Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 394 The Paradox Of Technological Development

After Ye Zhou hung up Chen Hao's video call, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening. Ye Lan pulled him to the mountain and looked at the stars for a while---- actually wanted Ye Zhou to take pictures of her under the Milky Way. , but the two tossed for a long time and did not understand how the camera's ISO and aperture shutter should work together, and finally had to give up.

However, although the Milky Way was not photographed, Ye Lan was quite satisfied with the warm yellow portrait under the night sky. After sending her to take a bath and rest, Ye Zhou went back to his tent, turned off the lights, lay on the bed, and entered. into the simulator.

The first thing he opened was the shopping mall interface. In the last few simulations, he had accumulated nearly 300 energy points, and it was time to change something useful.

What he needs most now is knowledge-based talents, especially things related to quantum mechanics and high-energy physics, but after looking around, he found that the cheapest knowledge-based talent in the field of high-energy physics is also sold for 1200 energy points It's simply not something he can afford now.

In desperation, he had no choice but to save energy points first. After all, changing other unnecessary talents would not bring too much profit, so he might as well wait until he had saved enough.

However, at the current rate of earning 100 energy points per simulation, it would take at least 9 simulations to switch to the elementary talent of quantum physics.

When these 9 simulations are completed, even controllable nuclear fusion will almost be realized, right?

If you think about it, this speed is in line with normal logic—theoretical knowledge without a material foundation is just a castle in the air, even if you directly give yourself the unified theory, what can you do?

No application prospects can be seen, and the status quo cannot be changed immediately.

Therefore, whether it is scientific research or technology research and development, we still have to take it step by step.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou clicked on the simulation selection page.

Before that, he had completed the two-stage simulation of Little Sun, the one-stage simulation of the Mystery of Life, and the one-stage simulation of the Omnic Kingdom. Taken together, the first-stage simulation of the three major plots has brought more Great immediate benefits, but the high-energy pulsed laser technology provided by the second-stage simulation of "Little Sun" will require a period of research and adaptation before it can be applied.

This shows that, starting from the second stage, the technology provided by the simulation has gradually surpassed the technical basic level of the current stage.

He clicked on the plot title of Little Sun's three-stage simulation, with four big characters on it: Fusion Armor.

The first time he saw these four words, Ye Zhou knew what direction it was without even reading the introduction.

Definitely has something to do with the first wall material of the fusion reactor.

The so-called first wall, which is the layer of material that directly wraps the plasma, is currently generally made of tungsten armor, which has the worst service environment in fusion reactors and faces the most severe material problems.

At present, the main problems faced by the first wall materials include high temperature mechanics, metal activation, welding, plasma control, neutron radiation, etc. Among them, the most difficult to solve are high-energy neutron irradiation, high-flux deuterium-tritium plasma Bombarded with two issues.

In a fusion reactor, high-energy neutrons are like bullets fired at the material, hitting metal atoms in the material without interruption, breaking the chemical bonds of the atoms, forcing the atoms to leave their original positions, leaving a single piece on the surface of the material. of potholes.

When such potholes accumulate, they become macroscopic damage voids.

On the other hand, atomic position changes will continue to accumulate on the surface of the material, so the process of continuous transfer from the center to the surface will cause the material to bulge, which is fatal to the normal service life of the material.

The cause of the high-flux deuterium-tritium plasma bombardment is more complicated, involving the cyclic reaction and fusion of neutrons and lithium, which affects the continuity of the fusion reaction, brings ultra-high pressure to the first wall material, and affects fusion safety. sex.

These problems are superimposed together, and the difficulty of realizing fusion reaction has increased by more than one level. Therefore, in order to truly realize controllable nuclear fusion, the material problem is also a difficulty that must be overcome.

Can this hurdle be overcome with just one simulation?

Ye Zhou was a little skeptical, but after thinking about it, in addition to the first wall material, controllable nuclear fusion also faces a series of problems such as plasma confinement, helium ash loss, self-sustainability of tritium, neutron radiation, energy export, etc. It also seems a lot more reasonable to solve one simulation at a time.

However, now he does not plan to continue the simulation related to "Little Sun", because the current domestic technical level is not even fully understood by pulsed laser technology. On the contrary, it is not conducive to the rapid realization of controllable nuclear fusion.

So, he quit Little Sun's simulation interface and entered the plot simulation interface of "Mystery of Life" instead.

And this time around, the second-stage mock title of Mystery of Life is even more explicit than "Little Sun."

"Immune Reconstitution".

Ye Zhou didn't know the details of this technology, but he vaguely remembered that there was a once-famous car-t therapy based on gene editing technology that had achieved good results in mouse experiments, but he had not heard of it in recent years. When it comes to the new movement, it is probably also entering a technical bottleneck.

The immune reconstruction technology provided by the simulator is likely to break such a bottleneck.

Then, after this technology is realized, it will bring great help to both tumor treatment and the treatment of existing immunodeficiency diseases.

Does this mean that AIDS is no longer incurable? Or, in further development, is it possible to develop a spectrum immunotherapy for viral diseases, immunizing all viruses with one shot of vaccine?

Ye Zhou shook his head and didn't think any further.

I am afraid that this question still needs to be evaluated by more professional experts in the field of medicine and biology. Before he has a preliminary understanding of this field, he does not plan to start this simulation.

Therefore, there is actually only one choice left to him, and that is the perception reconstruction technology based on the aes system that has been seen before.

The principle of this technology is to directly convert various perception signals, such as light signals, sound signals and pressure signals, into electrical signals to stimulate the corresponding neural modules, thereby establishing a "fake" perception system.

In theory, this technology can allow the "brain in a vat" to obtain comprehensive perception, and the scope of application is unimaginable.

Not to mention the most basic application of helping the disabled to restore their functions, virtual reality games, full-sensory movies, cross-space interaction, remote mechanical refinement operations, etc., etc., are quite practical and quite applications in short supply.

Especially at a time when the ratio of males and females is seriously imbalanced, such a system may even be developed for some wonderful uses.

And this may also be one of the technologies most favored by short-sighted capital.

After all, entertainment is always a human instinct...

This is the advantage of this technology, but it is also its original sin. As for how to control the development of this technology in the direction it should go, that is not something Ye Zhou needs to consider—this is left to the general manager technical problems.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou felt a little funny, because he discovered a technical paradox.

Those technologies that are most likely to slow down or even stop human development are often the fastest-growing technologies, such as fragmented information, short videos, and metaverses that have appeared now.

And those technologies that can fundamentally improve productivity have never been given much attention.

He sighed softly and sighed involuntarily:

The starry sky is too far, and the lady is too close.

Compared with the stars thousands of light-years away, the young lady with her thighs exposed, even if she is only on the screen, looks much more real.

Still, that's nothing to blame.

After all, even if you are busy enough to fly, you cannot completely resist those things that accurately grasp the bottom-level needs of human beings.

It's hard not to love it.

Ye Zhou patted his head, made sure that all the preparations had been completed, and directly opened the second-stage simulation plot of "Omnic Nation", and a large line of characters appeared in front of his eyes.

[The second stage of the omnic country plot simulation: Eyes open]

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