Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 414 Fishery Reform

The conflict in the shallow pile fishery broke out in an incredible way and ended in an even more incredible way. The two sides of the conflict quickly reached a settlement, and even the South Island Fisheries Department took the lead in issuing a statement, pointing out that it was just an accident caused by an accident. event.

Their voice this time obviously attracted strong dissatisfaction from the top officials of Nandao, but they were unmoved.

There is no way, those in power who are at the top of the temple cannot know the difficulties faced by the people who work below. They want to be tough and drive away all the other fishing boats that come to fish, but the problem is that they dare to ?

My own ship is only 2,000 tons, and other people's ships are 10,000-ton class.

Also, with naval guns.

What are you kidding me, coast guard ships with naval guns?

People's attitudes are considered polite now, so it's better to borrow a donkey from the slope. If you really tear your face, who can be better?

As a result, in the following period of time, this fishing ground directly changed from an exclusive fishing ground to a public fishing ground, and the impact of this change was unprecedented.

One of the most notable changes is that the fishermen in the South Island suddenly started to lose money.


Former town fishing port.

Liao Huazhi is an old fisherman who has been fishing all his life. With decades of hard work and never resting, he finally bought his first fishing boat when he was nearly 60 years old. This fishing boat can almost be said to be hollowed out. His entire family background, but at the same time, the ship also brought him huge income.

He finally does not have to be a sailor and earn a fixed salary of several thousand yuan as a seaman as before. As long as he goes out to sea, the fish he catches are all his own, and even sometimes, if he catches high-quality tuna and salmon , his income can even double several times.

Therefore, he cherished the fishing boat that he named "Nana". Every time he returned to Hong Kong, he had to wash every corner of it with water, and even wished to wipe the water stains on the fishing boat by himself.

And his family also likes this fishing boat. For his children, this fishing boat has greatly improved the family's economic conditions. The son who originally worked in the north of the island has the idea of ​​inheriting his father's business.

For her granddaughter who is under ten years old, it is an absolutely novel experience to go out on a boat once in a while. She has watched the magnificent sunset on this boat, and she has also caught strange fish from the deep sea with her own hands, which gives her Countless capitals to brag in front of classmates.

Everything seems to be developing in a good direction, until half a month ago.

Shallow pile fishing grounds suddenly flooded with a large number of fishing boats. These fishing boats have more advanced equipment, more professional crews, and higher fishing efficiency.

Under their impact, the situation of this fishery rich in fishery resources suddenly became difficult. The most intuitive feeling is that in the past, Nana could earn tens of thousands of dollars for a few voyages, but now, almost even the consumption of fuel Not even.

More and more of their peers began to seek to travel to other fishing boats, but after a brief exploration they found themselves with little to nowhere to go.

Almost all of the familiar fishing grounds have been occupied, and the situation is no different from the shallow fishing grounds, and new fishing grounds are opened?

This is definitely not something that little people like them can do.

Liao Huazhi sat slumped on the deck of the fishing boat, watching the sun gradually set on the sea, and suddenly a sense of desolation rose in his heart.

Whose fault is this?


Maybe I shouldn't be aggressive to buy such a fishing boat, maybe I should honestly be an ordinary fisherman instead of a captain, maybe I should listen to my son's advice and open a convenience store...

However, I just want to have my own boat, I just want to make my life one step closer, is this also wrong?

If it's not your own fault, then it's the other side's fault?

However, they are really just fishing normally.

The Qiandui fishing ground is a traditional fishing ground in the South Island, but the so-called "fishing ground" is just a division of an operating area, not something with strict ownership like land.

So, they want to come here to fish, can they say no?

So it's the Fisheries Agency's problem?

Should they act in the interests of their own fishermen, drive each other out of the fishing grounds, and resolutely defend their own exclusivity of the sea area?

This doesn't seem to work either.

I had seen the whole process of the conflict with my own eyes. Although I didn't participate, I could feel the oppression from the 10,000-ton coast guard ship.

Neither can they...

Liao Huazhi sighed again, and the son on the side couldn't help feeling a little distressed when he saw his expression, but then he said indignantly:

"These mainland fishermen are so abhorrent. They obviously have their own fishing grounds, and they have to come and grab food from us!"

"It's alright now, we've left everyone without food! If we can't catch fish, can they catch fish? It's really annoying!"

Hearing his words, Liao Zhihua shook his head and replied:

"It's not their fault, they also have to eat. These days, it's hard for everyone..."

"But they didn't come to eat, they came to ruin our jobs!"

"You can't say that..."

"Why can't you say that? Dad, it's been said in the news that they came to the Qiandui fishery this time to deliberately target our distant-water fishery, and this situation doesn't only happen in the shallowdui fishery, but also in other fisheries, this is not Is it intentional?"

"What if it was intentional? What can we do? Are we driving our boat to hit them? You know what happened last time. What's the result?

"But they at least give us a way to live!"

Liao Huazhi smiled bitterly and replied:

"We earn our lives by ourselves. Think about it, if our Fisheries Department also had a 10,000-ton ship, would they dare to grab our fish so recklessly?"

"...That's the truth. But, I don't understand, what are they doing this for?"

Hearing this, Liao Huazhi looked at his son in surprise, and then asked back:

"You do not know?"

" mean..."

There was a look of disbelief in his son's eyes, and after a pause, he continued to ask:

"But what's the point of doing this? If they really want... if they really want that, just drive the warship over! Can we still beat them?"

"But they just don't want this, they want to defeat us morally."

"Stealing our jobs, leaving us ordinary people without food, and wanting to defeat us morally? How is this possible?"

Liao Huazhi shook his head and replied:

"If things are really what I think, then I'm afraid, they won't stay at the shallow fishery all the time, just wait, there will be news soon, and there will be a deal soon.. …”

The son was still skeptical of his words, but just as the two were talking, a group of people in the distance suddenly surrounded, and the one in the middle was still loudly announcing the news he had seen.

"...They're going to withdraw! But it's not a complete departure, it's conditional! The fishery bureau of the other party is already negotiating with our fishery department, and it is estimated that the result will be in the next two days!"

"We can go fishing again, and we have to make money again!"

Hearing this, Liao Huazhi and his son looked at each other, and a smile of "I knew this earlier" appeared on his face.


Just an hour before they received the news, the Fisheries Administration and the Fisheries Department completed discussions on the phase one agreement.

The content of the agreement is simple, but also sharp:

The Shuangdao Fisheries and Fisheries Federation needs to be dissolved and reorganized into the Cross-Strait Fisheries Federation.

The two sides need to reach new fishing norms and redefine their respective fishing areas.

The two sides need to reach an agreement on the aquatic product market and price, and enjoy priority purchasing rights for their respective catches.

The signing of these three agreements seems to be unremarkable, but everyone knows that this will be the first clarion call for the mainland to enter the South Island fishery.

After that, distant-water fishing, an important pillar industry in the South Island, is likely to lose its original status.

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