.

And until now, he didn't know his name.

Lin Ling stared blankly at the indicator light on the seat, his mind was confused, and he didn't notice the cabin staff who had walked up to him.

"Comrade Lin Ling."

Hearing the staff's voice, Lin Ling sat up in shock, and the latter handed her a portfolio.

"This is your work arrangement in the future. It contains some regulatory materials related to confidentiality and authority. You can read it as soon as possible so that the follow-up work can be carried out smoothly."

Lin Ling hurriedly took the portfolio and was about to open it, but the staff stopped her directly.

"All confidential materials, please make sure to read them when there are no other people around you."

She smiled awkwardly, and opened the portfolio after the staff turned to leave.

As the staff said, most of the files in the portfolio are some rules and documents that she must understand, as well as a thin two-page work general direction plan, but under that plan, she saw a name.

Ye Zhou.

So, No. 1's name is Ye Zhou?

It's familiar, but I can't remember where I heard it.

There was also a line of words under the signature. The content was official, and the tone was indifferent, but it made her breathe a sigh of relief.

Because of this line of words, her biggest worry at present has been solved.

"Please support the follow-up work of the project to ensure the smooth operation of the project. Also: please Chen Hao to arrange necessary guidance and training for relevant personnel, and if necessary, please set a buffer period as appropriate."

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