Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 425: Defeat The Rogue In A Rogue Way

Compared with the behavior of the Healy organization that began to study how to seize the future and thus form an unconventional suppression of Huaxia, the actions of the South Island side appear extremely "small", and they are still rejoicing that the so-called "heart war" has achieved major results. , but did not realize that this kind of enlarged public opinion is fundamentally the result of laissez-faire.

After the discussion gradually developed to the peak, all the public opinions finally converged into one voice:

The Chinese government does not pay attention to the life and death of the people, and ignores the health of the people.

In order to prove their argument, a long picture of a large number of historical cases suddenly began to circulate on the Internet, which involved various sharp points of social contradictions. The fanatical followers spread this long picture everywhere, trying to explain the country's The social environment is hopelessly rotten.

Although a little rational analysis can simply point out the absurdity of this so-called evidence, under the frenzy of public opinion, two wonderful communication effects began to work.

The first is survivorship bias.

Those who have the ability to rationally analyze the so-called evidence and public opinion tend to have stronger independent thinking ability and more rational and calm disposition. Roles, rightfully so, are assigned more important and complex jobs.

As a result, their leisure time will naturally decrease. With such relatively little leisure time, they are more inclined to focus on realistic topics that are really relevant to them, rather than a groundless and obvious concern about their own. Time-wasting bullshit.

Or to describe it in a simpler way: those who have the ability to defend are not so busy, they disdain to defend, and those who are unable to defend are often reduced to the object of rhythm.

Under such circumstances, those who still remain on the Internet and public opinion platforms are often only the fanatical rhythm makers and ordinary people who are caught up in it and want to resist but are unable to do so.

Survivorship bias is formed, and the end result is that all rhythms online are biased towards the rhythm maker.

However, this is not the final result, because another effect of communication science, which starts to exert force after the formation of survivorship bias, is the "silence spiral".

The term "spiral of silence" first appeared in a 1974 paper published in the Journal of Communication, which described a phenomenon in which people express their thoughts and opinions when they see an opinion they agree with , and it is widely welcomed, then people will subconsciously think that their views are "popular", "correct and reasonable".

On the other hand, if people do not see the views they agree with, or even if they see them, they are not supported by many people, and they are even criticized and debated by many people, then people will choose to keep silent and not express their views.

That is to say, when "rhythm" takes the mainstream on the public opinion platform, more and more people will participate in the rhythm, and their voices will become louder and louder.

When this kind of voice is loud enough, those who are outside the deviation of the survivors and who do not want to speak up but are forced to speak out due to the increasingly severe situation will be too late to speak out.

So far, the silent spiral has officially formed, the agenda setting of public opinion has been completely controlled, and the trend has begun to form, and it is difficult to reverse.

Under such circumstances, if you want to change the agenda, you can only rely on strong external forces to intervene, such as officials, such as third-party regulators.

However, under the current rhythm, there is a natural flaw that is destined to be unable to change the agenda even if the official ends, that is, the unfalsifiability of this agenda.

I said you did a bad job, how can you prove that you did a good job?

You are the referee yourself. Would anyone believe the evidence the referee brought out?

I said that you are structural oppression. If you want to prove that it is not structural oppression, you must carry out structural upgrades, so that the so-called "oppressed" party has a very significant advantage.

From a rational point of view, this is not a bad thing, because the role of the media and public opinion is to promote the development of society.

However, in the current environment of fully interconnected public opinion, such a strategy is completely unworkable, because the initiators of those rhythms will never be satisfied.

Everyone is aware of this, whether it is the initiator of the rhythm, their behind-the-scenes messenger, or the party who has been impacted, they can understand this so-called conspiracy.

Based on this situation, the South Island side has even started to celebrate in advance.

They didn't expect that a child they had left behind in order to divert internal conflicts could achieve such an effect. Therefore, more and more resources were invested in this so-called "heart war", and even the command department changed from the initial economic The Ministry directly rose to the Executive Yuan, and the scope of the participants also began to expand.

It was an almost total victory, a swift, overwhelming victory.

But what they don't know is that the side facing the shock also thinks the same way.


In a rental house in Shang Hai, Luo Xiaoming was on the phone with the opposite netizen.

He didn't want to participate in such discussions at all, because he had been educated in public opinion and fully understood that such public opinion was a gust of wind. After the limelight passed, most people would forget what they said and did. .

However, he had to participate in this discussion again, because the netizen on the opposite side was his girlfriend.

The incident happened suddenly. One second, he was still discussing with his girlfriend what to eat for the evening. The next second, his girlfriend began to complain about the recent price increase of dishes, even though he tried his best to explain this time. The increase in meat prices is the aftermath of the grain war launched by the ugly country some time ago, but the other party still reluctantly typed out the words that drove him crazy:

"If you have the money to run those dangerous and useless big planes, you don't have the money to focus on the lives of the poor."

If he were to describe it himself, it would be difficult for him to tell exactly what he was feeling at the time, but the moment he saw this sentence, his mind immediately flashed through his previous experience when he went to remote mountainous areas to help the poor as a college student cadre. Scene after scene, so he ran away on the spot.

As a result, the pairing that lasted for more than two hours began.

"How many people in Huaxia still can't eat. A Jinwu project consumes tens of billions of funds. If the money is divided into our hands, at least each person can share a few hundred yuan? Do you know that a few hundred yuan is enough for one How many years have poor families been eating?"

"Of course I know, I know better than you! But first of all, the funds consumed by the Golden Crow are special funds, and it does not affect the use of other funds. Second, if there is no such strategic project, you think your hundreds of dollars Can you still buy food? People's strategic bombers are hanging over your head every day, and the social order has long since collapsed!"

"Why did it collapse? Are there strategic bombers in northern Europe? Did they collapse? Isn't the high welfare policy they maintain working well?"

"Your statement is purely conscientious. What is the high welfare of northern Europe and even the whole of Europe maintained? They eat the capital of imperialism, and eat the flesh and blood that was exploited from the third world countries. Forget, we were also one of the targets of exploitation!"

"So what? We have been exploited by outsiders. Are we still being oppressed by our own people?"

"Who oppressed you? Can you tell me?"

"Isn't my boss oppressing me?"

"...Your boss is a capitalist, and they are just a passerby in the development of the times. After the Golden Crow ascends to the sky, they will be the first to be defeated!"

"You are secretly changing the concept. What does Jinwu God have to do with my boss?"

"It's because your own cognitive logic is imperfect. You don't even understand the relationship between resource domination and productivity. What are you talking about with me here?"

"Yes, I have no logic. How can I talk about logic? Is this project dangerous? Is it in line with our current level of productivity to engage in such a project?"

"You have to say that, when the Chou country started the aircraft carrier and b2, it was in line with their productivity level? The essence of productivity comes from resources, and resources are created!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be such a militant."

"I'm belligerent? Some time ago, the aircraft carrier formations of others have slammed into our faces. If it weren't for the military strength, do you think you could still quarrel with me here safely?"

"Am I arguing with you? I just want to change your perception. Why do you hide and be an ostrich when you encounter problems? Why are you unwilling to speak up for your fellow citizens? You don't care at all? If you don't speak up today, no one will speak up for you in the future!"

Seeing this sentence, Luo Xiaoming felt that the hair on his body almost stood up in anger. He took a deep breath, opened his voice, and said word by word:

"You don't deserve to say that to me."

"I hiked for more than ten kilometers in the Shiwanda Mountains, just to pull a power line for remote households; I ate gruel made with wild vegetables dug up with the children who were herding sheep, and I also ate the first meal under the hens who targeted poverty alleviation. Nest eggs; I have dug wells with my own hands, built dirt roads with my own hands, slid over ziplines, and climbed the ladders that you can only see in short videos; By the hands of the poor, how about you?"

"You are blowing cold air in the air-conditioned room, eating cold drinks, complaining about the price increase of milk tea, complaining that there are too few clothes, and that taxis are too expensive!"

"Yes, I can understand that you are a spoiled child who grew up in the city, but I can't understand, how can you so lightly deny the efforts of so many people after being brought to the rhythm?"

After speaking, Luo Xiaoming sighed heavily, then turned off the phone screen.

He still couldn't understand how the release of an ordinary aero-engine development progress was brought to such a rhythm, just like he couldn't understand how his highly educated girlfriend could say so easily Say things that make you feel ridiculous.

The gap in cognition was clearly presented in front of his eyes at this moment.

However, he was powerless to change all this.

There was no new message reminder on the phone. After hesitating for a moment, he clicked on the scarf.

He didn't want to go to the line, but wanted to see if the official responded to this apparently abnormal public opinion.

However, on the hot search list, he saw four pieces of information that surprised him, all of which were marked with the word "explosive".

"The South Island Fisheries Agency broke the news: In order to prevent the cross-strait fishery joint agreement, the South Island Executive Council ordered the suspension of aquatic product acquisitions, which caused hundreds of thousands of South Island fishermen to lose their sources of income. It is reported that many previous riots in the South Island are related to this. "

"The South Island 'Heart War' organization was exposed, and the participants involved the highest decision-making levels."

"The whole process of the bottom grain campaign: offense and defense, dedication, and the heart of a child."

"The Jinwu fighter safety report was released, and the chief engineer spoke: The Jinwu is safe and reliable, and the main flight airspace is outside the national border."

Looking at these four messages, Luo Xiaoming's expression almost froze.

If viewed independently, these four pieces of news have nothing to do with each other, but combined with the current situation, these unrelated pieces of news have formed a fierce combination of punches.

You say we don't care about people's lives? Hey, your fishermen are starving to death because of an executive order!

You say that the rhythm of public opinion is a voice for the people? How come it's all your people who speak out? Moreover, your decision-makers do not want to feed the fishermen, why do they come to pay attention to the movements of our aircraft?

You said that the money from the Jinwu Project can be used to improve the lives of ordinary people, but in the grain war, our people lived the most nourishing life.

Also, you said that the safety of the Golden Crow is in doubt. The safety report is here. You can read it if you understand it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it.

Each of these four pieces of news hit three inches of the "Silence Spiral".

The people who made the layout did not intend to use the so-called anti-silence spiral strategy to confront public opinion at all. They were fundamentally digging the foundation of each other.

debate? Argue shit.

Flip the table!

Luo Xiaoming didn't know how long this series of evidence had been laid out, but thinking of the series of information he had learned about the South Island Raiders from various sources, he suddenly realized:

Isn't this part of the strategy? Isn't this a form of cultural repression?

It's just the smart behavior of some people over there that hastened the process that should have been postponed.

He suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart, quickly took a screenshot of the hot search interface with his mobile phone, and then sent it to his girlfriend directly through WeChat, and added a sentence after:

"is it wrong?"

A few minutes later, Luo Xiaoming received a reply from his girlfriend, and the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably.

The other party's reply was only two words:


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