Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 419 Shoot The Gun!

(sorry, chapter is wrong again)

Liao Huazhi boarded his fishing boat again the day after the news about the joint fishery agreement was announced.

He has received information from other fishing boats returning to the port. Although the fishing boats on the other side are still swimming near the shallow fishing grounds, they have all stopped fishing operations and have not made any actions to disrupt the order of the fishing grounds.

In addition, the Shuangdao Fishery Federation is about to face the risk of disbanding, and many fishing boats from the island country have returned to the port in an all-round way. Under the superposition of these two factors, the resources of the shallow pile fishery have suddenly become richer.

----In other words, there are still so many resources, but there are fewer people who come to grab the meat, and more people are allocated to each person.

However, no one knows how long such a peace will last, so it is the most correct choice to take advantage of the present time to make a fortune in the past and prepare for the unpredictable situation in the future.

Therefore, after receiving the news, Liao Zhihua had almost no hesitation, and ordered all the staff to set off for the voyage that evening.

Everything went smoothly, arrived at the shallow fishing ground, set off the net, fished, closed the net, and returned to the voyage.

The whole process can be said to be completed in one go. Even the fishing boats from the other side that he had been worrying about didn't make any inappropriate movements at all. Even when they passed by at close range, the crew members of the other side greeted them kindly.

Liao Huazhi was extremely embarrassed by this. Although he did not participate in the previous conflict, in fact, for himself, he was still grumpy about the previous matter.

After all, even a quarrel with a neighbor would take weeks or even months to let go of it, not to mention this kind of conflict that almost killed everyone at sea and hurt everyone?

In his expectation, even if the other party is subject to the upcoming agreement and the control of the fishery bureau of the other party will not take the initiative to provoke conflict, then at least he will be glaring when he sees his own side, how could he be like now, he is trembling, The other party is warm and friendly?

On the way back to the voyage, Liao Huazhi kept thinking about this question, until he saw the so-called "warships" cruising on the sea, he suddenly understood.

Oh, this is probably the so-called "great power"?

It's not that they don't hold grudges, they just have overwhelming strength, so they don't have to put hatred on their faces.

Just like the hooligans of the Bamboo Union Gang, the more they got to the top, the more polite they became. As long as the little gangsters from the lower level met people, they would bark.

Because the little guy needs to bluff, he needs to use a wild attitude to convince others that he will try his best and will pull you into the water at any cost.

But what about the boss?

I can kill you with just one hand, why should I be angry with you?

Thinking of this, he sighed.

In the past, forums on the island always ridiculed and said, "How are people in a strong country?" Now what? Are they not powerful people?

People's confidence in being a strong country has been soaked into their bones, and they have already infected ordinary fishermen like themselves with the spirit of lifting a heavy weight. This is not a strong country, what else is a strong country?

No amount of ridicule or sourness can change this fact.

However, the only thing he couldn't understand was how this step was done?

In the end, what kind of propaganda did you use, or what kind of things did you do to make your people have such self-confidence?

Certainly not just their 10,000-ton coast guard ships, nor just their naval fleet.

A curiosity suddenly rose in his heart, but soon, this curiosity was replaced by another vague worry.

----If, in the future, I get this answer, I am afraid, I will get it by personal experience.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

In the publicity he received, this had always been a bad thing, but now, he was suddenly a little hesitant.

The Nana was loaded with fish and headed for the port. With the night wind blowing, the unique smell of land penetrated into Liao Huazhi's lungs, and the hesitation and doubts in his heart gradually dissipated.

After all, he was just a small fisherman, and it was not his turn to worry about such a big thing.

As long as he returns to the port and sells this catch, all the recent difficulties will be resolved.

The loan can be repaid, the wife's nursing fee can be renewed, the granddaughter's long-cherished mobile phone can be bought...

He stopped at the port with this expectation, but when he tried to sell his catch to a dealer he knew well, an accident happened.

"Mother, old Liao, you can't sell this fish. We only accept tuna and high-quality salmon now, and we don't want any other fish!"

"Why not?"

Liao Huazhi was shocked. His boat mainly consisted of octopus, silver pomfret, sand eel, and yellow guinea pig, mixed with some black snapper and salmon, but the number was very small. Not a single tuna was caught!

If he doesn't accept it, it means that his whole boat of fish has been lost.

But how? He has also encountered times when the market was not good in the past, but at most, it was just an acquisition at a low price.

He looked anxiously at the dealer in front of him, trying to get an answer from him.

"Liao shipowner, I don't know who to ask you this question. You know, I'm a second-hand dealer. I have collected your fish and sold it to the market below, but now the market below If not, what can I do?"

"Hurry up and see how many salmon there are. If you're lucky, you can even out the fuel costs. You can just dump the rest or take it home and eat it yourself."

Hearing this, Liao Huazhi felt tight, and quickly asked:

"Can't I even sell it on the market myself?"

"What are you selling? Go to the aquatic market and see for yourself. There are all fish dumped outside, and no one picks them up. You can't eat them! The sanitation workers have already pulled them several times, and now they're all rotten there. It's affecting the environment!"

"I advise you, don't think about selling it. If you can't sell it, let the sanitation department collect you a cleaning fee. The fish we don't charge, except for the fish you keep and eat, the rest will be dumped. Go back to the sea, but you don't need to clean up yet!"

Liao Huazhi listened to the other party's narration with his mouth open, he could hardly believe what he heard in his ears.

Fish market dumped? no one buys? No one even picked it up?

What the hell is going on here? ?

Fishermen catch fish, customers buy fish, this logic has never been broken for decades, but now?

It was clear that the deadlock in the Qiandui fishery was only broken, and now something like this has happened. Could it be that the people on the other side really don't want to keep the fishermen alive?

A flame suddenly burst into his heart, and the flame grew stronger and stronger, almost burning through his entire chest.

He had to vent, his anger had to find an outlet, and now, that outlet was on the other side.

That night, countless fishermen gathered together with the same idea as him. They didn't know what they were going to do. They only knew that they had to make a sound.

A large-scale movement started by fishermen kicked off on this night.

The scope of this movement began to gradually spread, and everyone pointed their finger at the other side, but what they didn't know was that this step was already expected by some people.


"So, the fire has been lit? Are they angry?"


"Did you send the money?"

"The first round is issued, and the second round will be issued immediately!"

"Has the first round of money been received?"

"The Commercial Department of the South Island closed the market trading channel, which is equivalent to receiving the first money we sent!"

"When will the second round of money be distributed?"

"Let them make trouble for another night, and when their batch of fish is completely rotten, we will issue a second payment!"

"What's the second money?"

"Unlimited purchase of catches from the shallow fishing grounds, direct sea trade!"

"Okay, can they take this money?"

"It can't be taken away. However, we will create conditions for them to take it away."

"You can arrange it. The second money is taken, so it's time to fire the gun? Where's our gun?—I mean, where's our evidence?"

"All in hand, all the materials of the South Island Commerce Department and the Government Affairs Office, the evidence of collusion with the island country, as well as the statements and account details of the misappropriation of fishery profits over the years, have been prepared, as long as they are sent, no one will can't read!"

"Does this gun... have enough firepower?"

"We don't know either, but, we gotta let them fire this first, we gotta... let the bullet fly for a while."

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