Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 437 The Choice Of Experimental Subjects

Chen Hao did not agree with Ye Zhou's proposal to experiment with avs technology first, especially after listening to him explain the possible risks of avs technology.

From his point of view, if avs technology has the risk of making people insane, then Ye Zhou should not be involved, for the simple reason: the country can afford the loss of an ordinary person, or even a senior researcher , but absolutely cannot afford to lose Ye Zhou.

However, Ye Zhou still resolutely insisted on his own ideas, the two could not quarrel over this issue, and finally a sentence from the superior put an end to their quarrel:

"Until the last minute, how can a general personally bring a gun to the front line?"

Ye Zhou reluctantly accepted the decision of his superiors, but in fact, his decision was not a momentary heroism.

With the blessing of the "resistor" talent, his resistance to mental shock and mental pollution far exceeds that of other ordinary people and almost all special personnel who have been professionally trained. With all the knowledge of the technology, allowing yourself to experiment for yourself is actually the option to maximize the benefits.

However, he can also understand the decisions made by his superiors. After all, sometimes, giving up efficiency in order to reduce risks is actually a correct choice.

"...don't let me do it if you don't let me do it, but I'm definitely going to be there for the first experiment, and I need to intuitively understand the technical details."

"The avs technology is not like other technologies we have done before. It is a technology that is completely human, and the use experience is also a very important part. If there is a problem with the experimental object during the process, then I would rather suspend the follow-up development now. ."

"Is it so exaggerated?"

Chen Hao asked with some doubts.

"Possibly even more exaggerated than what I'm saying now."

Ye Zhou recalled the hearing in the finale replay. In the scene at that time, ordinary people who received avs technology treatment obviously suffered mental damage.

This injury cannot be detected by medical means, but it does affect the individual's way of thinking and behavior.

After that simulation, Ye Zhou thought about the reason for this problem more than once, but he never got a definite conclusion.

Relatively speaking, a more likely explanation is that there is a slight difference between the visual signal conveyed by the avs device and the signal conveyed by the human eye, and this difference has accumulated over the years, causing a deviation in the individual's cognition of the world.

Just as the tone of voice in a conversation can give a sentence a completely different meaning, the difference in information density in the visual signal is likely to bias the final constructed result.

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and then said:

"Then look at the results of the first experiment. If the problem you mentioned really occurs, then directly terminate the subsequent application research and development."

"Aes technology itself is not a shortage technology, we can afford the consequences of the lack of this technology."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"No, the aes technology itself is not as simple as you think it is now."

"Essentially, aes technology is an exploration of neural signals in the brain, from the beginning of our bci technology, to the current avs, aes, to the direct transmission of neural network information, and then to the possible emergence of later The human brain-assisted computing, to other technologies that I haven't thought of for a while, and finally strong artificial intelligence... The boundaries of aes are far wider than what we see now."

"What we can afford is only the consequences of a 'temporary absence'. If there is no breakthrough for a long time, our opponents may overtake us in this area on the corners - of course, I mean On a relatively long time span, like fifty years, a hundred years.”

"This kind of time span is very long for the two of us, but for a civilization, a country, it is only a fleeting moment, right?"

"In the final analysis, we are still seeking for future generations."

Chen Hao on the other side of the phone sighed and said:

"A generation has a mission for a generation. Ye Zhou, I've been telling you one thing, but you've never heard it."

"Don't push yourself too hard."

"Yes, you have indeed brought us great changes. It can even be said that your appearance has fundamentally accelerated the development of China, but you must know that you will not be the only protagonist of this era."

"You have to be very clear about this -- you're the butterfly flapping your wings, but essentially it's the vast atmosphere and ocean that make the storm."

"Why are you pushing yourself so hard? Tropical storms won't raise a level just because you flap your wings a few more times, it's a lot of fun!"

Ye Zhou laughed dumbly. Although Chen Hao's words sounded a bit sloppy, he did make his problem clear.

After a pause, he said:

"I know, I know... Don't talk about these useless things, hurry up and arrange the itinerary for me."

"Where is the first experiment? Zhejiang University?"

"Yes, Zhejiang University."


Three days later, Ye Zhou arrived in Yuhang as planned. He did not delay any time. After getting off the plane, he went straight to the BCI Institute of Zhejiang University, where he met Chen Li, who is currently in charge of the avs project.

The other party did not know his true identity, but he also knew that he should be the upper-level leader of the avs project, so he did not hide anything in the discussion with him.

"...Actually, the experiment we are going to conduct now is the first full-scope experiment, but before that, we have conducted multiple neural signal input analysis, neural tolerance tests, and ruled out There were several candidates for the experiment, and only one remained in the end."

"Those who were eliminated were either insensitive to electrical stimulation signals or were too sensitive to meet the experimental conditions."

"So, we actually don't have a control group in this experiment at all... If it fails, we can only wait for the next batch of experimenters to be screened out."

Hearing Chen Li's introduction, Ye Zhou nodded slightly, and then asked:

"What background are the eliminated ones?"

"A soldier on active duty, a monk, two ordinary blind masseurs, and a blind composer. The nerve sensitivity of soldiers and monks is low. The sensitivity condition of blind masseurs is the best, but the nerve signals are confused. Our current compiler cannot meet the requirements, and the composer is too sensitive to even pass the first test."

"What's the reason for not passing?"

"The hallucinations - so strong, so exaggerated that the body functions are affected. In the hallucination he sees himself in the fire, and then his skin develops minor burns, and we are observing This phenomenon terminated the experiment immediately, but it also took several days for his burn symptoms to recover."

In fact, the phenomenon of physiological reactions due to hallucinations is not particularly bizarre. Some special hypnosis experiments can achieve similar effects, and the very famous "rubber hand experiment" or "phantom limb experiment" in the scientific community ”, which also proves from a certain aspect that false visual perception signals will trigger corresponding neural reflexes.

When the intensity of this neural reflex reaches a threshold, it will cause some physiological changes.

This finding more intuitively demonstrates the impact of avs technology on the human body than the ending Ye Zhou saw in the simulator, and further hints at the dangers of this technology.

Ye Zhou sighed inexplicably, then continued to ask:

"What about the last one? What is his identity?"

"It was a 6-year-old child. She was also blind, but she was blind at the age of 4, and she was blind for only two years."

"We believe that the reason why she can meet the experimental conditions is that her nervous system is still in a relatively primary stage, and her receptivity to the stimulation of the new system is relatively strong."

"For other people, because of their long-term life and work, the working mode of the nervous system has formed a set of inherent patterns, and it is not so simple to correct it by means of electrical signal stimulation."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou's expression became extremely tangled.

The Zhejiang University avs team's exploration of this technology far exceeds the depth he has seen in the report, and has even discovered the negative effects brought by the avs technology, as well as the different effects of the basis of consciousness on the avs technology. This is a good trend.

But the problem is, they have no way to deal with such negative effects now.

Of the 6 candidate experimenters, only one was left in the end. This ratio can almost be said to be far below the promotion standard of a technology.

After thinking for a moment, he asked:

"Where's the experimenter? In the institute? I want to see him."

Opposite Chen Li shook his head and replied:

"Not at the moment. We originally wanted to keep her in the institute, but her family background is more complicated... She and her big brother are orphans, and her big brother goes to school in the North City, but she There is no way to leave her big brother to take care of, so only two nights a week and weekends come over."

"Orphan? Big brother is still in school? How old is he?"

"The big brother is 14 years old and in junior high school."

"Junior high school?? What do they both live on?"

"Part of the official subsidy, plus the help of neighbors, was supposed to be adopted, but the formalities were not completed."

"Their life is not too much of a problem. After all, Yuhang has been rich for thousands of years. It's not that easy to starve to death. However, it must be difficult."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou frowned.

Obviously, the child mentioned by Chen Li and his big brother live in an extremely fragile balance. Illness, poverty and the pressure of life together form a seesaw.

One end of the seesaw is them, and the other end is the abyss.

The avs technology in Chen Li's hands is a weight. If the weight cannot be placed in the correct position, it will have a negative effect on the balance of the seesaw.

After a moment of silence, he said:

"Give me an address and I'll go take a look."

"Actually you shouldn't choose subjects like this - their fault tolerance is too low."

"Careful must be exercised with such subjects, who are at least alive now, if irreversible problems arise after the experiment is carried out..."

"Then we were the last straw that broke them."

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