Simulation: Great Power Technology

Three Hundred And Ninetieth Eight Chapters Eyes Open

The screen lit up again, but to Ye Zhou's surprise, what he saw in front of him was nothing but a white light.

Where is this place?

Ye Zhou turned his head in confusion, but soon, a soft voice came from his ear.

"Don't move. Don't turn your head, concentrate, and let it go. We are about to start the avs transmission. What you can see now is the white noise background. How about it, do you feel that there is white in front of you?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a while, and then he realized that he was playing a blind man in this simulation.

He desperately tried to see the whiteness of the void in front of him, but no matter how he tried, the sight that did not exist could not be focused in the void.

This feeling is like closing one eye and desperately trying to find the light on the eyelid with the closed eye.

Even if you flash a flashlight over your eyes, you will never feel the light.

After a moment of silence, Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"I can't see anything...seems to be white, but I can't tell, this"

Hearing his words, the gentle voice replied:

"It's normal, your visual signal hasn't been established yet, wait a moment, we'll start right away."

Hearing her words, Ye Zhou was puzzled for a moment, he didn't understand what the other party meant by "get ready", but the next moment, a warm hand grabbed his wrist, and then, Ye Zhou's nerves Instant tension!

He saw it.

However, what he saw was simply not as normal as he thought.

It was a bunch of completely distorted, messy colors and lines, indistinguishable colors, indistinguishable shapes, the picture was changing every second, and every time Ye Zhou wanted to look closely, those lines disappeared again No trace.


As the visual signals continued to come in, Ye Zhou's mind began to lose control, and even his sanity began to gradually disappear. His body kept shivering, and cold sweat involuntarily burst out from behind. Clothes are already soaked.

Then, those crazy colors gradually turned into shadows, and its blackness swallowed up all the colors of visible light, and rushed straight to the depths of Ye Zhou's soul. From such blackness, Ye Zhou felt his own insignificance very clearly. , in front of it, he has no room for survival.

Ye Zhou's mood almost collapsed, but whenever his spirit reached the bottom line of collapse, the talent of "resistor" pulled his sanity back from the abyss. Ye Zhou was both happy and fearful at the moment, he didn't know that How long will the torture go on?

In the seemingly endless chaos, Ye Zhou slowly regained some order.

Those originally illogical pictures gradually began to form illusions.

The splattered flesh, the black smoke of the explosion, the roaring but silent man with the distorted face, the black gun, the white snow, the gray sky, and a flame that seemed to be carved in his mind and gradually approached his eyes. .....

These things rushed towards Ye Zhou like scenes of 3D movies, but with the blessing of the resistance's talent, he struggled to keep his body stable.

"What do you see?"

Seemingly aware that Ye Zhou's mood was beginning to stabilize, the doctor beside him asked softly.

Ye Zhou breathed a long sigh of relief, and after forcibly stabilized his emotions, he said:

"War, those things on the battlefield. We... can't be on the battlefield now, can we?"

"Of course not, we're in the ward! You've passed the hallucination stage, you're the first!"

There was an unconcealed joy in this voice, Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood the meaning of his simulation.

Yes, he needs to perceive, not only the technology, but all the feelings of the patient on the eve of the restoration of vision.

Only when all the sensations are truly obtained in detail, it is possible to carry out targeted optimization for this so-called avs technology, such optimizations include but are not limited to the strength and frequency of electrical signals, the period of electrical stimulation, fault tolerance and model optimization, etc. Wait a minute... As soon as anything goes wrong in the middle - no, even if it doesn't go wrong, there will be an illusion.

And it turns out that such an illusion cannot be pleasant.

Recalling the pictures he saw just now, Ye Zhou almost felt that he was looking directly at the ancient god Cthulhu.

Can anyone really perform experiments under such intensity of stimulation?

Thinking of this, he asked:

"How many experimenters are there before me?"

The gentle voice was silent for a moment and replied:

"Many, many....but they all failed, and we don't even know why. Can you see that now?"

Ye Zhou shook his head lightly.

"Still hallucinations, however, these hallucinations are starting to become more regular and I can barely make out something.... There seems to be the sun over there.... No, not the sun, this shape... it a desk lamp?"

"It's a desk lamp!! Doctor Su! Doctor Su! Come on! It's a success!"

While speaking, Ye Zhou felt the palm on his wrist suddenly loosen, and then a hurried voice came from his ear, and a distorted human figure appeared in his sight.

The human figure was still flickering, just like the black and white TV with unstable signal that Ye Zhou had seen when he was a child, dissolving in the background, but if you look closely, you can make out his shape.

"Can you see me?"

A low voice came out of the man's mouth, Ye Zhou nodded and replied:


"How do you feel now?"

"It's messy, I'm in remission now, but it was a disaster before. My visual system is completely destroyed, and after seeing things again, all the neural reflexes have to start learning and adapting all over again, all the signals to my brain. It's all unfamiliar, the computing power of the neurons is almost hollowed out, and it feels like ... like throwing a three-dimensional creature into a four-dimensional space."

"This will not work, the stimulation of electrical signals must be gradual, and your algorithm needs to be modified. You need to first identify the part of the signal that is only responsible for the outline, and then start from the outline to establish a visual perception system, and then go further to light and shade and color, and finally Recognition of complex images..."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, a surprised expression appeared on the face in front of him---- such an expression was extremely exaggerated in Ye Zhou's opinion, the line of his mouth almost ran through his entire face.

"You are very professional! Yes, we are indeed optimizing according to this idea, but we have encountered a problem. If we only start learning from lines and outlines, every time we enter light and dark learning, the perception system established in the early stage will be It's all broken again, we're forced to start training again, and it ends up in a vicious circle... do you have any advice on this?"

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment. With the blessing of the "decision maker" talent, he almost immediately understood the crux of the problem.

"Frame rate. You ignore frame rate."

The man in front of him suddenly froze in place, and then he held Ye Zhou's hand tightly.

After a few minutes, the picture in front of Ye Zhou gradually stabilized, and the outlines and lines were basically solidified. Although what appeared in front of him were still black and white prints without color, depth of field, or even light and shade, at least, he really did. can see.

He slowly sat up from the bed, and the nurse beside him quickly held his hand.

Ye Zhou did not refuse. With the help of the nurse, he struggled to find his slippers on the ground. Then, he put on the slippers with his paper-like feet and started to walk forward.

The problem of no sense of distance and space is extremely serious. Ye Zhou has to readjust his balance every time he takes a step, but in such slow progress, he finally arrived at his destination.

That is a mirror.

From the mirror, Ye Zhou saw his face.

At this moment, he is not equipped with a mechanical prosthetic eye in the eye frame as he thought before, but a huge helmet with complicated wiring and full of cyberpunk style on his head.

Ye Zhou could barely identify the lidar used for ranging, the high-resolution camera used to identify the picture, and the computing unit and power supply unit that are not small in size from the helmet device.

The exploration of eyes for thousands of years has condensed into one at this moment, condensed into a new meaning, eyes.

And his real eyes are actually still covered by a black blindfold at the moment.

Ye Zhou raised her hand and carefully removed the blindfold from the back of her head. The nurse beside her seemed to want to stop her, but the doctor held her hand.

Ye Zhou found that his eyes were still closed.

In this simulation, I seem to have forgotten how to blink.

He paused for a moment in confusion. The facial recognition module on his helmet seemed to detect his closed eyes, and the already stable picture was instantly replaced by darkness.

It appears to be an instinctive system.

When you open your eyes, you see, when you close your eyes, you disappear.

Ye Zhou took a deep breath, and the next second, he suddenly opened his eyes.

The picture is surging, the colors slowly appear, and the light and shadow of light and shade begin to flicker.

There was a kind of touch in his heart.

At this moment, the power of technology forced his third eye to open for him.

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