Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 431: Encounter With Each Other

Camp Lemonier continued to suffer, while on the South Island, church-organized "social assistance" was in full swing.

As Francis had planned before, the social assistance this time is not only aimed at believers, but also at ordinary people who are in trouble due to the severe economic crisis on the island.

Their method of assistance is also extremely simple and crude. As long as you come to the church, as long as you can prove that you are really in trouble, as long as you sincerely pray to the Lord, then the gates of heaven will be opened to you.

----This statement does not seem so accurate. According to the local bishop, it should be "the grace of the Lord will be cast on you".

Objectively speaking, the local assistance of the church did help a group of ordinary innocent people, but this kind of help was obviously not simple, because when these people were brought into the church and attended the service, they all subtly changed their minds. Instilled with a thought:

God loves you and God is helping you, but if the South Island returns, then God will abandon this land.

Under the indoctrination of such thoughts, whether they are true believers or opportunists who want to rely on the church's subsidies to tide over the difficulties, they have to start thinking about a question, that is:

If you really vote, isn't it that the help you have finally obtained that can help you get through the difficulties will be cut off?

This kind of thinking continues to spread on the island, coupled with the deliberate propaganda and hype of the official South Island Executive Yuan, a religious group with a small base has actually created a considerable momentum.

Even, this momentum was not limited to the island, but began to spread internationally. A large number of media scrambled to report the church's "righteous deeds" in the South Island, as if they had made a great contribution. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry did not say a word about helping the people.

In their words, the predicament of the South Island is temporary, caused by the deliberate attack of some evil forces, and as long as one believes in God, this difficulty can be easily overcome.

---- This is not even just idealistic propaganda, but a real material bribe.

The attitude of the church is very clear:

If you believe in the Lord and oppose the return, I will give you money so you can have food.

Few people will not eat this set, especially those people at the bottom who are so green that they don't have any judgment of their own.

For a time, the conflict between the cross-strait business association and the church was brought to the table.

One side is the large-scale feeding with a wide net, and the other side is the precise help after strict research. It is self-evident which side can get more support.



This is the second week that Liao Guoxing received the loan from the Cross-Strait Business Association. The family's life improved as soon as the money was received. The debt of 600,000 island dollars has been repaid today, and he no longer has to worry about coming to the door to urge him. He was relieved that a debt-ridden gang member would scare his daughter, and he wouldn't have to worry about forcibly taking the house because he couldn't pay the rest of the bank's loan.

Of course, there are still difficulties. Just like what he and his wife had calculated before, the cost of parental care, the cost of living at home, and the cost of his daughter's schooling are all heavy pressures for him, but at least, with his own ability , this pressure is not enough to crush him.

Not only was it not enough to overwhelm him, but the current predicament gave him a vague hope.

This feeling is like when he encountered a storm when he followed his father out to sea.

Difficulties are at hand, and danger is at hand, but as long as he works hard, one day, he will drive this small boat through the huge waves and reach the final fishing ground.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face.

After opening the door, his wife gently took the seafood he bought from the market, and then asked:

"How is it, did the work go well today? Is it still that difficult client?"

Liao Guoxing nodded slightly and replied:

"It's still the same customer. Hey, the people of Daobei are difficult to deal with. We sell all high-tech products, and we will not be short or short. We have to grind and chirp like this, and it is not a big order. It's only a few hundred thousand, and even if I sell it, it's only a few thousand dollars, it's like I've taken advantage of him..."

Hearing Liao Guoxing's complaint, his wife squeezed his shoulder with a smile.

She was not at all disgusted with her husband's complaints. In fact, she even had some joy in her heart when she heard it just now.

Because she knew that when her husband started showing his dissatisfaction with his job again in front of her, it meant that things weren't so bad.

Some time ago, when he was in a predicament with almost no way out at home, he was not as active as he is now. Every day he entered the door with a painful and silent face, which made people feel heartache.


"It's like doing sales. It's okay, just be patient. Now the savings at home is enough for a month or two. When Dad's situation is more stable, I will also go out to do a job, so you don't have to work so hard."

As she spoke, she took out all the seafood in the plastic bag, and began to clean it swiftly. Liao Guoxing helped her for a while, and she was rushed into the room to take care of her parents.

In fact, there is nothing to take care of. The two paralyzed old people spend most of their time in bed or in a wheelchair. However, being able to talk to their sons is always helpful for their mental recovery. benefit.

After entering the room, Liao Guoxing first chatted with the mother in the wheelchair. Seeing that the latter was in a good mood, he turned around and went to his father's room.

After a period of recovery, the father at this time has left the state that was almost equivalent to a vegetative state before, and has also responded to external stimuli. Even when talking to him, he can occasionally respond with babble.

Liao Guoxing sat down in front of his father's bed, reached out to hold the other's hand, and then said:

"Dad, are you feeling better today?"

Liao Huazhi on the bed didn't respond much, and seemed to have fallen asleep, so Liao Guoxing continued talking to himself.

"Today I went to pay off all the debts at home. The loan I took from the sorority before is more than 100,000 points, which is enough for the family for a period of time, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Although this is also a loan, it is much more cost-effective than what we took before, and the interest rate is low. It may not have to be repaid. We have taken the cheap money from the Labour Party in vain."

"I always felt that our problems were caused by the opposite side, but this time it was really difficult to see people's hearts."

"You don't know, when you were sick, I went to apply for subsidies and insurance, but none of them were approved. It was all because I borrowed loan sharks everywhere to survive."

"Those people in the Zhulian Gang really don't have a good thing. They have no empathy. I told them that the difficulties in the family made them reduce the interest a little bit, but guess what happened, they wanted to add me instead. interest!"

"Because they said that in this situation in our family, it is very likely that we will not come forward in the end. If the family dies, the account will be gone. It is a high risk to lend to us."

"I don't know where they got this kind of experience from...but looking at how skilled they are, it should have happened many times."

"Dad, Nandao is really not as good as we thought."

"We laugh at other people's miserable lives every day, and only find out when something goes wrong. It turns out that we are the ones who have a miserable life."

"We couldn't see it before. In fact, it's not because we didn't have it, but because our original life was not bad, so we couldn't get in touch with those people."

"It's alright now, once something like this happens, it can be regarded as an experience of life."

"But then again, Labour is a lot friendlier than I thought, they're rich and caring."

"Do you know what they told me when I went to collect the loan the other day?"

"They said that if there is any difficulty in finding employment at home, they can contact them and ask Axia to go to work too."

"Although I don't plan to do this for the time being, Axia still has to take care of you and mother after all, but it's really good that they can think of this."

"And oh, they visited the house three times. Do you know what gifts they bring each time? It's not nutritional supplements for you."

"It's rice noodle oil."

"So pragmatic, right?"

"However, we are really short... A few days, I only have a few dollars left in my bank card, and we almost can't even eat. I can't imagine that in this day and age, a family like ours would , there will be such a day."

"The money to buy rice, noodles and oil is really not much, and they don't even give a lot of loans. Many people say it's sugar-coated cannonballs, saying that their money is stolen from our company and they want to lure us to defect."

"But Dad, the people in the Executive Yuan didn't even reimburse us for medical expenses, they gave us rice, so what if it was stolen, even if it was stolen, this is... robbery Does the rich help the poor?"

After a moment's pause, he continued:

"So, Dad, I might really want to join the Communist Party this time. You can't speak now, so I'll take it as your acquiescence."

"The Executive Yuan doesn't care whether we live or die, then I have no choice but to... I will vote for whoever cares about me."

After speaking, Liao Guoxing let out a long sigh, let go of his father's hand and walked out of the room.

However, when he walked into the living room, he was suddenly stunned.

At the door of the living room stood a priest in a black priest's uniform, while his wife stood in the door, listening to the other party's preaching a little embarrassedly, and behind him stood the staff of the sorority who came to visit.

This is good, the two opponents bumped into each other today.

Seeing Liao Guoxing approaching, the staff calmly shook his head at him, and the pastor said:

"May the Lord bless you, my child. The Lord heard about some difficulties in your family and asked me to help you..."

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