Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 409 Comprehensive Competition


After the trip to Xia Tower, Ye Zhou returned to the Shufei Flight Test Base in Rongcheng, and when he saw Chen Hao again, he could almost say that he couldn't wait to pull him into his office and asked about his recent work. progress.

Although he can also obtain information through remote communication in Shata, due to the principle of confidentiality, the transmission of most sensitive information is not complete, and it is far less detailed than face-to-face communication.

Chen Hao maintained his calm style as always. He first poured a cup of tea for Ye Zhou, then took out the small biscuits from the cabinet that seemed to have been there for a while, then sat down and said:

"Now we have three main tasks. Simply put, they are the economic strategy of the South Island, technological development, and internal transformation. In addition, the exploration of quantum technology on Lin Ling's side is also a direction, but at present it can only be said to be idle chess. There are ways to invest too many resources, which may be different from your ideas, but it still depends on what you think..."

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao's skillful movements and answered helplessly:

"Don't worry about what I think about this, I just want to ask you, is this my office or yours? Why are you so skilled?"

"That's not skilled? Who do you think cleaned your office when you were away? If it wasn't for me, the two pots of flowers in your house would have died. Think about it, since you moved in, have you watered it once? "

"...Okay, let's go back to the plan. What's the situation on the South Island now?"

"...You change the subject as soon as you make a mistake, right? On the Nandao side, just like the document I sent you before, we will use economic suppression and economic blockade to force the other party to submit."

"What we are doing now is mainly about TSMC's actions. We have combined upstream suppliers and downstream customers to simultaneously exert pressure, but the official background of the other party is very strong. In the future, they will most likely consider administrative subsidies. to keep TSMC running.”

"So, we have to simultaneously launch competition from other aspects, consuming the island's liquidity and market potential, thereby forcing them to accept cooperation."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou nodded slightly and continued to ask:

"What are the main aspects?"

"Ocean-water fishing, cultural tourism and entertainment, precision machinery and large-scale machinery manufacturing, and export of agricultural products. These four directions are the easiest directions for us to exert efforts and achieve results in the short term."

"The deep-sea fishery is one of the traditional pillar industries of the other side. As long as they can form an advantage in this field, the economic blow to them will be huge."

"So, we will give up military means completely?"

Chen Hao smiled and replied:

"Let's fight against the enemy and subdue the enemy without fighting is what we really want to do. To be honest, the least difficult thing for us now is to take back our force, but even if the other side has no foreign aid, let's fight such a battle. What's the point of a local war?"

"This site is ours after all, and no one wants to recover a piece of scorched earth in the end. It is the best choice to recover it through economic negotiation."

"Of course, armed struggle will always be our trump card. If the other party has any request to cross the line in the subsequent negotiations, then we also reserve the right to use force."

"It's like your dad taught you a lesson. At the beginning, it must be the main reason. It's really because the bear boy doesn't listen to the persuasion, so he will be slapped on the belt."

Hearing this, a bitter smile appeared on Ye Zhou's face, and after a pause, he answered:

"My dad seems to be unreasonable to me at this stage... Usually, I have been beaten before I can react."

"...I can't see it, our uncle is also quite a tiger."

"What do you think? The teacher's children are the worst. They are tired of reasoning with the students in school. When they get home, they don't bother to open their mouths, so they just do it."

"...It's a reasonable explanation. In short, our goal is to completely solve the South Island issue within the next 5 months - before the National Day, everything must be done."


Ye Zhou nodded and continued to ask:

"What about naturalization and education in the future? How to deal with it?"

"This comes to the third priority - internal change."


Chen Hao pulled out a stack of documents from the table beside him and handed it to Ye Zhou, then said:

"This is the opinion we collected from below some time ago, and it is related to the main issues in the field of culture and education in China. In the future, we will use efficient means to conduct a comprehensive education to remove some Bad sound."

"Before we didn't move them, it was because we had too much work to do and couldn't do anything. Now that we and the ugly country have entered the stage of strategic stalemate, both the economy and the external situation have begun to stabilize. It’s time to start working on internal issues as well.”

"We will let the new organization take over the work on the South Island, and train the team in the hard work. After the work is basically completed, the team will be transferred back to China, so as to form a beneficial blood supply."

Ye Zhou flipped through the document in his hand. This document recorded a series of problems and cases in detail. At first glance, it was almost shocking.

If this item was not taken from Chen Hao, he would almost suspect that the material was fake.

The problems are too many and too complicated, and the fields involved are too broad, and even make him feel like "everything is enemy".

After reading silently for ten minutes, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said:

"Judging from this material, the challenges we face are very big, and the form is very serious."

Chen Hao shook his head and replied:

"The challenge is great, but it cannot be said that the form is severe."

"In fact, the main reason why these problems can be left to the present is the contradiction between 'advance' and 'stability'."

"In the past few decades, we have faced too much external pressure, and these pressures have forced us to move forward desperately and have to ignore some of the existing problems."

"I learned a text before about a long-distance traveler who has no time to deal with sand in his shoes, because he has to race against time."

"The situation we are facing is far more severe than in the text. We are not trying to hurry, we are chasing the black sandstorm a few steps behind, so running is the only way out."

"Even if our clothes are riddled with holes, even if the soles of our feet are worn out, even if we are covered in blood, we can't stop."

"If you stop, you will die, but if we can escape the black sandstorm, as long as our skeletons are still there, those flesh and blood that have been bitten by bugs will always grow back slowly."

Ye Zhou nodded solemnly and said with some worry:

"I'm afraid that the bugs have already burrowed into the bones."

"No. Looking at it now, they're just getting into the flesh--Take a ten thousand steps back, even if they get into the bones, what can they do?"

"We have never lacked the courage to scrape the bones to cure poison. If they get into the bone marrow, then we will smash the bones, burn them thoroughly with fire, and re-cast a stronger bone."

"Such bone scraping has been done several times in our long history, and now it's only repeated once."

"More importantly, the current medical environment is better than ever before - the situation of strong enemies still exists, but we are now holding a gun in one hand and a scalpel in the other, and there is still a decline in , but still a trusted friend to escort me."

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry too much about this issue. If we can't handle it well, you can directly exercise the authority to go beyond command and take command of the battle yourself."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou shook his head firmly.

"Impossible, I will never interfere in this aspect."

"This is not my major, and I don't have the corresponding ability. To direct this kind of thing can only get worse."

Chen Hao nodded slightly and replied:

"I'm just giving an example. Of course, the specific operation is still arranged by the upper level. In fact, there are many things that can be done beyond the command authority, and there is no problem with moderate use."

"Well, I'll talk about that when I'm 30. What about technology development work? What's going on now?"

"aes has begun to be applied and developed, the first batch of targeted drugs for gene editing technology has entered the clinical stage, and Shenguang 4 is undergoing transformation, your pulsed laser technology will be applied, in the field of fusion, we are likely to become the world's The first country to successfully ignite with inertial restraint."

"How long is it expected to take to ignite?"

"Within a year. It depends on the speed of construction and testing."


Ye Zhou put down the document in his hand, took a sip of tea from the cup, then raised his eyes and looked at the sky outside the window.

During this vacation, most of the information he was exposed to was fragmented and fragmented, and he always believed that these information were independent of each other.

But today, after chatting with Chen Hao, he discovered that those seemingly unrelated actions actually have an inner connection.

From eliminating the potential threat of the Starlink system, to domestic companies going overseas, to the cooperation plan for TSMC, to the internal cultural rectification...

One by one, in fact, they all serve the same goal.

The South Island is just a springboard, and the purpose is to explore the world.

The turbulent era is coming soon.

He still remembered that after Xinghuo Factory completed the first tapeout, Chen Hao once said to him that the first chip landed was the beginning of the world of economics.

He also remembered that he said that all his work is to cross the "three feet three from the sky".

And now, probably, it's gone... a foot?

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