Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 406: Intensifying The Fragmentation

For Huang Qi, the purpose of asking Gao Wenxiong to reimburse the expenses itself is not the small money, he just wants to send a signal to the other party before this negotiation:

We are the party that takes the initiative, and you are the servants of this cooperation.

Once the other party accepts this setting, then in the subsequent negotiations, they have to follow their own rhythm, and the initiative can be established smoothly.

And the development of things was almost the same as what he expected. Under the strong pressure of Xinghuo Factory, or the entire Huaxia semiconductor industry, Gao Wenxiong maintained an attitude of being humble and small during the follow-up meeting, although he failed to Other than that, the meeting had a constructive outcome, but it was a good start anyway.

What is more iconic is that after meeting with Gao Wenxiong, TSMC arranged a new special car and driver, which means that the other party seems to be struggling to eliminate the influence from the upper level.

Huang Qi immediately reported the situation to his superiors. From their point of view, this was the first flaw in the other side.

As long as the crack appears, the separation between capital and the upper class will want to develop rapidly at an unstoppable speed.

What Huaxia has to do is to further exacerbate such divisions through some means.

For example, the loss of a large order; for example, the delay in the delivery of equipment that should have been delivered; another example, a betrayal that is not so big, but will make people imagine...


Ugly Country, California, Cupertino.

In a small cafe on the street, two men of different skin colors were sitting leisurely opposite each other, enjoying carefully brewed coffee in their cups.

One of the men has a typical white face, with slightly gray hair and fine wrinkles on his forehead and the corners of his eyes, while the Asian man opposite him is young, with smooth skin and thick hair.

After taking the last sip of coffee, the Asian man named Huang Wei put down the cup in his hand and said with a smile:

"Mr. Coors, as you said, the coffee in this cafe is very good. But to be honest, as a Chinese person, I still prefer to drink tea. Maybe I should bring one when we meet next time. A set of tea sets to show you the Chinese tea culture."

The opposite Coors also smiled back, and then replied:

"That's a good idea, but you probably also need an assistant who can make tea. Actually, I've heard rumors about you from other colleagues who say that you promise to show them the art of tea every time, but in the end It's all just grab a handful of tea leaves and throw them into a cup and rinse them with hot water."

"It's not even as good as Lipton's instant tea bags, right? You Chinese people have a saying called 'disposable things', and it's perfect for you."

"Hahahaha, maybe so, but it's not important, as long as you can drink good tea, it's a success, isn't it?"

Huang Weiyi obviously heard the hidden edge in the other party's words, but he didn't show a sullen look at all, but returned the other party's words lightly.

You say that technology is a waste in my hands, then I will tell you that as long as I can create something, it is not a waste.

A seemingly peaceful exchange actually had murderous intentions hidden from the very beginning, but both sides were accustomed to it.

Hearing Huang Weiyi's answer, Coors shook his head slightly and said:

"That's not necessarily true. Just like our coffee, even if the raw materials are exactly the same, the flavors displayed by the freshly ground method and the instant method are different."

"I'm a perfectionist, so I only drink freshly ground coffee—it's probably some kind of insistence on quality of life? Of course, in many other ways, too."

"Yes, yes, that's a very good attitude. But I think, in this world, besides freshly ground coffee, instant coffee, maybe there are other ways of brewing coffee? For example...  Distilled?"

Coors gently turned the quilt in his hand, there was still the last sip of coffee in the cup, but he didn't finish it like Huang Weiyi did.

"Distillation might be a good idea, but, you know, people like me, at this age, are very insensitive to change."

"I don't have as much energy to try new things because that means I'm likely to have a cup of coffee that I don't like and it will ruin my mood throughout the day."

"Instead of that, why don't I choose the cafe I like, the barista I like?"

"Or is this cafe going out of business? Or is the barista going to get sick in the near future?"

Hearing his words, Huang Weiwei put away the indifferent and meaningless expression on his face, and replied sternly:

"You know, it's not going to be our choice. We're a group of peace-loving people, and we're definitely not going to blow up other people's cafes to sell our espresso."

"However, we might come up with an offer that coffee drinkers can't refuse."

"Oh? Like?"

Huang Weiyi took out a stack of documents from the briefcase beside him, pushed it in front of Coors and said:

"For example, as you know, in addition to opening cafes and providing coffee technology, we also sell coffee to customers ourselves - it's the same thing you do."

"We are also a competitor - it can even be said that the coffee we make through distillation technology does not sell well in the market."

"The market share of your freshly ground coffee is getting lower and lower, and if it continues like this, it is likely to be completely replaced by espresso coffee."

"This is probably not what you want, right?"

Coors opened the document that Huang Weiwei handed over, and after seeing the content on it, his expression instantly became solemn.

"This is the new model you will release?"

At this moment, he no longer has the energy to play dumb riddles with Huang Weiyi, because the information on the document made him feel a huge crisis.

Unprecedented powerful performance, almost the same functional composition as a bucket, coupled with ultra-low pricing that breaks the limit of his imagination... If this machine is released without any preparation, it will be very difficult for us The spring market in the end segment will be devastating.

However, now the other party has revealed this information directly to himself?

what does that mean?

He raised his head to look at Huang Weiyi, who smiled and replied:

"Yes, this is our new model."

"Mr. Coors, you have probably already thought of it. The reason why I dare to disclose this model to you directly is because we have absolute confidence that it is impossible for you to achieve the same performance at the same cost."

"On this model, there is no point-to-point competition -- it's a killer model, like the iPhone 4 you released earlier."

"In addition, I can also tell you that this model will also integrate a new technology module that has never appeared before. This module will completely change the entire ecosystem of personal terminals. In front of it, you will not have any Chance."

After listening to Huang Weiyi's words, Coors frowned and asked:

"So, you mean, you're going to trade the technology for this product in exchange for our order?"

"Hahaha, Mr. Coors, you are too funny."

"Technology for orders? What kind of pie in the wild? Do you think we'd be that stupid?"

"We will indeed sell some interests like you, but this kind of interest must not be our core competitiveness."

After a pause, Huang Weiwei continued:

"Precisely, we want to give you a chance."

"what chance?"

Coors' voice became low, his whole body was unknowingly tense, and his arms were folded in front of his chest in a defensive posture.

"A chance to live."

Coors raised a mocking arc at the corner of his mouth, and then asked:

"You mean, do you think we're going to die when you release this product?"

"You probably underestimate our strength and overestimate yourselves."

Huang Weiyi shook his head and replied:

"No, of course not with this one product - we're not that naive."

"But, I can also tell you, at this point, we absolutely can."

"Or, do you need me to demonstrate it to you?"

"How do you want to demonstrate?"

Coors asked cautiously.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you—trust me, you don't want to see it, because once something starts, it's almost impossible to stop. Can you see what I mean?"

After Huang Weiyi finished speaking, the two people in the cafe fell into a long silence.

Coors looked directly into the other's eyes, trying to find a hint of hesitation, guilt or withdrawal from there, but unfortunately, he found nothing.

This is a gamble, with only one "full house" in his hand, while the opponent holds countless hole cards.

Are you going to bet that there are no fours, no straight flush?

Coors suddenly felt that he did not dare to gamble.

Surrender and lose half, but if you insist on turning over the opponent's cards, you are likely to go bankrupt.

It's just a matter of changing suppliers...

This is not a big strategic adjustment for our own side, and it will not cause too much loss to the supply chain. What's more, from an objective point of view, the other side's technology is enough to support our own supply chain.

In this game, if you choose to cooperate, then the only person who gets hurt is a company on the island that has nothing to do with him at all.

After a long time, Coors finally spoke.

"I will consider your advice, but, you need to know that this is definitely not something that I, nor our company, can decide, we need advice from a higher level..."

"You can rest assured about this."

Huang Weiyi interrupted him and continued:

"The opportunity we give them will be more irresistible than what I tell you."

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