Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 403 South Island Raiders

Heron Island, Gaoqi International Airport.

Huang Qi and Liu Shuang stood side by side in front of the boarding gate, counting the newly exchanged NT dollars in their hands, with impatient expressions on their faces.

"I've really convinced these people from the south of the mainland. How old are they, why are they still using paper money... Didn't it mean that Line and Apple both have their own mobile payments?"

It is Liu Shuang who is speaking. She has supported the whole process as an engineer of Huaxin International since the project was established. After the Xinghuo factory entered stable operation, due to various factors, she directly transferred to the Xinghuo factory after the completion of the construction project. , and undertook important technical work.

After three years, she has grown from an ordinary engineer to a technical backbone. This time she went to the South Island to discuss the follow-up cooperation with TSMC.

The Huang Qi next to her is also from Huaxin, but unlike Liu Shuang, he is in charge of project operation.

Hearing Liu Shuang's complaint, Huang Qi reluctantly put back half of the cash in his hand and replied:

"I said would you please not interrupt me while I was counting... I'm halfway through."

"There is mobile payment over there, but you don't have a bank card over there. You can't take a taxi and take out your visa card to swipe it, right?"

"Isn't your bag quite big... Is it alright to pack so much money?"

Liu Shuang pursed his lips and said dissatisfiedly:

"It's one thing to be able to hold it, but it's another thing to do it. I knew that I would have to wait until I got off the plane to get the money, and it might not be necessary to use it after I landed anyway."

"Be prepared, put it away first -- if you're really bothered, put it in my bag first."

"Then let it go!"

As soon as he heard Huang Qi's words, Liu Shuang immediately shoved all the cash to the other party, without even a second of hesitation.

Huang Qi shook his head amusingly, took the cash and put it in his wallet, without saying much.

He is a married person, and he has a clear understanding of these psychological attitudes of girls. The so-called dislike of cash is actually just because he thinks that it is not good to stuff it in a small bag. This point, even if it is Liu Shuang at work. Technologists are also not exempt.

It's quite a cute nature.

However, when it comes to the mobile payment landscape on the South Island, he sees a new opportunity.

Mobile payment based on Line and Apple is far less easy to use than WeChat payment in mainland China. If we can investigate, maybe it will bring a new breakthrough.

The significance of this kind of breakthrough is far more than the simple market occupation, and more importantly, it is the penetration of a way of life and economic mode—this is actually the same as the purpose of this trip.

Thinking of this, he silently recited "pay attention to mobile payment" several times in his mind, which was juxtaposed with "find a way to get TSMC shares".

Liu Shuang, who was beside him, looked at the way his lips moved slightly, and asked in a funny way:

"Mr. Huang, what are you remembering here?"

Huang Qi smiled and replied:

"Mobile payment! Isn't that exactly what we're talking about. This time we didn't have a tight schedule in the past, and we didn't make any arrangements for the first day. Then we'll go to the streets and alleys to do a good inspection and convey the information to the Senior, see if you can use it."

Hearing his words, Liu Shuang nodded slightly.

"I heard that someone is doing this, but it should be useful if we go to feel it intuitively... Brother Qi, you say, can we go to negotiation this time, can it go well?"

Huang Qi patted Liu Shuang's arm and motioned her to get up and board the plane, and replied with a serious expression:

"It won't be too smooth. In fact, it can be seen from their attitude that our communication in the early stage has not been smooth, and they are unwilling to give up their advantages, and relying on Apple's orders, even if the technology is really behind in the next two years. For us, they won't go bankrupt immediately."

"Also, asml's technology is updated very quickly now, and 3nm technology will be replaced soon, but our sub-nano technology has not yet stabilized. From their point of view, it is not certain who wins or loses."

"Plus some reasons you and I's normal that they don't want to work with us, but, you have to give it a try."

Liu Shuang nodded slightly, and the two entered the cabin along the dedicated aisle. After sitting down in the seats, she quietly leaned over to Huang Qi and said:

"Brother Qi, you said, if we went here this time, is it considered to be... persuaded to surrender?"

Huang Qi glanced at her incredulously, and after pondering for a while, he answered:

"That's right. But you have to say that, it's not just us who persuaded surrender. I heard that there are also people from IT, agriculture, fishery, culture... Anyway, they are all doing it."

"In the past, the strength was not enough, and the international environment did not allow it. Now.... We have the right place and the right people. As long as we grasp the main line of the economy, there will be no suspense in the final result."

"But they're not that easy to fool, right? Think about it, we're just talking about cooperation this time, and we haven't talked about equity transactions yet, and their attitude is so indifferent... If they really want to get to the point later, they Will you just lock us up?"

Hearing her words, Huang Qi was stunned for a moment, and then asked:

"Are you afraid if we are really locked up?"

"Don't say it, I'm really scared..."

"Don't be afraid. As soon as 003 was commissioned, the three aircraft carrier formations were watching from the side. Who would dare to move us? Besides, the two armies are not ready to fight, and they will not be so rude."

"We're just doing business. Remember this, don't be too aggressive when you get there, understand?"

Liu Shuang nodded and replied solemnly:

"Understood! I will definitely not trouble you!"

While speaking, the plane has gradually slipped off the runway, and the ground has gradually receded. Through the porthole, the blue water is like a shining curtain, connecting the two large and small pieces of land.

Huang Qi looked out the window with some emotion, recalling the experience of the past three years, he even had an unreal feeling in his heart.

Three years ago, he was still a small project manager of Huaxin International. He was always irritated by customers, subordinates and superiors, and he always had to deal with all kinds of strange materials and tool restrictions.

He still remembered that at that time, a production tool might be used well the day before, but all offline the next day, because a country suddenly issued a ban.

The feeling of grievance, anger and unwillingness was still fresh in his memory to this day.

----but now?

In a blink of an eye, three years have passed, and he has actually begun to represent the largest domestic lithography machine manufacturer to TSMC to prepare for cooperation negotiations.

Or to put it more radically, I actually went to the gauntlet.

The gauntlet of the final battle.

Such a change, such a speed, not to mention other people, even he himself did not expect it.

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi really happened, and even this process didn’t take thirty years—just three years.

He really wanted to say something like "The three-year period has come...", but unfortunately, there was no audience.

Liu Shuang, who was beside him, looked at his half-smiling expression, and somehow retracted into his seat, put on a blanket and fell asleep, and he also pulled up the visor of the porthole, and began to seriously contemplate in his mind Details of the negotiation.

More than two hours later, the plane landed at Taoyuan Airport, and the two left the arrival hall, but did not see the expected TSMC staff who should come to pick up the plane.

Huang Qi frowned, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the contact, but the answer on the other side made him even more annoyed.

"Sorry, Huang Xiansen, our receptionist yelled at something today. She couldn't get there on time. Do you want to wait at Starbucks? There is coffee in the arrival hall of the airport."

"...When do you expect to be here?"

Huang Qi's voice was calm, but his face was not good-looking.

It is impossible for the other party to not know the importance of this reception. The reason why they want to do this is to show their attitude.

This doesn't even count as a negotiating strategy, it's pure disgusting.

"Huang Xiansen, I'm really, really sorry. I just confirmed with the receptionist that there is a traffic jam on the road today. If we pass by, it will take about two hours..."

"Two hours? As far as you are, the three rounds of Ideng have arrived! Forget it, we will go over by ourselves, so I won't bother you!"

Huang Qi hung up the phone directly, and Liu Shuang, who was beside him, shook his head and said:

"It's amazing, give us this set...Are they really not afraid?"

Huang Qi sighed and replied:

"It's just because I'm afraid that I have to take such a bravado attitude. In order to give myself a boost, I don't even care about basic business etiquette. It's hard for me to believe that this is something that a big company like TSMC can do... …”

Hearing his words, Liu Shuang's originally mocking expression also cooled down.

"You mean, someone behind them has already started to intervene?"

"Obviously so, otherwise they wouldn't be able to do such... um, mindless things. Generally speaking, most of the companies in the South Island have minds, but their official executives are not necessarily."

"Haven't you heard of it before? The Ugly Country's aircraft carrier formation has retreated to Guam, and their executives are still clamoring to buy Patriot missiles. It's a bit unclear..."

Liu Shuang nodded, and after pondering for a while, he continued to ask:

"Then what do we do now? Just take a taxi by yourself?"

Huang Qi sneered and replied:

"Go fuck."

"They can hang us, can't we hang them?"

"We are not here to ask them to cooperate, we are here to provide them with the opportunity to cooperate and surrender."

"Now, our sincerity has been shown. If they continue to behave like this, then don't blame us. First the courtesy and then the soldier."

"When the shock strategy starts, they will cry and beg us not to dump, it will be too late..."

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