Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 412: The Conflict Expands

As the two fishing boats collided, Zhan Hui, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately shouted. All the crew members on the boat gathered on the side of the boat, and eagerly grasped a lot of fishing equipment, waiting for the other party to jump into the gang to fight.

However, the actual situation was completely different from what he expected.

None of the crew members on the opposite side stepped forward. They just stood in the distance and kept yelling, "Gan Linniang", "Salinmu", and "Jing Li" in their mouths flying. The previous action, they all shrank back together.

Seeing that the trawling nets of the two fishing boats were getting tighter and tighter, Zhan Hui was furious. He dragged out the springboard he didn't know where he got it from behind to perform traditional craftsmanship. Tan Min, who was on the side, quickly grabbed him.

"Are you fucking stupid? Where's your brain? People just provoke you to do it, can we suffer from this? Just talk about it!"

"No, boss, we let them hit the boat, and it's still dirty here, so we won't let them do it?"

"Do it? If we do it, our purpose of coming here will be completely ruined! Don't do it!"

Zhan Hui glared angrily at the most scolded crew member on the opposite side, threw the springboard in his hand, and began to swear hoarsely.

It's a pity that there are a lot of people on the Nandao fishing boat on the opposite side. At least in terms of momentum, No. 106 completely lost the wind, and as the other party's emergency signal was issued, several Nandao fishing boats that were also operating nearby also gathered. No. 106 formed a situation of encirclement.

"Boss, what should I do?"

Zhan Hui looked at the fishing boat approaching in the distance, and the fierce look in his eyes became more and more intense.

He is an old sailor who lives on the sea all year round, especially the traditional fishing ground of the 106 boat is in the South China Sea. He has seen many strong winds and waves, not to mention facing these fishing boats, even if it is facing the warships of island countries, he will Eager to bang.

Now these fishing boats are trying to come up to surround him, which is really a powder keg.

"Wait and see, our signal has been sent out, wait for our people to come over and talk about it!"

"Now we have a lot of ships in this sea, and I don't believe that they dare to attack us by relying on the number of people!"

Tan Min's tone was still steady and firm, but in fact, he was also secretly worried.

This time, he is not in the South China Sea. In that area, although they are far away from the mainland and their home port, the entire sea is full of their own warships. It was that sense of security that made him unafraid when facing provocative ships from other countries.

but now?

After crossing the so-called center line, his own coast guard ships are no longer visible, let alone warships.

To get out of trouble, you can only rely on yourself.

However, if you only rely on yourself, can you really get away with it?

The other party has no scruples. They have always regarded this fishing ground as their own territory. In this three-point land, isn't it what they say?

Even if there are many people on your side, what if there is a real conflict later, and when the other side's coast guard ship arrives, will your side really fight to death?

I'm afraid this is not a good idea.

Thinking of this, Tan Min couldn't help but feel a little indignant. These idiots are all compatriots of the same mother. He hadn't seen them when he was galloping across the South China Sea.

It really doesn't work, or just like what Zhan Hui said, let's have a fight?

Thinking of this, he quietly patted Zhan Hui on the shoulder and asked him to organize his staff to prepare a high-pressure water gun, and the nozzle of the water gun aimed at the still entangled Nandao fishing boat.

The fishermen on the opposite side were still yelling, and the other fishing boats that came one after another had already surrounded No. 106 in the middle.

"Roar, hit our boat, now you are dead! Come back to the South Island with us honestly, and see how our Fisheries Agency punishes you!"

"I'll go back to you next door to Mala! You rushed up and hit our boat. You think we don't have a boat recorder on the boat? This video is clearly filmed. What are you doing? You want to reverse black and white?"

"We reversed black and white? We are sailing normally, but you deliberately block our way and entangle us with trawling nets. I think you are obviously having bad intentions!"

"Nima, I'll kill you!"

"Come on, you kill me, Lady Gan Lin!"



The two groups of people scolded more and more fiercely. They were all seamen who lived at sea all year round, and they did not have a high culture. This is to let go of the scolding. There are a lot of tricks, and the other party is just a few words over and over.

It can be seen that the cultural heritage of a great country is also reflected in the vulgar words of the market.

As the fishing boats in the South Island were getting tighter and tighter, No. 106 was almost squeezed to the ground. Zhan Hui walked up to Tan Min again and asked:

"Boss, what do you say? Let's go! We can't go on like this. If we don't leave, they won't be able to leave when their coast guard ships come!"

Tan Min frowned, he really didn't want to cause trouble at such a time, but judging from the current situation, he really had no choice but to do it.

Thinking of this, he said decisively:

"Cut the trawl net, no more! I'm going to drive the boat, you control the water gun, just charge at them, how can we rush out of a way!"

"Got it!"

Hearing his words, Zhan Hui turned around and left. In less than two minutes, a strong current began to impact the deck of the fishing boat on the opposite side. As the trawler sank to the bottom of the sea, the engine of No. 106 also started to run at full speed, and the bow of the boat was on the south side of the opposite side. The hull of the island fishing boat forcibly squeezed a path between the two fishing boats that were attacked.

The sound of steel friction was extremely harsh, and the port side of No. 106 was scraped with a deep dent, but fortunately, the hull itself was strong, and these did not cause damage to the hull.

Seeing that No. 106 was about to break out of the encirclement, the Nandao fishing boats on both sides also began to move. They also started the turbines at full speed, desperately trying to squeeze No. 106 back into the encirclement.

Under the attack, black smoke billowed from No. 106, but no matter how hard they struggled, it was difficult for them to take an inch on this sea.

At this critical moment, the other fishing boats in the Yashan port formation finally arrived. A medium-sized fishing boat with port number 809 advanced at full speed and slammed into the port side of the fishing boat on the right side of No. 106, forcibly pushing it away. A position, taking advantage of this opportunity, No. 106 broke out.

However, the battle between the fishing boats at sea is far from over. From further away, several island fishing boats with plaster flags are breaking through the waves.

"Fuck, it's the ship of the Twin Island Fisheries Federation!"

Tan Min cursed in a low voice, and slammed the rudder with both hands to meet No. 809. Then, the two fishing boats dragged out long water trails and sailed in the direction of the Yashan Port formation.

However, the fishing boats from those island countries were extremely fast, and they blocked their route before they joined the main force. Tan Min turned the course several times, but was blocked by them.

There were calls from other fishing boats on the radio. Tan Min gritted his teeth, picked up the intercom and replied:

"Brothers, I'm probably stuck here. You guys continue to work. It's a big deal. I'll go to the South Island with them. I don't believe what they can do to me!"

"Fuck it, hold on for a while, we'll meet you! There are many of them, and there are many of us!"

While speaking, many fishing boats from Yashan Port were already approaching at high speed. In just a few minutes, two fishing boats from the island country that were unable to dodge were hit. One of the boats even tilted and seemed to be on the verge of overturning.

This is a big deal.

A sense of ominousness rose in Tan Min's heart.

This time, with his No. 106 fishing boat as the fuse, the fishing boats of Huaxia, Nandao, and island countries in this waters exploded one by one like a string of gun battles.

Beside him, ship No. 809 is still fighting with the fishing boats around him; in the distance, the Yashan formation has collided with the island formation; and the ship of his own has collided continuously under his own operation. Three ships, the hull can almost be said to be damaged.

As long as it comes back a few times, this fishing boat, which has spent tens of millions of funds and countless energy, has made great contributions, and it is likely to sink to the bottom of the sea.

However, he had no intention of retreating.

The blood in his bones has been aroused. He knows that as long as he retires today, all plans and plans will be in vain.

You have to hold on, even if you really give your life to this boat, you can't leave this sea.

Thinking of this, he slammed the rudder again and slammed into the Nandao fishing boat beside him.

The waves swelled, and the loud noise of the collision was one after another.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely the first and probably the only large-scale "fishing boat collision" in human history. The total number of fishing boats involved in this collision exceeds 50, and their attack methods are almost as simple as they are. It can be said to be lackluster, but such lackluster attacks are more thrilling than some naval battles.

There was no gunpowder smoke, no gunfire, just silent progress, collision, and the sour noise and monstrous splashes after the collision.

In the blink of an eye, two fishing boats had already started to sink slowly, and the friendly troops on the side rushed forward to rescue them. At this time, the other fishing boats who were eyeing them would not dare to fall into the well, because everyone knew that if a fatal accident happened. Come on, it is definitely not a consequence that a bunch of ordinary people can afford.

No matter how strong your background is, it is impossible to be good.

The conflict on the sea seemed to subside slowly, but just when Tan Min thought the matter had come to an end, he suddenly heard a voice on the radio.

"This is the Fisheries Department, please stop and drop anchor immediately and be inspected."

"Repeat, please stop the ship and drop anchor immediately and accept the inspection, otherwise, we will use force."

Tan Min rushed out of the captain's room, and he saw two huge tonnage coast guard ships approaching in the distance.

And the reinforcements he was looking forward to, have yet to arrive.

The parents of the other party are here, what about your own parents?

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