Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 424 The High-Level Strategy Proposed By An Opponent That Cannot Be Despised

Compared with the quick reaction of Nandao in public opinion, the reaction of the Chou country to the test of the nuclear power engine was much more bland - after all, what they said was something that their ancestors had once said.

In the eyes of most ugly people, Huaxia's nuclear-powered engine this time is just a toy they play with. Even if there is a great improvement, even if the thrust reaches 120 tons, so what?

Potential nuclear pollution is always a red line that cannot be crossed. If Huaxia Convenience insists on testing the Golden Crow, then the international community is likely to regard it as a nuclear declaration of war.

And the act of declaring war on all countries in the world, even the current Huaxia, or even Huaxia and Maoxiong joining forces, it is impossible to retreat completely.

Therefore, both ordinary people and official high-level officials have a mentality of watching the test drive this time, and the public opinion department that has been active has not participated in it, because they know very well that in front of the rsa decryption technology, they are all based on "suddenly" "Sex" public opinion shock will become a complete joke.

However, this does not mean that everyone's views are the same. At the top, there are still some people and organizations who have expressed concerns about this engine. The most typical of them is the so-called "wartime strategic command". profit organization.

At this time, Berkeley National Laboratory, the headquarters of the Healy Organization.

Aldo was gathering in a conference room with the top executives of the title organization. They had just finished discussing the latest progress of the aqt project, and it was the informal discussion about nuclear power engines that was going on.

"...From the data released by the other party, in addition to the upgrade of the nuclear reactor core and the three-rotor structure of the engine, this engine is actually the same as the htre-3 engine on our previous nb-36h. There's not much difference."

"Whether it is in principle, technical details or material use, it can basically be said to be highly synchronized with us."

"If necessary, we can actually restart the anp project. According to our current technical strength, our finished products will not necessarily be worse than theirs."

The so-called anp project is the "aircraft nuclear energy propulsion project", which is an extremely crazy research launched by the ugly country in 1946, and the result of the project is the nb-36h aircraft.

This engine used a direct air intake design at that time. The air intake was directly connected to the core of the nuclear reactor. The air was directly heated in the reactor and then discharged from the nozzle of the turbofan engine. The whole engine was like a flying nuclear radiation. As long as the sprinkler flies over the airspace, it is filled with radiation pollution dust.

But it was such a result. At that time, the Chouguo side also conducted dozens of aerial tests, and it was not until the 1960s that the project was finally terminated.

This project has brought huge technical accumulation to the ugly country. Even if the old bear behind it came up with Figure 119 that can run stably, it is still not enough to see in front of nb-36h.

One is a turbofan engine and the other is a turboprop engine, and the expansion prospects of the two are not even an order of magnitude.

After hearing the introduction of the professional, Aldo nodded slightly, and then asked:

"Sly, from your point of view, is it necessary for us to restart such an engine program?"

The man named Sly thought for a moment and replied:

"I don't think it's necessary for three main reasons."

"The first point is the issue of nuclear radiation pollution that we have discussed before. This issue cannot be bypassed and is extremely difficult to resolve. As long as it cannot be resolved, the international community will never allow such a plane to take to the sky."

"Second point, the current development of ICBM technology is extremely mature, and the extra deterrence of ultra-long-range, long-endurance bombers has been greatly reduced. It is not worth paying such a cost."

"The third point is that the other party has already established the project ahead of us and achieved results. If we follow them to compete symmetrically, it is likely to fall into a situation of continuous backwardness, which is extremely unfavorable for us."

"Their Golden Crow engine is the aircraft carrier of the new air age. As long as there is one, the advantage is overwhelming. Aldo, think about it, when we used the aircraft carrier to rule the sea, they did not immediately develop the aircraft carrier symmetrically, Instead, we did missiles and submarines first, and this asymmetric strategy is exactly what we need right now."

After listening to his words, Aldo frowned, rudely pressed the cigar in his hand into the ashtray in front of him, and continued to ask:

"I think only the third point is credible for the three questions you mentioned."

"The problem of pollution is nothing more than a matter of public opinion. When they developed nuclear weapons despite our opposition, it was once regarded as a declaration of war, but in the end? Did we stop them? No?"

"Don't talk about them, we can't even solve the nuclear issue on the northern peninsula. The reality is that as long as they want to fly, no one can stop them."

"Second question, ICBMs are the ultimate deterrent, long-range bombers are secondary deterrents, we can't easily threaten people to throw nuclear bombs at their homes, but our b2s do often fly over their airspace-- -- That's what the Golden Crow plays, and it's a reinforced one."

"Only the third point, which I think is a reality."

"We're already behind, not to catch up, but to figure out how to overtake in the corners -- just like what we're doing now in the quantum realm."

After a moment's pause, he continued to ask:

"So, do you have an asymmetric strategy for it?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the conference room fell into silence.

In fact, when the Nantianmen project was announced, the Chouguo side did formulate a series of symmetrical and asymmetrical competition plans for this project. Among them, the actual project was called "Chouguo version of Nantianmen". The Lympus plan, but unfortunately, has been short of funds, and this project has only a name from beginning to end.

Theoretical research has almost stagnated after the collapse of the "Pilot" plan, none of the application development has been done, and the public opinion is almost nothing. It can be said to be a fantasy.

"...We can discuss the project after the meeting. In fact, the space-based laser weapon is a good way of restraint, but the other party will do it first..."

"If you say that, Starlink is a better way, isn't it being beaten to the brink of death? We should now get rid of the stereotypes in our minds and think about how to make breakthroughs and groundbreakings. Program."

Aldo interrupted the other party's speech unceremoniously. He was really tired of hearing the argument that "the other party has an advantage".

Don't you know this yet? Does this still need to be reminded repeatedly by others?

Just a joke.

Seeing Aldo's disdainful expression, Sly gritted his teeth and said:

"If this idea is to be used, then we might as well push it backwards from a distance. Regardless of the achievability of technology, funds and resources, and other factors, we directly discuss how to prevent the other side's aircraft from entering the airspace. "

"Any idea can come up—even if it's science fiction."

Hearing this, Aldo finally nodded with satisfaction.

This is the attitude that scientists in their own country should have. After all, they are now in the national laboratory that has mastered the most cutting-edge results on the planet. If they are still attached to the technology that has been realized, what is the point? Woolen cloth?

As a result, in the following time, a wild and unrestrained discussion slowly heated up.

In this discussion, one technology after another, and even science fiction directions are proposed, including force field shields, antigravity engines, antimatter minefields, space weapons, helium flash weapons, reverse radiation conversion effects, and more.

Even from the most advanced technical perspective of this laboratory, most of these technologies are not feasible in the short term.

However, from these unrealizable technologies, they did extract corresponding degradation schemes.

For example, the Bassard ramjet corresponding to the antigravity engine, the standing high-altitude dense radar network corresponding to the antimatter minefield, the high-energy particle flow weapon corresponding to the helium flash weapon...

There are still huge technical difficulties in these weapons in general, but at least, they are all in line with the underlying scientific logic of human beings at this stage.

That is, if they are developed at any cost, there is a good chance that at some point in the future, they will be realized.

Aldo is very satisfied with such a result. What he wants is not an immediate result that can be implemented, but a relatively credible direction.

As for the issues that other people are generally worried about, such as "will it be too sci-fi" and "is the feasibility high", he has not considered it at all.

Isn't the b2 bomber that appeared decades ago not science fiction?

However, in the context of that fierce confrontation, his country still achieved such a breakthrough.

For him, the current situation is just another repetition of history.

This is a huge challenge and a huge opportunity. As long as you grasp this opportunity well, after a difficult time, your country will once again return to the top of the world.

However, what we need to do now is to hold back the other party as much as possible.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"Everyone, you have just put forward many genius ideas, you see, I have recorded these ideas one by one."

"One day in the future, we will implement them one by one."

"But now we need some time."

"So, we have to do something that looks stupid but has to be useful."

"For example, we need to find a way to support the South Island in some ways so that they can drag on a little longer..."

Before he could finish speaking, an attendee with a military rank equivalent to him raised his hand and interrupted:

"But we have agreed not to intervene in this matter, if we go back on it..."

Aldo smiled and replied:

"I didn't say we should do it ourselves."

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