Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 401 How To Resist

After exiting the ending replay, Ye Zhou fell into a long silence in the void.

This replay is unlike any previous one, showing itself not of a promising future, but of the crisis lurking in the technology.

Think about it, all the technologies that Ye Zhou obtained before are basically technologies with a positive effect far greater than a negative effect, such as aviation, such as batteries, such as lasers.

These technologies do not even need to limit their use. As long as they can be created and applied, they will be beneficial to the development of human society.

However, aes technology is a completely different field.

Not to mention that the aes that Ye Zhou was worried about will be used in the field of pan-entertainment and become a new generation of titytainment, even in the functions of rehabilitation for the disabled, physical strengthening and other functions that seem to have a great role in promoting the development of productivity. a huge crisis.

Ye Zhou clicked on the ending replay and watched it again almost frame by frame, thinking about the future of this technology in his mind while watching.

He wanted to first identify several "mistakes," or forks in the technology's development.

The first thing to determine is the contradiction between "transformed people" and normal people shown in Hui Fang. In fact, he has already discussed this contradiction with Chen Hao. After the full rollout of aes technology, the strengthening of the human body has become If there is a choice that can be exchanged with resources, then this choice will inevitably bring about division.

Some people want to use aes to gain more advantages, and some people will try to ensure the basic fairness of society. Under such a split, social unrest is almost inevitable.

In addition to this crisis, the risks of titytainment are equally dire.

Ye Zhou once read a science fiction novel called "Festivals That Can't Coexist". It tells that after the rapid development of bci and aes technology, most people became addicted to virtual reality, and finally abandoned the material world, which led to the extinction of mankind. story.

Ye Zhou is essentially an industrial party, and he has always been vigilant about the prospects depicted in this novel, so after he has obtained a certain decision-making power, he has shown unreservedly on various occasions. My own disgust with the concept of the so-called "metaverse", because of this disgust, Huaxia has not really set off a wave of the metaverse so far.

This is very different from the international market that is surging around the concept of the metaverse, and it used to be one of the most correct things Ye Zhou thought he did.

But now, the birth of aes technology is likely to make him the founder of this future.

This is a tough choice.

However, the choice he faced was more than that.

Ye Zhou clicked on the plot simulation interface. As he expected, the title of the next plot simulation was "Invisible Teacher". Even without reading the title, Ye Zhou could guess that this technology should be related to the direct transmission of neural network information. Yes, because this is the next stage of the development of the aes system.

Once this technology is realized, the boundaries of aes technology will be further broadened, and after it is developed to the extreme, it will become extremely easy for humans to obtain those things that originally needed to be obtained through the material world.

Pleasure, stimulation, emotion, satisfaction, fun...all kinds of emotions can be realized through a simple electrical signal, aes technology will become the biggest... hallucinogen in the new era.

There must be a strong enough system to limit the spread of the negative effects of this technology, and if it were to be thrown into a "free" system...  

Ye Zhou couldn't help shivering.

He suddenly felt that at some point, he was more terrifying than he thought.

Thinking of this, he almost couldn't wait to exit the simulator, then lay on his back on the bed, staring blankly at the tent above his head.

This is the first time he has personally experienced the duality of technology, and it is also the first time that he regrets his choice for himself.

Shouldn't I have come up with this technology so quickly?

Can your country, at this moment, withstand the impact of this technology?

Maybe, I should call Chen Hao immediately, explain to him the stakes, and get back the aes technical documents that have been handed over to him...

But doing so is extremely unfair to the 17 million blind and 20 million deaf and mute people in the country.

Because this will directly kill their expectations that they were close at hand.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou sighed, got up from the bed and walked out of the tent.

At this time, the camp was completely silent, except for a few guards standing guard, only Ye Zhou was walking under the night sky.

He walked out of the camp slowly, walked to the hillside where Ye Lan had taken pictures with, looked up at the gradually falling moon above his head, and fell into deep thought.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly heard the sound of someone walking behind him. Judging from the regular pace, he didn't have to think about it to know that it was Wu Ping.

"Ye Gong, why are you still not sleeping?"

Ye Zhou shook his head, beckoned him to sit down, and then asked:

"Brother Wu, let me ask you a question."

"You ask."

Wu Ping sat down beside Ye Zhou, looked at him calmly and replied.

"That is, if there is one thing, it can let you get everything you want, any kind of glory, pleasure, satisfaction and other emotions, you can get it, you think, you can resist its temptation ?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, Wu Ping asked back with some doubts:

"Isn't this a dummy?"

"...well, not a drug. In the long run, this stuff costs almost nothing -- it's even basically harmless to the body."

Wu Ping pondered for a moment, then shook his head and replied:

"No. I don't just live for myself."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, then continued:

"You're talking about a sense of honor. But what if that thing could satisfy even a sense of honor? What if in its world, you could feel everything you could feel in reality?"

Wu Ping frowned and replied:

"Ye Gong, the thing you're talking about is the Metaverse, right? But, the Metaverse isn't real after all."

"It's really not true, but how do you distinguish between the real and the unreal, and how do you resist the temptation of the 'unreal' that is even more real than the real?"

Wu Ping shook his head and replied:

"I have no idea."

Ye Zhou sighed deeply.

"So, even you don't know..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Wu Ping interrupted him directly.

"But I know something else."

"whats the matter?"

Wu Ping did not answer directly, but asked:

"Ye Gong, do you know how many soldiers died in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation? It's just the number of soldiers."

"The statistic is around 4 million, and the actual number is much higher than that."

"Yes, this answer is basically accurate. Then I will continue to ask you, do you know how many public officials have been killed and injured in the line of duty since the founding of our country?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"I really didn't understand that."

"There are about 360,000 people, of which the police force has sacrificed the most. Now let me ask the third question. Do you know how many college students we have devoted to the construction of the western region and the afforestation of the desert?"

Ye Zhou continued to shake his head.

"It's about 500,000. Among them, even if you exclude those who go only for qualifications and experience, there are at least 100,000 people with ideals, and this is only a small section."

"On a larger field, the number of ordinary people who choose to serve the people and the nation will be more."

After a pause, Wu Ping continued:

"You told me just now that there is a thing that can simulate everything I want and satisfy all my desires. This thing is far away from me, and it is not easy for me to judge."

"But the people I just mentioned, they have really faced a choice."

"You don't have to die if you choose to surrender, you don't have to be injured if you choose to retreat, and you don't have to suffer if you choose to be stable. Although it's not as good as what you said, this contrast is strong enough, right?"

"----And the comparison is even more intuitive."

"Now you ask me, how do I resist that temptation, and I really don't know—mostly, I don't know how to explain it."

"But I also have a question for you."

"The people I mentioned above, why did they make such a choice?"

"What made them resist the instinctual choice that was at hand at the time?"

Looking at the silent Ye Zhou, Wu Ping said solemnly:

"Ye Gong, it is faith."

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