Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 413 Parents Are Here

With the arrival of the parents, the confrontation between the fishing boats at sea officially stopped, and all the fishing boats were ordered to drop anchor in place for inspection, even the ones that were slowly sinking.

However, even these fishing boats are treated differently by the so-called Fisheries Department personnel. For the fishing boats in the South Island and the island countries, the rescue operation has not stopped, but the fishing boats in the Yashan Port formation will be sprayed with high-pressure water guns immediately if they make any move. .

Those crew members who had not had time to transfer the damaged fishing boat had to all come to the opposite deck, while the coast guard boat beside them turned a blind eye to them.

"We ask to rescue our crew first!"

Seeing this scene, Tan Min shouted angrily to the staff of the Fisheries Department who had just boarded No. 106.

"What are you panicking about? Their ship won't sink. Let's wait first. After we finish dealing with the matter here, we will go to meet them. What's the hurry!"

"Why can't it sink? Look for yourself, their boat is about to roll over! If it is delayed for a few hours, you will be responsible if it sinks completely?"

Hearing his words, the Fisheries Department staff frowned and asked:

"Didn't you yourself say that there are still a few hours? Do you think we can't finish things here in a few hours? What do you want? Obstructing law enforcement?"

"What law enforcement power do you have here? This is the public waters. What's wrong with our normal fishing? Your boat came first to provoke!"

"I didn't see any provocation by our fishermen. When we came, we only saw you maliciously ramming our fishing boats. What's it called?"

Tan Min stared at each other with a split canthus. At this moment, he finally understood the feeling of trying to resist Zhan Hui who was pinned to the ground by the gun.

There is a saying that the situation is stronger than the person. At this moment, he has a deep understanding.

"...Tan Min."

He took a deep breath and replied calmly.

"What are you doing here with us?"

"What do you call your side? This is a public fishing ground. If you can come, we can't come? I'm a fisherman. Why do I need to ask?"

"Who told you that this is a public fishing ground? This is our traditional fishing ground, and fishing operations are not allowed without a permit!"

"Why? This sea is yours? You put the fish? You dug the sea?"

"Don't glib with me here! Now your behavior has seriously damaged our navigation safety. I am issuing a notice to you in accordance with the Maritime Safety Management Law and the South Island Fisheries Management Fee Law. Please cooperate with our work and return with us. The port is under investigation!"

Tan Min clenched his fists tightly and said viciously:

"What if I don't?"

The staff on the opposite side did not speak, but the other two behind him raised their guns.

Tan Min was angry for a while, but in the face of the violent threat of the other party, he really had no room for resistance.

He was not the only one who was treated unfairly with a fishing boat. Almost all the fishing boats in Yashan Port were boarded and searched. Although there was no conflict at this time, if it continued to develop, I am afraid that with the character of these crew members, Bloodshed is likely imminent.

Looking at the fishery department staff who were busy registering on the deck, Tan Min said coldly:

"I advise you to be careful. If you kill people, it's not just you, but the owner behind you will also be unlucky."

"Unlucky? Haha."

The Fisheries Department staff sneered and replied:

"I want to see who is unlucky. You crossed the center line and rammed our fishing boats on fishing grounds that did not belong to you, causing heavy losses. You can't deny this in any court."

"You think I'm bullying you? You're wrong, I'm just doing justice to the law!"

"It was your fishing boat that hit us first!"

Tan Min shouted loudly.

"Did I hit you? We have compiled the information and investigated it clearly. The first collision was just an accident caused by an operator error. It is too common for trawling to become entangled. Does this count as our collision?"

Hearing this, Tan Min couldn't help but froze in place.

The other party's idea of ​​stealing a hand-to-hand exchange left him speechless. Indeed, the first collision was caused by trawling, but judging from his "communication" with the other party, the other party obviously did it on purpose.

Moreover, the subsequent actions also fully reflected the maliciousness of the other party.

If it is really an accident, as long as the two fishing boats stay in place and wait for the follow-up maritime management department to deal with it, what does it mean to call a large number of fishing boats to contain them?

Further, the other party even intercepted when they wanted to take the initiative to get out of the conflict, saying it was an accident, who would believe it?

But if you really think about it carefully, all this is really the other party's reason.

They can completely interpret the follow-up interception as "a righteous act of bravery to avoid the escape of the hit-and-miss boat", so that they can be invincible, both legally and logically.

Even the few ships that took the initiative to collide may be treated as heroes by them.

Thinking of this, the sullenness in Tan Min's heart almost suffocated him.

Drifting at sea for a lifetime, when have you ever suffered from this kind of anger?

I thought it was foolproof to follow the big army this time, but I didn't expect that the opponents were obviously not easy to deal with, they were much more cunning than their own!

Strength, in the final analysis, is strength.

If there is a fleet of one's own side in this sea area, then the other side will not dare to do such a thing anyway.

"You're just relying on guns in your hands..."

Before Tan Min finished speaking, he interrupted Convenience:

"Have a gun? If I just throw the gun into the sea now, do you dare to do anything to me?"

"We represent the official will. As long as you dare to resist, I will dare to call for support. At that time, the people who come to deal with you will not be as polite as us."

"Don't say anything. I'm playing power with you. I told you that we are acting according to the law. Now, please go back to the cab and follow us back to the port for further investigation."

Hearing his words, Tan Min shook his head firmly.

"I will never go with you until all of our crew have been transferred to a safe vessel."

The staff frowned and waved. Several other people surrounded him behind him. One of them pointed a gun at Tan Min and scolded:

"Obey the order! Please cooperate!"

Tan Min sneered and asked back:

"If I don't cooperate, are you going to put me in the warehouse and then nail me to death?"

"...I warn you to watch your words!"

"Then I also warn you, pay attention to your behavior! Today is different from the past, do you dare to use violence again?"

"When necessary, we have the right to use it! Now this sea, we have the final say!"


"Just because we are the only official institution, you must obey us!"

"In the final analysis, isn't it because you have guns in your hands, isn't it because your boat is big?"

"...You can think the same, but I'm just asking for your cooperation now."

Hearing this, a smile suddenly appeared on Tan Min's face.

His eyes looked at the sea not far behind him, and then said indifferently:

"Whether it's compatible or not, I said it doesn't matter. I think you'd better go and talk to them."

The staff followed his eyes and looked back, and a huge ship had appeared in the line of sea and sky.

And its red and blue paint has unmistakably revealed its identity.

It was also a coast guard ship.


After seeing the giant coast guard ship approaching, the rescue operation in the South Island suddenly accelerated. After an hour, before the crew of the ship boarded No. 106, all crew members had been transferred to safety. on the ship.

After the staff of both sides met, a harmonious and friendly dialogue inevitably occurred.

"...We also enforce the law impartially. If there is a problem at sea, we will definitely solve it, and it is still in our traditional fishing grounds. Everyone doesn't want it to be a big problem, right?"

"Yes, yes, it must be resolved. If a small conflict is made so big, we will definitely investigate it when we go back!"

"Yes, yes, our boat is also mishandled. How can we drive so fast? It's too dangerous!"

"Yes, yes, especially since this fishing ground itself is not big, so they live in harmony!"

"Yes, yes, hey, the muzzle of your naval gun... can you move it to the side a little bit?"

"Oh, of course! I'm sorry. Old Sun! Move the muzzle away, what are you aiming at?"

"That's fine. That's fine. Look, let's take our fishing boats back now? Let the superiors handle the future matters, right?"

"Well, let's take them back. We will definitely educate them when we go back. It's just a catch. Why did you crash the boat like this? By the way, you haven't caught any fish in the past few days, right?"

"...It was not caught."

"I can't help it. I don't know if it's a global climate problem recently. We can't catch fish everywhere. No, their boats from Yashan Port have come here to fish. It's all forced by life. Understand. "

"...Understand. By the way, did you also receive a notice?"

"Notice? What notice?"

"Didn't you get the accident notice?"

"No! This is not our jurisdiction, what notice can we receive?"

"...Then how did you get here?"

"Oh, we don't have much supplies on board. The fishery resources here are good. We are here...for fishing."

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