Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 408 Healy Organization, Maga!

The successive blows caught the top officials trying to sway TSMC's business strategy through executive power by surprise, especially after they were ruthlessly rejected for help.

This is absolutely not supposed to happen.

Although it is said that they did observe the full-scale contraction of the ugly country before this, but because they have not been confirmed by the ugly country, they always regard this strategy as some kind of "energy accumulation", and even talk to the other party's high-level officials in private. In their communication, the information they obtained was also "under preparation and will return to Asia Pacific soon".

However, the development of things hit them hard in the face.

TSMC, the largest pillar enterprise in the South Island, and a strategic enterprise that has lost its monopoly but still has a significant economic effect, has now begun to face public provocations from the other side.

For this kind of provocation, the biggest shareholder hiding behind turned a blind eye, and even had a great intention to comply with the opponent's actions.

In this way, the Executive Yuan on its own side, as the No. 2 shareholder, is in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Because we can indeed oppose subsequent cooperation in the voting, but to oppose cooperation, we have to come up with corresponding chips.

The current situation is that under the attack of Apple, asml and Xinghuo Factory, if they do not cooperate, TSMC will die. Is it really necessary to continue to use administrative funds to subsidize?

When will this subsidy end? If you have to rely on subsidies to survive, what is the point of this company's existence? Just as a flag?

Yes, TSMC is indeed a flag. As long as it does not fall, it is difficult for the outside world to determine that it is already at a disadvantage without knowing it. In this way, at least those cooperation that have been negotiated will not be aborted immediately.

It can last for a while... At least, until the master recovers his vitality.

Although I don't know what happened to them, I don't need to use my brain to think that something must have happened to them.

This is not the first time that this kind of problem has appeared. As long as it can survive two or three years, the situation will definitely improve again.

The special administrative budget on the island is just enough to last for two years - but the balance of the so-called missiles must not be paid.

In any case, the system has not been delivered in place and cannot be used at all.


Ugly State, Berkeley National Laboratory, aqt Advanced Quantum Testbed Program Office.

The aqt project is a national key project established in 2018, funded by the Advanced Scientific Computing Research Project of the Science Office of the Ministry of Energy, and its key goals are to deploy and integrate advanced superconducting hardware and develop new quantum benchmark technologies. Over the years, they have achieved world-leading achievements.

This was supposed to be a separate scientific research project -- especially independent of the "Quantum Memorandum" project of the military's Special Operations Command.

Different from the former, the main purpose of the quantum memorandum project is to find new quantum encryption technology and apply such technology to the field of military encryption, so as to deal with the growing threat of RSA decryption.

Obviously, they were already a step behind, but fortunately, for the researchers of the project, they were not too far behind.

The basic scientific research strength of the aqt project, coupled with the application technology of the quantum memorandum project, if the two can be combined into one, perhaps in the next one to two years, the threat of rsa decryption can be completely eliminated - especially in the absence of under cost input.

Therefore, based on this purpose, the Congress issued the latest presidential decree, and the Special Operations Command began to fully take over the personnel, equipment and technical achievements of the AQT project. Healy's new organization, and the purpose of this organization is to use any means to break China's current quantum hegemony.

"Healy" is the name of the largest icebreaker currently in service in the Chou Kingdom, and its use here also represents the official expectations of the Chou Kingdom for this organization.

Since it is set up under the Special Operations Command, this organization will of course not be a purely research organization. In fact, it undertakes the responsibilities of a wartime special command and has the right to mobilize all resources and take all necessary measures. Actions to resist the deterrence of quantum hegemony from the outside world. These means include but are not limited to economic, cultural, military, diplomatic, etc. In short, they are probably similar to the combination of the KGB and the Economic Planning Commission.

At this moment, the first meeting organized by Healy was underway.

".... We have now been able to confirm that the real intention of the action initiated by the opposite party to TSMC is in the South Island, but under the current circumstances, we cannot make any substantive obstruction actions."

"As we have agreed with them before, they can carry out the actions within the framework as planned, and we must not interfere with any military means, otherwise they will choose to retaliate through RSA decryption technology."

"This is a stalemate. It is undeniable that we have fallen behind in the economic field, and the only absolute leader is the military, but now, we cannot use this means."

"This also means that we have to try to maintain our current position for some time to come, under extremely difficult circumstances."

"We can't allow this to happen, because it will send us into the abyss."

"At the same time, we must do our best to develop quantum computing technology, and use the shortest time to fundamentally end the monopoly of the other party."

"That's why the aqt project is included in the Healy organization - all of you here hold the future of this country in your hands, and I hope you all clearly recognize that."

The speaker is a senior general of the Special Operations Command, named Eric Aldo, who is only 50 years old, but has served in the Special Operations Command for more than 20 years and is one of the most experienced decision makers.

Hearing his words, everyone in the conference room nodded silently. After a while, someone raised their hand and asked:

"So, for their actions in the South Island, we will choose to let them go?"

Aldo shook his head slightly and replied:

"It's not laissez-faire, it's just a strategic choice."

"The first thing that needs to be made clear is that in our current situation, it is not enough to restrict the other side's actions in the South Island through conventional means - whether it is military means or economic means, it is impossible to do so."

"Secondly, from a strategic point of view, although the South Island is likely to become the advance base for the other side's navy to enter the Pacific Ocean, as a land aircraft carrier, it will cut off the first island chain and give the other side an advantage in the East China Sea and the South China Sea."

"But as long as island countries, non-protocols, and Aozhou are still our allies, then the Pacific Ocean is still under our control, and there is no real damage to our interests."

"So, the issue of the South Island has actually always been a question of strategic containment. Now that this containment no longer exists, then they have lost their value as allies."

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can just show our attitude to the other party and eliminate the other party's vigilance, in exchange for more development time."

"I hope everyone here will not lose confidence in our country because of this, we are not shrinking - in fact, we have never retreated, every enemy who dared to provoke has been resolutely hit, but we It must also be understood that special strategies in special times are also necessary.”

"Now we can't afford a war. When the other party has absolute information superiority, no matter how strong our military strength is, we can only achieve a balance of power at most, and once this balance of power is exposed to the world, we will What is lost is not just a South Island."

After speaking, Aldo looked around the venue in silence for a week. He looked at the young and immature faces in front of him, and encouraged:

"As I said, quantum technology is the key to our game, and your efforts are essential to make it happen."

"Friends, you have an unprecedented responsibility on your shoulders. We need you, and the country needs you."

"Now, let's get our spirits up and get to work, every minute of your work will get us out of trouble a minute earlier."

"Our flag will not fall, believe it."

"Our fathers once defended it, and now, it's our turn."


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