Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 432 As Soon As You Think About It, The World Is Wide!

"...So, what you call helping us means giving us 5,000 yuan a month? Pastor, do you know what the price of goods in South Island is now?"

Liao Guoxing looked at the priest sitting on the sofa in disbelief and asked involuntarily.

The other party obviously regarded the staff sitting on the side as his ordinary friends, and he didn't know that his debts had been paid off through the loan from the Cross-Strait Business Association. It is the Lord's test", "The Lord did not abandon His own lamb", "As long as you persevere, the debt will be repaid and life will be better" and other beautiful words that don't require money.

But when he finally talked about the so-called help, the conditions put forward by the other party made Liao Guoxing almost drop his chin.

A monthly subsidy of 5,000 yuan is provided on the condition that no more loans from the sorority are allowed.

For Liao Guoxing, this condition is like a joke.

Are you missing the five thousand dollars?

What I lack is 600,000!

According to the current price in the north of the island, 5,000 yuan can barely keep the family fed and clothed for a month, but considering the consumption of various living materials, this means that they can't even buy meat other than seafood!

What is the point of such aid? Can you really get yourself out of trouble? Can you solve your own growing debt? Can I make my daughter pay the tuition fee? Can I get my dad to use a life monitor?

Liao Guoxing glanced at the staff next to him, and there was a somewhat sarcastic smile on the other's face.

He sighed slightly, remembering that he had talked with the staff of the sorority about the church's subsidy before. The other party said that it was just a show in the religious field, and he was still skeptical at the time. Fulfillment.

Isn't it a show?

Distributing large sums of money to those who may or may not need it, and buying people's hearts through such small favors, what is the difference between such an operation and those parties giving red envelopes to the people before the election?

Those who received the red envelopes may be happy, but those who can't make it through are still unable to make it through.

The so-called church, they don't care who they have helped, nor how much they have helped. What they care about is how many people will speak for them because of these hundreds of South Island coins, thereby expanding their prestige.

The priest opposite noticed his expression, and his face became solemn and serious. After a pause, he said:

"Proverbs says that the Lord saves those who save themselves. Mr. Liao, although the five thousand dollars is not much, it can also solve your immediate needs. You also have a job, don't you? With this money, you can concentrate more on it. Go do your own thing, instead of worrying about the food and clothing at home."

"We know that the sorority has made tempting offers to you, but please believe me, it's just a poisoned apple. They tempt you to eat it, but after eating it, the consequences are unimaginable."

"Do you really believe the super low interest they're offering? Do you really believe they'll forgive your loan?"

"No, how could they be so kind... They just want to use you to influence more people and achieve their evil goals."

Hearing this, Liao Guoxing frowned slightly, but before he could answer, the staff on the side asked:

"What evil purpose?"

The priest opposite sighed and asked back:

"Isn't it obvious? They want to disrupt the stability of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait... Mr. Liao, you are a smart person, can't you see it?"

"I can see it."

Liao Guoxing's expression was calm.

"But, what if you see it? I don't think it's evil. Don't you think it's evil for an official who punishes a fisherman to bankrupt his family just for the benefit of his own party, regardless of the life and death of the people? "

"...Mr. Liao, you seem to have been blinded by demons. But it doesn't matter, the Lord will not give up any lost lamb."

"We all know the issues you mentioned, but this is not something that the Lord's servants will pay attention to. We don't care about this secular dispute. Our purpose is to let the kingdom of heaven come back to this land."

"Then why do you say that the other side is evil? Isn't this also a secular dispute?"

The staff interjected again.

The pastor on the opposite side was obviously stunned for a moment. He still hadn't guessed the identity of the staff member. After a while, he answered:

"No, it's not the same."

"You know, the other side is a country without religious freedom, where the voice of the Lord cannot spread, and the believers of the Lord cannot freely believe in religion. If we leave it alone, the South Island will become like them. This is our absolute Unacceptable results."

"We are to defend the Lord's land and defend the Lord's Lamb."

"The wicked people of the Federation cannot save the people of the South Island. Only by throwing into the arms of the Lord can salvation be achieved."

Hearing this, the staff suddenly stood up.

He looked directly into the pastor's eyes and said word by word:

"Pastor, you are here today to represent a kind of goodwill, and I am grateful for your help to the people of the South Island."

"But I don't agree with you saying that you are defending the Lamb of the Lord, because this is too ridiculous."

"I am also an Austronesian. For a long time, I also thought that we were independent. I also thought that the two sides of the strait should maintain the status quo and should develop independently."

"However, this does not mean that I can let you talk nonsense here, and I can forget the hardships you have brought to my nation by your virtuous missionaries from the Vatican."

"You said you were defending the Lamb of God. Who are you defending?"

"Beginning in the 18th century, when you were transporting opium to our countrymen in clippers and then accepting donations from those opium dealers, who were you defending?"

"Since 1842, when you participated in the planning of various treaties, invaded our land, seized our gold and silver, and plundered our cultural relics, who were you defending?"

"Beginning in the 1860s, when your missionaries went deep into the Chinese mainland to occupy land, interfere in internal affairs, shelter the religious, and operate loan sharks, who were you defending?"

"In 1900, Catholic missionaries in Europe used the slogan 'heads for heads' on the grounds that 680 Catholics were killed, and killed 680 innocent people. At that time, who were you defending?"

"Just a few years ago, when you canonized Malai, who has done a lot of evil in our country, who were you defending?!"

"Yes, I also admit that your missionaries have given us some help in the war against foreign aggression in the following period of time. These are objective facts."

"But what was your attitude toward us after 1950? Your papacy has issued two orders against this new nation just because a country has chosen a different polity than you expected!"

"Not only that, your Holy See even declared that it would impose a so-called 'super excommunication' on ordinary believers who are still freely active!"

"Who are you defending? You haven't even defended your most loyal lamb!"

"Now, don't you think it's ridiculous to say that the Holy See doesn't care about secular disputes here?"

Hearing the staff's questioning, the pastor stood up red-faced, opened his mouth for ten seconds, and then squeezed out a sentence:

"We also helped many people in times of war..."

The staff sneered and replied:

"Yes, I do not deny that. But they are not you."

"Their roots are in China. They are Chinese people first, and believers later. Your roots are in the Vatican, in Rome, in the West, and you can never really plan for the interests of China and the Chinese people."

"You said that you have helped many people. I just want to ask you, what were you doing when all the Taoists of Qipantuo Temple died for the country and the huge Taoist temple was burnt to the ground?"

"We have never opposed religion, we have never restricted the freedom of belief, what we are opposed to is you so-called believers who are coerced by Western interests and cover up their dirty purposes with so-called beliefs!"

Speaking of which, the staff paused for a moment, then continued:

"Now, you still want to use those old-fashioned methods to stop our pace and deceive our compatriots, then I want to ask you, are you worthy?"

"You can't save the people of the South Island, only socialism can save the people."

Immediately afterwards, before the pastor could answer, the staff turned to look at Liao Guoxing, who was beside him, and said sincerely:

"Mr. Liao, I hope you don't mind if what I said is offensive."

"We are not against freedom of belief, and we will not kill all religions with one stick. We just want to tell you that there are truly worthy beliefs on that continent."

"That belief....if you ever know it, it is absolutely superior to any belief you are familiar with."

Hearing the staff's words, Liao Guoxing was silent for a long time.

He didn't pay any attention to the priest who had finally recovered his senses and was arguing incessantly, and instead asked the staff:

"What if I don't believe in what you said? Will you get my loan back?"

"They will!"

The priest on the side shouted anxiously.

But the staff just slowly shook their heads.

"We won't. I can tell you directly, this money is from this island, it belongs to you, it belongs to you."

Hearing this, Liao Guoxing nodded slightly, then looked at the pastor and said:

"Sorry, I voted in."

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