Simulation: Great Power Technology

Three Hundred And Ninetieth Chapters Blindness Disease

(I have been too busy with work recently, so the update is a bit unstable. However, I still guarantee more than 8000 updates, don't worry about the plot problem, the following outline has been sorted out, just wait for these two days, the update volume will increase, just You can enter the main plot and start to advance. This paragraph is less than 200 words, no charge)

The memory flow kept pouring in, Ye Zhou already understood his situation.

In this simulation, he is a doctor, to be precise, a doctor who has not yet started his training and specializes in eye diseases.

At this moment, he was following his master to the clinic, and the object of the visit was an old lady who unfortunately suffered from eye disease and blindness.

This is Fu Yin's mother, who is over 60 at this time, which is considered a long life in this era.

From a few months ago, her vision began to gradually become blurred, and until recently, her eyes were completely white, and she could not see at all.

Ye Zhou watched Master take out the silver needle from the needle bag, and asked himself while roasting it with fire:

"Zhou'er, let me ask you, what is the cause of this eye disease?"

Hearing this, Ye Zhou froze in place.

The simulator sent him the memory of the current simulation through the memory stream, but it did not input the classical Chinese medicine theory!

"This...I don't know."

Hearing Ye Zhou's answer, the master frowned, and regardless of the presence of others, he directly taught:

"I told you to read medical books on weekdays, but you didn't listen. Now it's better. You said you didn't know when you took the exam. How can you tell me to pass on this mantle to you with confidence?"

Ye Zhou hummed blankly, and when the master saw his dumbfounded expression, he could only shake his head helplessly. The governor on the side saw this scene, and said with a gentle smile:

"After all, the disciple is still young, and some children's innocence is also common sense - if they are all like Zhongyong's young genius, wouldn't this world be a mess? I wish the doctor don't get angry."

Hearing Fu Yin's words, the master shook his head and said in a stern tone:

"Look well!"

Ye Zhou's whole body tightened, as if he had really assumed the identity of an apprentice, and he recalled the fear of being dominated by the teacher when he was in school.

He watched his master put the silver needle that had been sterilized by the flames aside, and then said "offending", and then reached out and gently opened the old man's eyelids.

Ye Zhou looked up curiously, and the eyeball was covered with a thick layer of white horny. Even he, who had no knowledge of ophthalmology, immediately recognized the old lady's eye disease.

"It's a cataract..."

He spoke softly.


Master turned his head subconsciously, Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, and replied:

"It's, uh, vision."

Hearing Ye Zhou's answer, Master finally showed a somewhat satisfied look on his face. His tone was still stern, but there was already some appreciation in his words.

"You remember this clearly! Then I ask you, how should I administer the medicine for this blindness?"

"……I have no idea."

In fact, Ye Zhou knew all about it, but he didn't dare to say it, because for the ancients, the treatment method of using a needle to remove the stratum corneum on the eyeball sounded a bit too shocking.

"I don't know, I don't know! You Shuzi, what else do you know?"

"Go back and transcribe "Secrets from Outside Taiwan" 3 times!"

While talking, the master started to operate, only to see that he opened the old man's eyes with one hand, twisted the silver needle with the other, and stretched the tip of the needle above the old man's eyeball.

Seeing this scene, Ye Zhou was greatly shocked. At this time, he realized that the Chinese people had invented the method of using surgery to treat cataracts as early as thousands of years ago in ancient times.

"This method is called the Golden Grate Jue, also known as the Golden Needle to Remove Obstacles. It needs to be steady, light, and accurate. If you watch it carefully, how much you can learn depends on your own understanding!"

Ye Zhou watched Master's movements intently, and at this moment, he almost forgot that he was in a simulation.

In between, the golden needle in Master's hand slowly descended, and the moment it touched the eyeball, he suddenly turned his wrist quickly, and then a small piece of horny crystal was lifted into the air by the needle's tip, and the whole set of movements flowed smoothly.

This cycle went on and on, and after a few minutes, Master told Ye Zhou to wipe off the stains on the old man's face with a cloth, and then put the silver needle back into the needle bag.

"This method should not be too much for a day, please open your eyes, can you see the phantom in front of you?"

Hearing his words, the old lady looked around blankly for a while, and when her eyes turned to the light, she finally said in surprise:

"I can see it! There is light!"

When the governor on the side heard this, he immediately showed a look of surprise on his face. He stepped forward and grabbed Master's hand, and thanked him hurriedly:

"Holy hand of the doctor! My mother's eye disease depends on the doctor."

"This is a matter of our own. After that, it is supplemented with Uncaria chinensis, cicada slough, angelica, chuanxiong, and white peony. The herbs are decocted in water to form Tuiying Powder. Within a month, Lingtang will be able to see the light again."

Master said reservedly, Ye Zhou was watching, but there was some doubt in his mind.

What is the purpose of coming here?

Is it just to witness an ancient cataract treatment?

Logically speaking, each of his previous simulations was at the node of a key technological breakthrough, and the simulated content was also the content that had a key impact on the technological breakthrough.

But this time, it seems a little different.

From the use of drugs to stimulate the optic nerve in ancient times to the current use of acupuncture to treat cataracts, although both are related to the restoration of vision, the correlation is not so great after careful study.

So what is it for?

He looked at his master's face suspiciously. The latter thought he was puzzled by the treatment just now, so after walking out of the room, he asked:

"Do you know where the needlework I used before came from?"

Ye Zhou shook his head slowly and replied:

"I don't know, but...I know how this works."

"Oh? Principle?"

Ye Zhou hummed and continued to answer:

"The so-called blindness syndrome is actually caused by the accumulation of toxins in the eyeball, which leads to the formation of a stratum corneum in the eyeball. position, remove the crystal blocking the view..."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, the master was stunned for a moment and asked:

"How did you learn this so-called principle?"

"I...I guessed it."

Master frowned slightly, and after a while, he said:

"Your principle is quite similar to my guess, but it is even more difficult to prove it... Unless... Forget it, this matter has nothing to do with you."

unless? unless what?

Ye Zhou looked at the Master's expression suspiciously, and suddenly, a light flashed in his mind.

The purpose of this short plot simulation may not be to promote the development of so-called ophthalmology, but ... anatomy.

From the master's hesitant tone, he almost guessed the other party's thoughts.

He wanted to dissect the corpses of patients with eye diseases in order to explore the true cause of the so-called blindness.

This is an almost impossible task, because in this day and age, the thinking of "parents who are exposed to the body and skin" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even after death, it is necessary to keep the whole corpse as much as possible, and it is absolutely impossible to allow anyone to blaspheme arbitrarily.

However, anatomy is the only way for the development of modern medicine. If it can be started an era earlier, the promotion of subsequent medical development can be said to be limitless.

Even if no beneficial results can be obtained from it, if detailed records, especially those related to ophthalmology, are really left, it is not certain where the follow-up aes system will appear first.

Thinking of this, he understood the meaning of this simulation.

Yes, medicine is different from other disciplines, this is a field that relies heavily on experience and accumulation of technology, so the competition for aes system, it is actually possible, began thousands of years ago.

From a sacrifice in ancient times, to a traditional Chinese medicine treatment in the Middle Ages, to modern and modern medical research... Small steps in each link may form a huge boost in the final result.

But how can the full picture of these promotions be presented?

Ye Zhou's vision gradually darkened, and after a while, the scene in front of him switched again.

And this time, he came to an anatomy room filled with white cold light.

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