Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 426 The Flag Is Down

After the official attacked the opponent's "heart war" deployment, public opinion immediately began to violently backlash, not only in Huaxia's online forums, but in the South Island, the situation was even more serious.

This also seems to be an extremely understandable thing. The day before, he was still attacking the fiery life of the other people's people, but the day after he found out that the fiery water was himself.

Hundreds of thousands of fishermen have been without any source of income for almost a month. After being fully involved in the competition, all walks of life have begun to tend to return to zero profits. Even ordinary company employees are faced with the food war. resulting in severe aftermath.

Knowing this time, they recognized their clown identity, but it was too late.

The public opinion on the island rapidly diverged, and the survivor bias and the silent spiral effect that had already appeared on the Huaxia Forum once again took off, but this time, no one has the ability to stop it.

Because, even their own official organization that can be used to make a sound has been smashed into the ground by a hammer that is too hard.


Liao Huazhi sat slumped on his own fishing boat Nana. In these short two months, what he has experienced is even more complicated than all the things he has encountered in his life combined.

Originally, he was just an honest fisherman. He had been a sailor all his life. In his twilight years, he bought the fishing boat that he had been looking forward to all his life.

There will be no more disputes over wages, no more fines for various tricks, and no more scolding from shipowners for being lax. In the future, I will be the master of this sea. As long as I can ensure food and clothing, I will do whatever I want. what.

However, it was such a simple wish that quickly fell through in just a few months.

First, the fishing boats on the other side came to grab the territory.

After finally waiting for the other side to take the initiative to show it, the market closed, the fish could not be sold, and the fuel and labor costs caused huge losses.

In order to solve this dilemma, I followed a group of friends who had the same problem to speak on the street, followed the official rhythm and learned to use a smartphone or even an ip change software that I was not familiar with to speak on the other party's forum. , and found that the person being played has always been himself.

It's not that the other side wants them to be unable to survive. On the contrary, they are trying to keep themselves alive.

Whether it was the first initiative to withdraw from the fishing grounds, or the subsequent sea transactions, or the so-called fishery federations, they were all efforts made by the fishermen on both sides of the strait to get rid of vicious competition and to eat food.

And the one who really ruined his job was the official he had always believed in.

It is the Executive Yuan.

It is the gang of officials who keep saying that they want to realize the happiness of every ordinary person.

It is the hypocritical and cunning ugly people who use the South Island as a gun to achieve their own interests.

It wasn't until this moment that he truly understood the anger that flashed on his son's face that day.

Now, because I have no source of income for a long time, my wife's caregiver has stopped, and I have not bought the clothes my granddaughter wants. I even have to pay off the mortgage loan for this fishing boat.

If it goes on like this, he can only let the bankers tow his boat away.

But how can you be willing?

This ship can almost be said to have devoted his whole life to it, and was even named "Nana" after his little granddaughter. If it is towed away, what is the need for him to continue to exist?

Liao Huazhi felt that he was about to collapse. He had never dealt with such a complicated predicament in his life.

All the predicaments before are related to you, as long as you are willing to endure hardships and use your brains, the problem will eventually be solved.

But now what?

It is higher and higher decision makers who need to solve this problem, and no matter how they speak, the other party can't hear them.

Is such a decision-making level still necessary?

Liao Huazhi shuddered suddenly. This was the first time he had such an idea since he was 60 years old.

However, after this idea came into being, another fluke also appeared in his mind:

Otherwise, just like his other colleagues, trading directly at sea with fishing boats on the other side?

If you really buy it at a real price as they say, then the cost of your own trip to the sea can be even further reduced.

No need to consider the cargo capacity of the fishing boats, as long as the fish can be caught, they can be sold, and the other party's fishing boat formation can be regarded as a transportation formation.

As for what their purpose is...

who cares?

I'm almost running out of food, so what is the "righteousness" in mind?

He didn't think he was that noble.

Thinking of this, Liao Huazhi regained his energy. He got up and walked home, packed up the change of clothes that went to sea, called his gang of fellows who also had nothing to do, and went to the market to buy the drinking water and food he needed. , resolutely restarted the fishing boat and sailed out of the Qianzhen fishing port.

Standing in the cab of the fishing boat, the son who followed beside him said with some guilt:

"Dad, it's because I didn't see the form clearly, which caused you to waste so much time not to go to sea. It's not your fault that our family has a difficult life, it's all..."

"Not much to say."

Before his son's words were finished, Liao Huazhi interrupted him directly.

After a short pause, he continued:

"It doesn't make sense to say who's to blame and whose fault it is. We have to find a way to find a way."

"Your father and I have so many old guys to eat, and our family has to eat. It's impossible to take risks."

"I asked about it before I came here. The people on the other side are very trustworthy. It's as much as you can negotiate, but it's inconvenient to weigh at sea. Usually, it's a price evaluation.

"I hope we have better luck this time, and don't encounter the sea patrol boat of the Fisheries Department again..."

Seeing his father's worried expression, the son sighed silently, returned to the deck, and started to cook the first meal of the day in a separate cabin in the kitchen.

In fact, this "Nana" is a small fishing boat. It was originally not equipped with a separate kitchen. It was because Liao Huazhi was distressed that his little granddaughter could not eat hot meals when he went to sea with the boat, so he specially changed a crew cabin to There is a kitchen, although the equipment is a bit rudimentary, but fortunately there are few crew members on board, it is not difficult to simply cook a hot meal.

The only thing that is troublesome is that if there is a big wind and waves, the men are unstable, and the dishes made are salty and bland, it is a common thing.

Before his son's meal was finished, Liao Huazhi had already driven the boat to the No. 106 fishing boat in Yashan Port, which was anchored near the shallow reef in the center of the shallow fishing ground. There were actually several small fishing boats surrounding this fishing boat. The hook line on board 106 unloads up.

Liao Huazhi walked onto the deck, waved to the busy crew on No. 106, and asked a little nervously:

"Hey, my friend, are you collecting fish here?"

The crew of No. 106, hearing his cry, straightened up a little and replied:

"As long as you have it, you can sell it until it's full. It will be sold in cash in South Island coins."

He seemed to have completely guessed the question Liao Huazhi was going to ask, because he had answered these questions countless times.

"Really? Friends? Really?"

Liao Huazhi's eyes finally lit up a little, and the other party waved his hand helplessly and replied:

"Ask them to go if you want to accept it. Hurry up. Our ship is almost full. If it is overdue, we will wait for two more days at most."

"Just one day! Just one day! Sell as much as you can, thank you!"

Hearing the crew's words, Liao Huazhi hurriedly turned around and got back into the cab. Then, without even thinking about eating, he drove the boat to the fishery operation area and started intense fishing.

He doesn't know how long these Huaxia fishing boats that collect fish can wait, but he doesn't intend to make a lot of money in this transaction. As long as the fish sold can make up for the cost of this time, it will prove that There is a way to go.

Didn't they say it? In the future, we will continue to purchase aquatic products here, and other ships will continue to come over until the cross-strait fishery joint agreement is reached.

After so many things, Liao Huazhi is convinced of their commitment.

If none of their words can be trusted... Then is there anyone else in this world that can be trusted?


After a day and a night of fishing, Liao Huazhi returned to the No. 106 fishing boat with a small amount of fish. The other party sent someone to check the fish in the cabin and gave the price readily.

And although that price is not high in Liao Zhihua's view, considering the current situation, it is already extremely good.

As a result, the two parties paid for the money and delivered the goods, and within ten minutes from the meeting, this uncomplicated transaction was reached.

While waiting for the fish to be loaded onto the ship, Liao Huazhi looked at the busy crew members thoughtfully, and another question arose in his mind:

Yeah, it would have been a very simple thing.

There are many things as simple as this one, but who complicates them?

He did not continue to think about the answer, but happily took the cash and began to return home.

This time the labor fee has been divided. After deducting the mortgage payment for the ship, the remaining cash is less than 20,000 Nandao dollars, and the next 20,000 miles will be deducted for the fuel cost and maintenance cost. The net profit is probably less than 10,000.

However, this is already extremely rare.

At least, this sum of money will allow him to survive the crisis.

----if everything goes well.

But things in this world often backfire.

Just after the Nana docked, a group of uniformed staff surrounded the fishing boat, and then fined him 100,000 South Island dollars on the grounds of private transactions. Before the fine was paid, the fishing boats were all seized.

Liao Huazhi looked at the other's face in awe, as if he was looking at some kind of man-eating monster.

He didn't know how the other party would propose such a paradoxical punishment, and he didn't know what the other party's purpose was.

If you don't have a boat, you can't make money, if you don't have money, you can't pay the fine, and if you can't pay the fine, you can't redeem the boat...

Liao Huazhi felt a surge of blood rushed to the top of his head, and after a few seconds, he fell on his back.

And at the last glance before he met, what he saw was the blue sky and white sun that had gradually turned black and white.

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