Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 399 Mechanical Ascension

The picture gradually darkened, and Ye Zhou returned to the void.

The first thing that appeared in front of him was the simulation summary screen. The three-dimensional text made Ye Zhou a little dazed, because his nervous system was still affected by the aftermath of the simulation just now, and he couldn't even adapt to his completely normal visual senses.

After a moment of contemplation, Ye Zhou simply sat on the ground for a while, and it took more than half an hour for his visual perception to return to normal.

At this time, he could finally read the words in front of him clearly.

[The end of the second phase of the omnic country simulation]

【Achieve the ending: Open your eyes】

【rating: a】

[Simulation reward (ending): aes perception reconstruction technology]

[Simulation reward (engineering male reward): visual reconstruction training program for groups born without vision]

[Simulation reward: 120 energy points]

【The ending can be watched】

Seeing the text of the simulation summary, Ye Zhou breathed a long sigh of relief.

If the impact of the first few scenes on him is relatively small, then in the last scene, he personally experienced the experience of the blind man regaining his sight, which can almost be said to have left an indelible impression on him.

He never imagined that a perception that was common to him would be so terrifying in the eyes of a blind person.

Moreover, in the simulation, he was still playing a blind role who became blind. If he was born without vision, the impact he would face would be even greater.

What would the world look like to someone who has never seen anything?

Maybe it will be... scary.

Therefore, even with this system, it is definitely not that simple to rebuild visual perception for the blind. This is not a problem that can be solved simply by wearing a pair of glasses.

Moreover, from the perspective of simulator rewards, there are still essential differences between aes technology and avs technology. One is for reconstruction of all senses, and the other is for vision only. It is conceivable that the difficulty of the former is necessarily more difficult than that of the latter. .

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou shook his head and clicked on the ending summary page.

[Since ancient times, human worship of eyes has begun]

[The earliest sacrificial activities about "eyes" recorded in China originated in the ancient Shu era. At that time, our ancestors still lived in low thatched huts, but their exploration of the truth of "vision" already started】

[Since then, with the continuous development of history, in the exploration of generations, our cognition of eyes has gradually improved]

[This cognition is rudimentary, but also quite forward-looking]

[After the Song Dynasty, the development of anatomy allowed the ancients to have a further understanding of the function of the eye, which to some extent promoted the development of modern ophthalmology]

[After entering modern times, the "Sky Eye" project initially revealed the secrets of optic neurology, and based on this, machine vision began to flourish]

[Since then, artificial intelligence and high-precision sensing technology continued to develop, and finally collided with medicine. Starting from avs technology, a new aes technology was born]

[The emergence of this technology has greatly promoted human beings' understanding of their own perception, and further strengthened human perception]

[Since then, human perception of the world has begun to transcend the limitations of the body, and various derivative technologies have flourished]

[Information that had to be indirectly transcribed after being recognized by the machine is directly connected to the brain, and the machine has become a continuation of the human senses]

[This technology breaks the boundaries of "tools", and the human body begins to merge with the tool itself]

[The era of mechanical evolution has kicked off]

Ye Zhou was almost stunned after reading the summary of the ending. Until this moment, he realized that the applications of aes he had envisioned before were still just the tip of the iceberg.

What 5d movies, what real-life interactions, what virtual girlfriends.... all rubbish!

The real return of this technology is mechanical ascension!

The direct fusion of consciousness and machinery will bring unprecedented productivity gains, even to some extent, much more in the short term than in the most basic fields such as energy.

Just imagine, when people can interact with the machine in the most intuitive way and get feedback from the machine, to what extent will the human body be strengthened?

As mentioned in the conclusion of the conclusion, aes technology is definitely not just a virtual reality technology for constructing artificial perception, but more importantly, it is a complete revolution for traditional "tools".

In the tens of thousands of years of human development, the definition of tools has always been "an extension of the human body", but after the full rollout of aes technology, especially the miniaturization of aes, tools are likely to become "the extension of the human body" part".

This is a very simple inference.

If I am a worker engaged in refined operations, then I only need to connect the corresponding aes module, and I can directly transmit the information I need to my brain through a high-precision camera, thereby avoiding the secondary transcription of the eyes. Information loss and reduced efficiency.

If I were a soldier, I would most likely choose to directly implant a prosthetic eye, replacing the single-function eyeball with a prosthetic eye that integrates infrared, telephoto, fire control, AI recognition, and other functions.

If I were a tuner, then the auditory aes module would be an inevitable choice.

Perception enhancement is the most promising development direction of aes technology. Under this direction, normal people do not have to give up their own senses, but they can definitely obtain more comprehensive and refined perception through system assistance.

What people couldn't hear before, can now be heard; what people couldn't see before, can now be seen.

More importantly, this process of hearing and seeing is intuitive, intuitive, and anytime, anywhere.

Would anyone reject such a promotion?

In the face of this technology, the entire social structure of human beings may change.

Such a change.....

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou suddenly frowned.

Is such a change necessary?

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Zhou quit the simulation directly, and after quickly exporting the relevant documents, a call came to Chen Hao.

"I have a technology in my hand, and I want to ask your opinion----no, I want to ask for the opinion of relevant experts through you."

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone was obviously a little dazed when he was woken up just after falling asleep. After a long pause, he asked:

"What technology?"

"Aes Sensory Reconstruction."

Ye Zhou told Chen Hao the details of the change in aes technology from beginning to end, and at the same time, he also explained clearly the changes that this technology may bring. said:

"Your concern is right, the so-called aes technology is actually an individual advantage that can be directly exchanged through resources, and the groups that have mastered the resources will be more inclined to make full use of this advantage, and the final result is further tearing."

"The strong stay strong, and the weak stay weak—although we don't need to fight each other to obtain resources as in some science fiction novels, the reality is that even the strengthening of a certain sense may huge gains.”

"It's a problem.... but fortunately, it's not a problem we're going to face right now."

"Rest assured, we will come up with a solution. As for now, this technology is an absolute necessity for our society."

"At least the 17 million blind people in our country have the opportunity to see again."

After listening to Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou nodded solemnly.

Every technology is a knife, and how to use the knife well is the key to the problem.

What he has to do now is not to worry about whether this knife will hurt him, but to use it to cut off the thorns in front of him.

Ye Zhou hung up the phone with Chen Hao and re-entered the simulator.

This time, he clicked on the ending playback interface.

He wanted to see what the future of "mechanical ascension" would look like.

[The end of the second stage of the country of omnic: machines, people]

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