Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 400 Machines, People

The subtitles of the title gradually faded, Ye Zhou looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

In front of him is a court.

Or rather, it was the scene of a modest hearing.

The people attending the hearing were clearly divided into two factions, they were sitting on both sides of the hall, while Ye Zhou was in the center host's seat.

From the information provided by the simulator, he already knew the subject of this hearing - in fact, even if there was no information, he could clearly feel this from the "appearance" of both parties participating in the hearing. The conflict between the two sides of the meeting.

On the side on Ye Zhou's left, everyone is a normal person in the traditional sense, while on the right side, there are many "new people" who have been transformed, or "healed", fused flesh and machinery.

Some of these newcomers use artificial eyes, some are equipped with mechanical arms, some have their entire heads wrapped in helmets, and some can hardly find a piece of normal flesh and blood all over their bodies.

Ye Zhou still doesn't know what they went through from "human" to "new person", whether it was a helpless move for survival, or an active choice to pursue evolution, but it is undeniable that when this group of people appeared in front of him , he did feel a great impact.

Is this the future of aes technology?

Before Ye Zhou's thoughts continued to diverge, the hearing officer sitting in the main seat said:

"Cough, I think the purpose of today's hearing is clear to everyone here - the bill on restricting aes and the abuse of artificial organs. Just now, we have also introduced the main content of this bill to you. , now, we give the floor to representatives of both sides."

As soon as his voice fell, the indicator light on the "new person" on the right side of the table instantly turned on. Ye Zhou didn't see anyone doing anything, probably someone among them connected to this conference room via Bluetooth. speech system.

Following the hearing officer's instructions, one of the newcomers, who was relatively unmodified, stood up and said:

"Dear Hearing Officer, all friends here, how are you. My name is Li Xing. I am honored to be invited to participate in this hearing. Here, I will speak on behalf of the opponents of the aes bill."

"First of all, I want to explain my own situation to everyone."

"As you can see, I have artificial organs in the palm of my right hand, in my eyes, and in places I can't see, I also have metal bones in my left leg bone -- which makes some sense. artificial organs."

"My purpose for using these organs is simple: to survive."

"In a car accident six years ago, I lost my eyes, and at the same time, the rest of my body was severely damaged - I almost lost my ability to live a normal life."

"With the help of aes and artificial organs, now I have basically recovered the ability to live as a normal person, and I can even stand here and speak to everyone."

"Now, I'm going to continue to share a set of data with you."

While speaking, Li Xing swiped his finger on the screen in front of him, and a simple data comparison chart was presented in front of everyone.

After a pause, he continued:

"There are two data on this graph, one is my average nursing cost and other economic losses within three years after my injury recovery, and the other is the total cost of my transplanted aes artificial organ, which is the average annual maintenance cost."

"As you can see, from the current point of view, the price of an aes system is extremely high, even more than the sum of my three-year nursing expenses."

"However, this is only the initial installation cost. After the transplant is completed, the annual maintenance cost of this system is less than one-tenth of the combined care cost and economic loss of me as a disabled person, which means that as long as I do not In five years, the cost of the system will be recouped."

"This can intuitively illustrate the fact that a set of aes artificial organs can bring a disabled person who could not create any value and can only consume resources back to work in just five years, and cover the initial cost of the system.”

"The meaning of this fact, I think, is very clear to everyone, and I don't need to explain too much."

"Now, we want to legislate to limit the development of the aes system, so what will be the result?"

"Will our needs change? No, in fact, there are still a huge number of disabled people who need AES help, but because of legislative restrictions, AES prices have skyrocketed and they risk losing the chance to return to the workforce forever."

"This is a process of ups and downs - one is to maximize the use of social labor and create new resources, and the other is to let the weak live in pain and consume the resources that have been produced with great difficulty. What should be done? Go to the election, I think everyone is very clear."

After Li Xing finished speaking, the representative of Zhengfang immediately pressed the speaking button in front of him, and then said:

"Hello everyone, based on the statements made by the representatives of the negative side, we have the following points to emphasize."

"First, the content of this bill is to limit the abuse of aes technology and artificial organs, not to prohibit their use."

"Second, from the perspective of society, there has been abuse of these two technologies, and some people have even begun to falsely publicize the two technologies, inducing some people who don't know enough about the technology to voluntarily replace healthy organs."

"Third, we believe that the misuse of both technologies has very limited real productivity gains -- it's a simple corollary that an electronic prosthetic eye could restore sight to the blind, but a human prosthetic eye that integrates infrared technology What good can eyes do?"

"If we want to use infrared technology, a separate infrared eyepiece is the best option."

"So, in general, aes technology is a technology with extremely high initial returns but extremely fast diminishing marginal effects. If such a technology is not restricted, it will likely lead to misallocation of social resources and affect the healthy development of the entire society. "

"I'm done talking."

Ye Zhou, who was floating in the air, listened to the speeches of the pros and cons word by word. After the converse finished speaking, he shook his head slightly.

The man was on the right track, but he was completely missing the point.

The so-called marginal effect of aes technology is not a valid argument against this technology at all, because the limit of aes technology is far from artificial senses, but... artificial brains.

When human beings continue to develop aes technology and finally push this technology to the limit, all human perceptual signals can be replaced by electrical signals, which means that the human brain is no longer a simple biological brain, but It's an electronic brain.

Everyone can be connected to everyone else through a wide-area neural network, the gap between people begins to shrink infinitely, the speed of information transmission reaches the highest level, and the transmission of knowledge is a thorough medium.

Under such circumstances, the existing economic network and social structure of mankind will be completely disintegrated, the mode of production will undergo fundamental changes, the distribution of resources will be disrupted, and the ideology will begin to be reconstructed.

At that time, people will no longer be alone.

It is a group of independent carriers and a collective of unified thinking.

It's like... the swarm controlled by the Queen of Blades.

It's just that such a swarm is mechanized.

A chill rose from Ye Zhou's back. In fact, he didn't think that far before entering the ending. He initially regarded the ending as an interesting exploration.

But everything changed when the "newcomer" used a Bluetooth network to control the smart system in the conference room.

There was only one thought in Ye Zhou's mind: they, crossed the line.

aes technology must be restricted, but in the end, how to restrict it?

The discussion in the venue continued, Ye Zhou's eyes looked around and suddenly discovered an unusual detail.

Among the newcomers on the opposite side, one person is quietly moving to the front of the crowd.

The other companions next to him seemed to have noticed his movements, and someone pulled him curiously and asked, but he just shook his head and didn't answer.

As a result, the first mutineer appeared in the quarrel between representatives of both sides.

He walked out of the crowd on the opposite side and walked in the direction of the positive side.

Seeing this scene, the representative of the square said proudly:

"Dear hearers, please note that now we have persuaded an actual beneficiary of aes technology, which is enough to prove that even a person who has benefited greatly from this technology, as long as he has normal logical thinking, would also be in favor of limiting the technology..."

"Come on, sir, could you please come a little closer and tell us why you changed your position?"

However, the smiling speaker got no response from the mutineers, who walked straight to the crowd, as if trying to hide themselves.

After realizing his predicament, the people on the opposite side stood in front of him knowingly, blocking him from the sight of the positive side. This was a well-intentioned act, but Ye Zhou saw a huge crisis in it.

He is now from God's perspective, so from his perspective, he can fully see that the so-called "mutate", his purpose is not to hide at all, but to... measure the position and angle.

What does he want to do?

Ye Zhou moved to his side, and his message emerged in the simulator:

Wang Lang, a welder.


Ye Zhou saw a special device on his wrist, and that device was a portable laser welding gun that had gradually become common even in reality.

However, this welding gun is obviously modified.

He suddenly realized what this man wanted to do, but he couldn't change anything.

So, Ye Zhou backed away, the next second, the hot light in the man's hand lit up, and everyone in the conference room subconsciously looked back at the light source, but the next second, a more dazzling light erupted.

The fractional laser with tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature directly pierced their eyes, and the retina was instantly ablated. In just a few seconds, dozens of people lost their eyes.

The screams came one after another, and the opposing representatives on the other side were also shocked by this scene. After a brief hesitation, they swarmed up and pinned the worker named Wang Lang to the ground.

However, everything was irreversible.

At the last moment when the picture went dark, Ye Zhou heard him laugh frantically and shout:

"Now, do you still want to stop us??"

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