Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 423 The Controversy Caused By The Golden Crow

It is obvious that the success of the first test of the nuclear-powered aviation engine cannot be just joy. For ordinary people, this type of technology itself is full of controversy.

After all, as early as the 1960s, the first human nuclear-powered turboprop aircraft from Maoxiong had already completed its maiden flight, although its design principle has been greatly improved compared to the previous nb-36h bomber of the Chou Kingdom. Improvements, radiation pollution has also been greatly reduced, but in the final analysis, it is still a large dirty bomb flying in the air. Once there is a problem and crash, the ecological and environmental impact of it will be extremely terrifying.

Such disputes are considerable and must be resolved by the Jinwu team. In fact, in Jinwu's final design plan, disaster prevention and emergency facilities are one of the most important and most difficult difficulties to solve on this aircraft, especially How to ensure the independence of the core, and how to present the scope of radiation contamination in the event of a major accident or even being shot down, have all been included in Jinwu's research and development agenda.

For this, the relevant media immediately made clarifications, but such clarifications were quickly submerged in a sea of ​​doubts.

In major forums, those who support Jinwu and those who oppose Jinwu are divided into two factions. If everyone has not paid attention to the details of the nuclear power engine when the Nantianmen plan was announced, then this debate can almost be said to be ravage the world.

After witnessing this situation, the South Island-related gangs, which were already in trouble, also joined the battle.

They urgently need a major event to deepen their malice and divert the attention of the people on the island, and the successful test run of the nuclear engine just gave them the best entry point.

As a result, all kinds of strange public opinions began to emerge, almost as if they were attacking non-existent targets in an illogical way, and some arguments even seemed ridiculous at first glance.

"Nuclear-powered engines are a hoax. Fossil fuel engines are sufficient for current aviation needs, and further development of nuclear-powered engines is just to make money."

"Nuclear-powered aircraft? Under the circumstance that the military strength is already so strong, it is still necessary to develop more terrifying offensive weapons. Is it for the so-called 'security' or for unknown ambitions?"

"Upstairs, does that need to be said? You have the money to develop this kind of big aircraft, but you don't have the money to improve people's lives. What are you? ?"

"It's so hometown is in a small city in the south of the mainland, where there are still many poor people who can't afford to eat, and now the government has invested such a large amount of money to develop something that is both dangerous and impractical , instead of disregarding our lives? Huaxia, stop your footsteps and wait for your people!"

"Nuclear-powered engines, the so-called 'Golden Crow Project', and even the Nantianmen Project represent the impetuousness of the country as a whole. It is so overjoyed, the route is wrong, and the bottom is squeezed. Are we going to live the life of Qian Mao's way of flying a plane and getting bread? ?"

"The so-called Golden Crow is not a plane at all, it is a symbol, it symbolizes that the country's structural oppression of the people has reached its peak, not only in the economic field, but also in the scientific and technological field!"

"They don't care about the suffering of the people, whether they have food in their bowls, whether they have money in their cards, or whether they have clothes on their bodies. They only care about the great cause, the great cause built with the flesh and blood of the people!"

"That's it, it's no wonder that Nandao doesn't want to come back. What are you going to do when you come back? Are you going to support the construction of the big plane with us? The benefits of the big plane will come to us every cent?"

"It's been a long time since I said this... Master Wang Nanwang for another year!"


Under such a trend of public opinion, not only those who were not firm in the first place, but even some of those who supported the Golden Crow involuntarily started a forced reflection.

Is our Golden Crow really necessary? Especially under the current situation, the ugly country has obviously started a contraction strategy, so what is the purpose of us doing such a purely offensive aircraft?

Who are we to deter?

A large dirty bomb flying in the air, will it be shot down one day before it can play its strategic significance, and then hurt its own people?

For a time, the entire territory of China seemed to be in a kind of confusion.

Are we really wrong?


Mianyang, in an office of Huawuyuan.

Ye Zhou and Chen Hao were drinking tea face to face, and there was another person sitting on the sofa beside him, and this person was the head of the intelligence department who led a public opinion war and achieved relatively fruitful results when he was still in Fengfei. .

Until five minutes ago, Ye Zhou still didn't know his name---it seemed that the staff on their line didn't take the initiative to introduce their habits to others.

So, before the meeting started, Ye Zhou asked his own question a little embarrassedly, and the other party answered him candidly.

Ye Rong---- is still a family member.

"...The ferocity of the public opinion this time is far greater than our initial expectations. Have you found out the reason?"

Ye Zhou asked flatly.

In fact, if the time went back two years, he would not ask this question out of humiliation, because as long as it is a public opinion attack from abroad, it is extremely difficult to completely trace the source, and the other party will not be stupid Using your own IP will not reveal any real information. It is good to be able to trace it in one direction. If you want to know the specific "reason", you can only rely on guessing.

But it's different now.

Now, they have the rsa decryption technology that can be called a bug-level public opinion warfare weapon. By cracking the opponent's core database, they can easily identify information about such large-scale operations. It can even be said that, From the moment the order was issued, the so-called "offensive" was already transparent to one's own side.

Ye Rong on the opposite side heard his words, nodded slightly and replied:

"It's been checked. It's the public opinion team from the South Island. There are more than 200 people involved and more than 40,000 accounts. The future direction is also clear. Anyway, it's still the same old talk."

"What is the gap between the rich and the poor, what is 996, what is the privilege, what is the opposition... Honestly, leader, I've been working on this line for a long time, but I'm stunned. I think, just such a thing, there are so many black spots that come out."

"It's also now that we have RSA technology. If we put it in the past, we were really caught off guard by such an offensive."

Ye Zhou smiled, picked up the tea cup to refill the tea cup, and the other party hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold the cup, but Ye Zhou slapped it away.

"Don't engage in these useless things—this kind of subordinate culture should be rectified. By the way, which department issued the order, have you checked it out? Or the Executive Yuan?"

"No, it's their Ministry of Economic Affairs. Now the economic environment on the island continues to deteriorate, and our competition is intervening in various fields. They want to take this opportunity to conduct a wave of comparative publicity to calm the grievances of ordinary people on the island. "

"This was originally a notebook, but I didn't expect that there is a certain basis for public opinion to worry about nuclear power engines in the general environment, so after their detonation, the scope of influence suddenly expanded dozens of times----- A combination of yin and yang has become a masterful hand."

"But we can make it vulgar."

Chen Hao interjected.

Ye Zhou turned to him curiously and asked:


"That's not easy. When the opponent makes a good move, as long as you play better than him, won't his skill become a common one?"

"'re right. So, the plan has been made?"

"Of course, what are we doing with you if we don't have a plan? Gossip?"

"I think you can do such a thing."

Seeing Ye Zhou's serious expression, Chen Hao shook his head amusingly and said:

"Although we change the method every day to let you pay attention to the combination of work and rest, we will not be soft-hearted when it is time to work... This time I brought Ye Rong to find you, and I want you to help review a report. ."

"The safety report on the Golden Crow? It hasn't made its first flight yet, how do I review it?"

"It's very simple, the matrix system. Although our aircraft has not yet been tested in reality, it has flown countless times in the matrix."

"According to its flight record, we issued a safety performance report under extreme conditions, which involved some relatively difficult technical details. The team below is a little uncertain, so let you give your opinion."

While talking, Chen Hao picked up the personal terminal from beside him, opened the file and handed it to Ye Zhou.

"This document contains records of several accidents we encountered. Affected by the training degree of artificial intelligence and the computing power of hardware, the matrix system only has the ability to simulate and not to analyze."

"We have found the general direction and characteristics of the problem, and we have also proposed several possible reasons for the problem, but the final characterization is still up to you. After all, you are the real chief engineer of this aircraft."

Ye Zhou took over the terminal, and after a cursory glance, the dignified expression on his face suddenly relaxed.

The first page lists a series of problems, including the surge and disintegration of the intake pipe of the engine reactor, the instability of the reactor core reaction at high altitude and high speed, which leads to shutdown, and the imbalance of multiple engines caused by uneven exhaust. explain.

However, to fully understand why, it is necessary to have overall control over all the details of the entire aircraft.

It's no wonder that the team below can't find the root cause of the problem for a while, because their energy is limited, and everyone can only be responsible for a small area of ​​expertise.

However, this problem does not exist here in Ye Zhou.

After putting down the terminal, Ye Zhou answered:

"I'll give you an answer before this evening. Leave this question to me, and leave the other questions to you—especially at this critical moment in the raid on the South Island, they must not be allowed to seize any flaws, Not even a flaw in soft power."

Chen Hao nodded and replied solemnly:

"Don't worry, let them be exposed first. This time, we will directly press them all to death."

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