Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 395 A Sacrifice In Ancient Times

Ye Zhou opened his eyes and found himself in a wilderness.

----No, it seems a little inaccurate to say that it is a wilderness, because there are actually some low, wooden-structured huts around his location, which look extremely backward.

Outside those huts, there are twos and threes of "people" collecting labor.

These people all wore grass skirts, and some people who seemed to be of higher status were decorated with animal teeth and feathers.

----Wait, beast teeth? feather?

Is this a tribe?

primitive? ?

Ye Zhou took a few steps in shock, only to find that these primitive people were all silent, with dull and dull expressions on their faces. If it wasn't for the constant movements of their hands, Ye Zhou would almost think that it was a group of dummies. .

How could this simulation take place in such a place? Does this have a dime connection with aes technology?

Or, the perception reconstruction technology has already developed signs of development in ancient times?

But through what? Cultivation?

With his mind full of doubts, Ye Zhou walked towards one of the young people who were working. He was worried about the language difference, but fortunately the simulator had already made plans for him, and as the information flow slowly entered, He also immediately learned the language of the tribe.

"What are you doing? Here, where?"

Hearing his question, the young man looked up at him in surprise, then stood up respectfully and asked:

"Witch, has the sacrifice started? Wu, have the gods been born?"

Ye Zhou looked at the man at a loss, not understanding what he meant for a while.

However, in the next second, as the information flow continued to flow in, Ye Zhou suddenly understood his current situation.

Here, it is Lei Ze, Lei Ze Fangfeng.

The Lei Ze of "Shungeng Lishan, fishing Lei Ze".

This is really the ancient period. To be precise, it was the period when the so-called "Liangzhu Culture" of the Neolithic Age developed to its peak!

As for himself, he is the "witch" of this Fangfeng tribe, that is, a special role in a tribe who specializes in medical treatment, sacrifices, funerals, and chronicles.

He looked down at his shoulder, and sure enough, he found gorgeous feathers that he had not noticed before, and his arm was also tattooed with a simple and strange shape with some kind of vegetable dye.

Seeing this, Ye Zhou instantly understood the man's question.

Yes, he is going to hold a sacrifice for this tribe, and the purpose of this sacrifice is to restore the sight of "Qing", the once strongest hunter in this tribe.

"No, the sacrifice hasn't started yet. I have to go to the rope room for divination first, so that Qing can be prepared."

After he finished speaking, Ye Zhou turned around and walked towards the depths of the tribe along the route he remembered. During his drills, he saw all kinds of thatched huts, cumbersome stone tools placed in front of the huts, and occasional There are large and small pottery with some simple patterns.

Everyone who saw him greeted him respectfully, but Ye Zhou didn't respond one by one, just walked towards the so-called "rope room".

The rope house is right next to his "witch" residence, a semi-crypt-style thatched hut with a spire wooden structure covering the ground and no walls, just like he's seen on wilderness survival shows before. It's like a simple dwelling.

However, the elegant roof of this hut declares its importance. Compared with other thatched huts in the tribe, the roof of this hut is not only covered with thatch and straw mats, but also has a thick layer of mixed Some kind of adhesive black mud.

The area of ​​the thatched hut is not large, but the door is extremely strong. It seems that it was designed to prevent people other than witches from entering.

Ye Zhou pushed open the heavy door and walked into the thatched hut, and then, the scene in front of him made him stunned in place.

The ropes hung like cobwebs all over the hut. All kinds of ropes with different thicknesses, colors, and even materials were intricately arranged. On those ropes, one after another were tied with different shapes and different numbers. knot.

This is, the real knot note!

Ye Zhou always thought that the so-called knotted note is to use a rope to tie several knots at will, each knot represents a major event, and the real retention of information still depends on the memory in his mind, but today, he knows that he is wrong .

Think about it too, how could a way of chronicling that can be recorded on a large scale before the advent of writing is just as simple as tying a knot?

This is a special coding system. The only difference between it and the writing system is the material it carries. Even if it continues to develop, human writing is likely to be presented in a completely different way.

In ancient times, did the ancestors of the Chinese nation already have such wisdom?

Ye Zhou couldn't help but sigh, but now is obviously not the time to sigh.

He came here in search of information.

His eyes wandered through the ropes and knots in the house, and after reading one knot after another, he finally found what he was looking for.

In the daytime when the full moon was full, Qing went out hunting and was burned by the venom from a poisonous snake. Although he saved his life with all his efforts, his eyes were completely blind.

After reading this, Ye Zhou's mind automatically came up with memories of Qing, and he suddenly remembered that Qing was the hunter who contributed the most in this tribe. The people of the tribe endured a severe famine.

If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't learn to tie a rope to keep notes, his position as a witch would actually belong to him.

That's why he organized a "sacrifice" to help him restore light.

Thinking of this, a light flashed in Ye Zhou's mind, and he knew why he appeared in this simulation.

This is probably the first time in human history that people who have lost a certain sense of perception have tried to regain their senses by relying on their own strength.

But how to do it?

Ye Zhou carefully searched for the memories of the information flow, and finally, when the sky was getting dark, with the records in the rope house, he finally recovered the entire process of a sacrifice.

So, after the sky was completely dark, Ye Zhou came to the altar built with mud and stones in the middle of the tribe.

"Sunset oh.... dark sky oh..."

The moment he stood on the altar, as if some irresistible force grabbed his body, he faced the bonfire lit on the altar and began to chant the lyrics.

A voice like the Humai of later generations came out of Ye Zhou's throat, two completely different tones mixed together, like a distant eagle cry, and like a muffled thunder close to his ears.

Ye Zhou's hands and feet kept dancing, he held a bunch of herbs in his left hand, and a pottery bowl in his right hand, as the herbs kept passing over the flames, a psychedelic smoke gradually rose.

After inhaling the smoke, the expressions of the onlookers slowly became confused, and then all of them suddenly cheered up.

They looked at Ye Zhou's movements one by one, imitating his movements and dancing, the footsteps of the tap gradually unified, and the most primitive drums echoed in the open field.

The sparks swirling on the bonfire, the dancing crowds, the mysterious and distant shouts, and the deep blue sky reflected by the stars and the moon...

If someone sees this scene, I am afraid that what they will feel is not the so-called "weird", but the power under the aggregation of this primitive belief.

Ye Zhou put the herbs on the fire for the last time, and then stuffed them into his mouth.

The bitter taste rose up on his taste buds, and the violent hallucinogenic substance made him almost unable to control himself - even with the gift of "Resistant".

After a short moment, Ye Zhou spit out the herbs in his mouth and let him continue to ferment in the bowl. Then, he held the pottery bowl with one hand and placed it on the highest point of the flame. The high temperature burned his skin, but the paralysis of the herbs Underneath, he remained unmoved.

" the sky.... Taihao is coming..."

A series of lyrics were so simple that they could hardly make a sentence, but everyone around seemed to understand the lyrics. Two men supported Qing in the middle to the altar. Ye Zhou took the almost boiled herbs from the fire, and then ignored them. The scalding high temperature directly smeared the herbs on Qing's eye sockets with his hands!

The juice dripped into Qing's eyes, Ye Zhou saw his instantly distorted expression, and his heart also twitched.

After a while, Ao's expression suddenly changed to surprise.

"I see, Wu, I see it!"

However, as soon as his voice fell, the herbs infiltrated through the blood caused him to faint.

Seeing this scene, Ye Zhou involuntarily froze in place.

see? see what?

He himself absolutely does not believe that this ancient ritual of witchcraft can restore vision. The reason to complete it is just to explore along the simulated plot.

----and many more.

Not being able to see doesn't mean that he doesn't have the illusion of seeing.


My "witch" is not "healing", but creating illusions.

The special ingredient of the herb stimulated Qing's optic nerve, making him think he saw it.

This is probably the earliest exploration of aes technology?

There is no practical significance, but the "witch" of this ancient tribe did touch the correct answer by accident.

----Even if it's just a glimpse from a distance across countless obstacles.

After a while, Ye Zhou's eyes gradually darkened, and when he opened his eyes again, the scene around him had changed.

This time, he came to a room that seemed to be a study room with simple decoration.

still ancient.

And his identity, became a doctor.

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