Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 427 The Rebellious Child Is To Be Beaten

After he collapsed due to an acute cerebral hemorrhage, Liao Huazhi was quickly sent to a nearby hospital. It took up to 20 hours of rescue to save his life, but the final result was that his left side was completely paralyzed, and his right side also lost most of his life. Function.

In addition, due to the sudden increase in intracranial pressure, he was blinded in both eyes and aphasia. For three days, he did not respond to external stimuli.

Due to his sensitive background, his experience was quickly spread throughout the island. Combined with the recent overstepping of the administrative fine order issued by the head of the Fisheries Department, it became the last detonator to detonate the emotions on the island.

The reversal came in an instant, and the people who were still in the rhythm of the mainland a few days ago started a "great reflection movement" that spread to an extremely wide range.

And this kind of reflection, like the rhythm in the Chinese mainland, finally merged into a voice:

This term's decision-makers are over and need to be replaced.

And it just so happens that the next general election is no more than 7 months away.


Kaohsiung, Qianzhen Fishing Port.

Liao Huazhi's son wrote the three characters "Liao Guoxing" on the top of the document, and officially handed over the small fishing boat, which was once called "Nana" by its owner, to the bank, but this does not mean that he and the bank The debt between the two was terminated. Taking into account the depreciation of the fishing boat and market fluctuations, he still owed the bank 200,000 Austronesian dollars after the forced recovery of the fishing boat.

200,000 was not a big number in his eyes, it was only equivalent to his salary for several months. However, as the economic environment and his father's condition continued to deteriorate, the sales industry he was engaged in had become more and more Hard to make money.

His family has almost come to the brink of exhaustion.

The daughter on the side stared blankly at the departing staff. At this age, she was already sensible, and obviously knew what it meant to sign this document.

"Dad, in the future, if we have money, can we still buy this ship back?"

Liao Guoxing smiled bitterly and replied:

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to buy it back, but I will try my best. When Grandpa's illness is cured, I will buy you a bigger boat, okay?"

Nana nodded solemnly and said:

"Dad, I will also go to school well. I heard from the doctor that as long as Grandpa takes a good rest, he can still recover slowly."

Hearing his daughter's words, the muscles on Liao Guoxing's face twitched a few times, but he didn't answer.

The so-called condition can be recovered slowly, in fact, it is just a nice word that the doctor said in front of the patient to comfort him. In fact, both the doctor and the patient know that in a situation like Liao Huazhi, he will basically spend the rest of his life in the hospital bed. passed on.

There are two paralyzed old people in a family at the same time, which makes Liao Guoxing feel extremely desperate.

Of course he wouldn't give up his biological parents, but he also had to consider the worst.

Thinking of this, he let out a long sigh.

In less than 4 months, his family life has fallen from the peak to hell. When he dreamed back in the middle of the night, he could not even tell whether it was a reality or a dream, but his father's electrocardiograph sent out a message. The regular beeps always reminded him that this was indeed an irreversible disaster.

Up to now, his heart no longer had the anger that he had when he encountered the injustice in the first place, but was replaced by a sad despair.

Depressed in the society in which he lives, despairing at his inability to change.

A rally, a parade, a joint signing, what is it to those officials and gentlemen?

As long as they use the "heart battle" team that was originally supposed to be used for external purposes, they can easily wash away all their mistakes and all their sins.

The Internet has no memory, and neither does the public. The only ones who have memories are families like him who have really suffered.

Liao Guoxing took his daughter's hand and left the port. Since arriving at 10:00 in the morning, until now, the two of them have not eaten a meal. The staff of the bank showed no sympathy at all, and even asked for it twice. After having a meal first, he was also warned in a stern tone not to try to bribe.


Liao Guoxing felt a deep irony from their tone and expression. How could a family like himself be able to bribe?

Even if there were, how could he possibly bribe these wolves, tigers and leopards who eat people without blinking?

You know, those so-called administrative staff who are officially on the same page as them have personally sent their family into the abyss.

He shook his head and tried his best to calm down his emotions. He took his daughter to a nearby restaurant to buy a few simple meals. After hesitating for a while, he brought her a box of her favorite yogurt before taking her with him. left the restaurant.

Along the way, her daughter drank yogurt in small sips. She didn't say anything, but Liao Guoxing knew that a girl of this age had more things hidden in her heart than she thought.

After returning home, he simply took a few mouthfuls of food and went back to the room to take over the care of his father's wife, but when he opened the door, the scene in front of him confused him.

The wife was sitting by her father's bed, holding a lady's underwear, doing her unskilled needlework.

Seeing his expression, his wife put her hand to her mouth with a sullen expression, then stood up carefully and pulled him aside.

"Nana's clothes were broken. She didn't let me buy new ones. She insisted on sewing them myself. When I saw that she couldn't sew them, I wanted to help her, but I couldn't either..."

Hearing his wife's gentle tone, Liao Guoxing's eyes became sour.

What era is this, even in his impression, this kind of needlework is only done by his mother's generation. How can life go back and forth now?

After a moment of silence, he said:

"It's better to buy a new one. No matter how poor you are, you can't save the money."

The wife nodded slightly, squeezed his arm lightly to signal him to lower his voice, and then explained:

"I must buy it. Nana is too stubborn. I will help her do it first, and then I will buy a new one for her together... How about it, has the fishing boat been dealt with?"

Liao Guoxing nodded slightly and replied:

"It's dealt with, and now adding Dad's medical expenses, we still owe 600,000 foreign debts---fortunately, it's not too much, we can always get through it after a long time."

"I'm just afraid that I won't be able to find a job in the future..."

Having said this, he smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, and then continued:

"I used to think about being a fisherman with my father and my father. Fortunately, I didn't have the impulse. At least now I can still get a salary. If I really resigned at that time, then we are now called Tiantian and should not be called to earth. Not working."

"I thought that Dad's matter was so big that there must be some kind of charity organization to donate. As a result, a total of more than 20,000 yuan was donated. What is the money enough for?"


Liao Guoxing shook his head helplessly. He didn't want to morally kidnap other people to pay for his family's difficulties, but from the amount of donations this time, he did intuitively feel the deterioration of the economic environment once again.

Yes, it's not just my family who are in trouble now, who has the spare energy to help others?

Thinking of this, he pondered for a moment and said:

"After that, you will have to work hard to take care of your father. I still have to go out to work. If possible, let's see if I can work two jobs."

"Now my parents' monthly nursing fee is more than 60,000 yuan. I have to earn at least 30,000 yuan more to maintain the basic life of our family. In addition, we still have foreign debts. The better it is..."

"It's so hard to make money. I heard from my dad before that when I was the poorest, I wanted to carry large bags on the shore and catch whales in the sea. Now I can understand his feelings."

Hearing his words, his wife patted the back of his hand comfortingly, and then said warmly:

"It's not bad for us. With such a little foreign debt, we can earn it back after a few years of hard work. When Dad's condition is stable, I'll go out to work with you, and then it will be easy."

"I'm afraid that the situation will get worse and worse."

Liao Guoxing sighed again, but just when he was about to sit down in front of his father's bed, there was a sudden knock on the living room door.

At this time, they will still come to the door, I am afraid that it is only the debt collector.

He frowned and walked towards the door, but an unfamiliar face appeared in front of him.

The owner of that face had a gentle smile, and after seeing him, he said bluntly:

"Hello, Mr. Liao Guoxing. I'm Liu Haiping from the Cross-Strait Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We heard about the difficult situation in your family. For the purpose of the association, we would like to provide you with a free loan."

"You can rest assured that we are not loan sharks. The interest on this loan is 0.3%, and the repayment start date is one year later. In addition, if our association is dissolved after one year, this amount will be automatically repaid by the association funds. ."

"I think you are a smart person, you should understand what I mean?"

Liao Guoxing was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly became very clear.

He looked into each other's eyes and solemnly replied:

"I see."


Mianyang, Huawuyuan.

Ye Zhou looked at the report in his hand with great interest, and asked Chen Hao in front of him:

"So, we 'credit knives' of the new era have already begun to act?"

Chen Hao smiled and replied:

"Your name is quite appropriate, and they do work like a credit card.... Yes, in fact, their preparations have been done for a long time, and now it is just according to The plan has just started.”

"So, our suppression of South Island's consciousness can actually be regarded as basically taking shape, right? Can I think that the last obstacle, whether it is economic or cultural, has been basically removed, and the next step is to only Is there the last of the people's hearts left?"

Hearing this, Chen Hao shook his head and replied:

"People's hearts have never been an issue, we don't care how their people's hearts are."

"Everything we do is to prepare for our own management in the future, whether they want it or not ... it doesn't matter."

"A very simple example. Children in the rebellious period always disobey their parents, and they always run away from home, threatening to never come back."

"But in the end, they still have to go home."

"If you really meet that kind of stubborn child who is going to die..."

"Take the board and smoke it."

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