Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 407: Pay The Balance First

Island North.

The negotiation between Huang Qi and Liu Shuang went well with TSMC. Under the tacit understanding of both parties, they reached an agreement on the follow-up technical cooperation in just a few days, and Liu Shuang played a huge role in it. The only issue facing both sides now is the distribution of benefits and the distribution of the market.

According to the plan of Xinghuo Factory, in this negotiation, Xinghuo will try to obtain more than 30% of TSMC's capex investment, that is to say, at least 30% of the funds used by the other party to purchase lithography machines and other equipment in the future will flow into Xinghuo factory.

At the same time, Spark also intends to make an equity investment in TSMC and acquire 5% of the other party's shares.

If these two goals can be achieved, it means that the first step in the holding of TSMC has been taken. In the follow-up actions, as long as this advantage is further expanded, then in a relatively short period of time, it can be TSMC is completely in the bag.

Both parties were well aware of this, but neither of them said it.

As Gao Wenxiong mentioned several times, the end of TSMC has long been doomed, and everything he is doing now is just to exchange his remaining advantages for more benefits in this final time. That's it.

However, his plan was immediately met with a strong rebound from the top.

The day after the technical negotiation ended, the dedicated drivers of Huang Qi and Liu Shuang were replaced, and the originally reserved hotel rooms were suddenly cleaned up.

Subsequently, Gao Wenxiong received a warning that business negotiations originally planned for the next day had to be postponed.

On the third day, Gao Wenxiong informed Huang Qi that the business negotiation between the two would continue to be postponed, and the specific negotiation date was to be determined.

On the fourth day, the identities of Huang Qi and Liu Shuang were revealed, and the TV news in the entire South Island broadcasted the news that "Xinghuo Factory will encroach on TSMC and take away the core pillar industries of the South Island".

On the same day, the hotel where the two lived was attacked, and the security guards who were supposed to maintain order did nothing.

In such an emergency, Huang Qi was forced to call the headquarters, and with the help of special staff, the two finally left the hotel.

After arriving at the new destination, the two sat down with the staff and began to discuss the next step of this operation.

Looking at Liu Shuang with messy hair and a slightly embarrassed face in front of him, Huang Qi said:

"This time it was a little too dangerous. We still under-predicted their response and did not make emergency plans for mass incidents. This is a lesson."

"It's our job not doing the right thing."

Hearing his words, the staff on the opposite side nodded sincerely and replied.

"No, I can't blame you. Originally, we tried to downplay the additional attributes of this negotiation and tried to treat it as a pure commercial negotiation, but now it seems that this idea is a bit unrealistic."

"Now that our identities have been exposed and our negotiation intentions have been exaggeratedly reported by the media, I have a hunch that our negotiations will become extremely difficult after that."

"We have to plan comprehensively for this situation."

"The first thing to be sure is that Liu Shuang's technical negotiation work has been completed. I suggest that she be evacuated first, and let me negotiate the rest of the work alone."

Opposite Liu Shuang frowned and was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

She is not the kind of naive girl who ignores the overall situation for the so-called heroism, but a calm and mature strongman. In the current situation, she is very clear that the meaning of her staying is far less than the risk she may have to take.

Moreover, this risk is not just for her personally. In some cases, if something happens to her, the whole world will suffer.

Therefore, it is the best option to evacuate in time.

Although it would be a pity not to be able to participate in this action destined to go down in history from start to finish, it would be the biggest regret if the entire project was ruined because of myself.

Seeing Liu Shuang's expression, Huang Qi heaved a sigh of relief, and then continued:

"The main problem we will face in the future is still the issue of public opinion pressure. The other party has begun to directly incite to attack us. This probably shows that the other party has almost reached a dead end."

"What we need to do is not to further stimulate the sensitive nerves of the other party, because almost everything we can do as a team has been done. Next, what I have to do is... eh? How does that word say? ?"

The staff on the side thought for a moment and asked tentatively:

"Remain present?"

"Yes, yes! It's just to keep existing! This matter is not my own business. We need the artillery support of other brothers now."

"So, my plan is not to take the initiative to ask for negotiations for a period of time in the future, but I must maintain contact with Gao Wenxiong."

"This, you need to arrange - the most important thing is to let me appear in public under the premise of safety."

Hearing his words, the staff nodded and replied:

"Don't worry, this matter is left to us."

"We also have contact with some groups here, and when necessary, we can use their power."

"Is it reliable?"

Huang Qi asked cautiously.

"Not too reliable—but, it works."

"Got it. Just wait."

After speaking, Huang Qi sighed deeply.

The TV beside him was still playing the news of the so-called Xinghuo Factory's intention to acquire TSMC. The host was impassionedly analyzing the situation of the chip market. He spit and used fierce words. nailed to the ground.

But what he didn't know was that the opponent he was crusade was sitting in a hidden hut at this moment, watching his performance calmly.

No one cares what he says, because no matter how accurate his analysis or how intensely his emotions are inflamed, it can't change a given fact:

The winner of this battle is actually hidden in that corner that no one has noticed yet.

And these chess pieces have already fallen to their star positions.


A week after the two Huang Qi were hit, Apple released a piece of news that sent the entire South Island into extreme anger:

Starting from June of that year, subsequent chip purchases for personal terminal products will be divided into two parts, of which 40% of the share will remain with TSMC, but the other 60% will be allocated to data within Huaxia, including Xinghuo Factory. fab.

This means that TSMC's total sales will be cut in half.

"This is betrayal!"

Angry people shouted slogans and posted videos of smashing iPhones on video websites. Under the explosive public opinion, even Xinghuo Factory became a supporting role.

However, what they did not expect was that Apple's betrayal was only the first step.

After Apple announced the re-division of the purchase share, asml announced a re-delivery plan. The six lithography machines originally planned to be delivered to TSMC in December of that year were postponed due to tight cash flow and insufficient production capacity.

Only at this time did Nandao notice the change in the situation, and they anxiously sent a message for help, but the latter's answer greatly disappointed them.

In a dimly lit conference room, a woman said in a pleading voice:

"Sir, I know it's difficult, but we want to use you to put pressure on Apple, at least let them maintain our 70% share, otherwise we may not survive..."

"It's just business."

The other party's answer was extremely cold.

After a short pause, the other party continued:

"In addition, should you also pay for the balance of the missiles you bought?"

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