Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 402 Top Secret Project Launch

After chatting with Ye Zhou, Wu Ping brought a fire to Ye Zhou from the camp. He knew that people like Ye Zhou were not so easy to be persuaded, and he also knew that the other party had not accepted systematic No matter how sincere his feelings for this country, this nation and people are, it will take time to build up an unbreakable belief.

Therefore, he just conveyed his thoughts, but did not expect Ye Zhou to accept it immediately.

And just as he thought, Ye Zhou did not throw away his worries immediately after the initial touch, which was his prudence as a decision maker.

However, when he sat on the hillside all night, when the morning wind blew on his face with the sunrise, he slowly understood all this.

Yes, the future is too far away, and many things are not clear at the beginning, but as long as the most basic things do not change, you can set a solid anchor.

To develop around this anchor point, the direction will not be wrong.

Thinking of this, he got up and went back to the tent, and then went straight to sleep.


However, during the time he fell asleep, a discussion meeting of great significance had already been held.

Hailan, in the conference room of an administrative office building in Haikou, a group of analysts representing the highest level of knowledge in the country's economic field gathered together, while He Tong, the general manager of the project, stood in front of the large screen in the conference room, looking at it calmly. Looking at his watch, when the number on it reached 10 o'clock, he nodded to the intelligence officer on the side, and then the entire conference room was closed.

Looking at the people sitting in front of him, He Tong cleared his throat slightly, and then said:

"Hello everyone, I think you already know the reason for calling everyone here today. Before the official discussion begins, I would like to emphasize the principle of confidentiality to you again."

"Although our project team is a virtual project team, all rules and regulations are organized and managed as entities, and the operation and confidentiality rules are implemented with reference to top-secret projects."

"That is to say, any words that happen in this conference room are not allowed to be taken out of the conference room. At the same time, even colleagues in the project team are not allowed to discuss anything related to this project outside the limited occasion. related content.”

"We will continue to monitor and monitor you. This kind of monitoring may affect the convenience of your life to a limited extent. If it is unacceptable, you can apply for withdrawal immediately."

After saying the old-fashioned principle of confidentiality, He Tong looked around in the conference room. After seeing that no one wanted to leave, he continued to say:

"Then, from now on, I announce that the project team is officially established. Next, we will directly enter the discussion topic."

While talking, He Tong turned on the screen behind him, and a colorful pie chart appeared on the screen.

This pie chart seems to be the industrial structure layout of a certain region, with different colors used to distinguish the weights of different industries.

"All of you are professional economists, and you can understand this simple picture, so I won't explain it to you. Now, we ask the industry scholars involved in the picture in order of importance to carry out strategies. speak."

"Everyone has 20 minutes to discuss, after 20 minutes, we will first collect preliminary comments, and then proceed to further discussions based on preliminary comments."

After speaking, He Tong put down the microphone in his hand, then walked to the side of the chair and sat down, and began to quietly wait for the scholars below to end the discussion.

There was an expression of unconcealed expectation on his face, and from the guard's point of view at this time, it was probably no different from the scholars opposite him.

He had waited too long for this moment.

After decades of preparations and attempts, many strategic changes occurred in the middle, and various attitudes were changed, but in the end, they chose a more stable path.

The economy is always the lifeblood. As long as the economy is mastered, it is equivalent to mastering the initiative.

And now, everyone in this conference room is looking for a breakthrough point where they can take the initiative.

The 20 minutes passed quickly, and under He Tong's signal, the representatives of the first group members walked to the screen.

He first switched the screen to the whiteboard state, and then said:

"Hello everyone, the industries that our group is mainly responsible for are semiconductors and it. There is a natural connection between the two, but at the same time, they cannot be confused. Here, on behalf of our group, I will first introduce to you what we have formulated in the semiconductor industry. Strategy."

"First of all, we need to be clear about the current status of the semiconductor industry."

"As we all know, after the advent of the 'Zhiwei' lithography machine, after nearly three years of development, our semiconductor industry has become stronger and stronger, and gradually began to take the initiative in the international high-end market. The number of deliveries of 5nm lithography machines reached 50% of the total number of lithography machines of the same type that year, and the number of deliveries of 7nm lithography machines also reached 40%.”

"At the same time, thanks to the influence of cheap lithography machines, our advantages in the field of wafer manufacturing are gradually expanding. According to statistics, in the past year, domestic wafers have accounted for more than 70% of the total wafer demand in the market. This can be said to be a huge breakthrough, and we can initially confirm that in the high-end semiconductor market, we have completed self-sufficiency."

"On the contrary, our opponent's strength in this field is constantly declining, especially after we have captured a large number of long-term orders in advance through a series of operations, the opponent has suffered losses for two consecutive years, even at the beginning of this year. The phenomenon of underutilization.”

"It's a good sign for us, the opponents are getting weaker, then it's easier for us to control them."

"But this simplicity is still relative. We need to achieve our goals through a series of capital operations, technology exchanges, and equity transactions. The specific strategies are as follows..."

The representative of the semiconductor industry talked for a full 40 minutes, but no one tried to interrupt him, because all the participants here knew that as long as the semiconductor and IT fields can be opened up, the layout of all subsequent industries will become smooth. stand up.

After him, representatives of different industrial sectors such as precision electronics, machinery manufacturing, ocean fishing, planting agriculture, entertainment culture, tourism, cultural and creative industries delivered strategic speeches. These strategies were recorded by He Tong in the meeting minutes one by one. After the conclusion, it was reported to all senior decision makers who needed to be involved or informed.

And that afternoon, when Ye Zhou woke up from his sleep, there was already such a report on his desk.

The report was completely sealed in a heavy file bag, but when opened, there were actually only a few thin pages inside.

All the information has been condensed in the most concise sentences, and what Ye Zhou presented to Ye Zhou is the direction he needs to pay attention to in this project.

"M&A proposals for major companies in the semiconductor industry."

"Sub-nanometer lithography machine, sub-nanometer chip revolution and market impact plan."

"The rapid transformation and launch of it-related equipment and the market impact plan."

"Precision Electronics Technology Acquisition Program."

"The operation plan of the construction machinery strategic hilltop project."

"Pelagic Fishing Initiatives, Ecological Initiatives, Market Alternatives and Product Alternatives."

"Main Fruit Clearance Restriction Scheme."

"A preliminary strategy for increasing investment in the cultural industry."


One by one strategy was presented in front of Ye Zhou. He read it slowly, and noted the key technical support requirements related to himself behind each strategy. It took a full 40 minutes to finally sort it out.

Semiconductors need lithography machine technology, precision electronics need materials science technology, agriculture and animal husbandry need gene editing technology. …

Although it seems to be an economic behavior, it is not so easy to operate smoothly without backup technical support.

However, as long as these strategies are implemented one by one and ultimately successful, it is very likely that the long-standing problem can be solved.

Ye Zhou has a hunch that in the future, his main work will probably be done around this goal.

He put the documents back into the portfolio, and then wrapped the rope buckle round and round, with a solemn and serious expression, as if the rope in his hand was restraining something else.

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