Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 438 The Life Of The Blind

At this moment, in a dilapidated and low-rise peasant house in Chengzhong Village, Chengbei District, Yang Yiyao, who was selected by Chen Li as the subject of the experiment, is sitting on a small bench at the door, quietly basking in the sun, enjoying the rare and rare thing that belongs to her. of warm time.

She carefully took off the blindfold on her face, opened her eyes diligently, and turned her face to the direction of the sun's rays on her skin, as if trying to catch a ray of light with her eyeballs that were no longer there.

But it was obviously in vain, and in fact the light in her life had disappeared from that fire two years ago.

Both her parents were killed. When the firefighters rescued them, her eyes were blinded by the strong smoke stimulation. At that time, she didn't know what it meant. What blindness and death were not yet formed in her heart. the concept of.

She would only hold her mother's body without letting go. When she was identified and told her that "mother is gone", she cried and shouted that her mother was still hot.

If you are already dead, your body should cool down, right?

This is the superficial knowledge she learned from TV.

----In this age of information explosion, children her age mature a little earlier than their peers in the previous decade, but the early maturity is limited.

It took her a month to accept the result that she could no longer see, because at most it was just walking and moving less, but it took her half a year to accept the fact that her parents were not there.

In the beginning, she would subconsciously call her mother when she heard the alarm clock wake up, calling "mom turn on the lights" over and over again; she would also stumble out the door when she heard the honking of a car horn outside the door When she went, she fell and bruised herself several times; but more often, she vented her irritable temper like a child, angering the caregivers arranged by the community one after another.

It is precisely because of this that her adoption procedures have been delayed.

Who would want to accept a downright rascal who smashes everything in the house at every turn? That little pity and empathy for the weak would soon be exhausted in an almost endless torture.

In the end, only her big brother remained by her side, the child who was also underage.

The big brother always comforted her, told her the story of Helen Keller, taught her to know the room she lived in from scratch, taught her to dress herself, bathe herself, and even taught her to use a smartphone in blind mode, where Go up and "watch" the cartoons she used to like.

After two full years, she finally began to become docile, and finally learned to sit and wait quietly when no one was around. For a little girl who was less than 7 years old, even if she was a healthy person, this was not enough. It can already be considered invaluable.

The sun mixed with the hot wind blew across Yang Yiyao's face, she felt something softly brush across her face, so she curiously grabbed the thing with her hands, and then she found out that it was just her hair.

She curled up a strand of hair with her fingers, then pulled it tight again, feeling the slightly tingling touch from the scalp. This kind of touch made her feel a little novel, but after playing for a while, she lost it. interest.

She let go of her hair, groped her hands to support the wall beside her, and walked to the left along the base of the wall.

Walk a few more steps and you'll come across a bike that's parked there forever, go around carefully, and most importantly don't get hit by the pedals of the bike.

After going around the bicycle, you have to pay attention to the small pit left by stepping on it for many years. The dirty water from the neighbors has accumulated in the pit. If the shoes are dirty, the big brother will criticize himself again.

After bypassing the puddle, the wall beside her was suddenly empty, so she knew that she had arrived at the house of the old grandfather called "Second Uncle". At the same time, there was also the pungent smell of tobacco in her nose. As soon as she smelled this The smell of tobacco, she remembered the feeling of the stubble on the second uncle's face in the past.

She didn't like the second uncle pricking herself with stubble, but fortunately, he has stopped doing this in the past two years. Only when he occasionally brought snacks to the house for himself, would he pinch his face with his rough fingers. Then he said, "The scar on Nannan's face is so lightly burned that she will be a handsome girl again after two years."

What is a scar? What is a handsome girl?

She has no concept of these two words, but the chocolate brought back by the second uncle is delicious.

Just as she stretched her arms to adjust her balance and wanted to walk past the second uncle's door, she suddenly heard the second uncle's angry voice:

"Yaoyao, where are you going? That hand stretched out like a little zombie!"

Hearing the voice of the second uncle, she was stunned for a while, then turned around subconsciously, and replied to the door in her consciousness:

"Second uncle, I'm going to the patio to play."

"Why are you going to the patio to play? There's a street stall over there, beating gongs and drums, and I'll kidnap you later. Come here! Come here, Second Master, and Second Master will bring you chocolates to eat!"

Hearing the second uncle's words, Yaoyao hesitated for a moment, and finally turned around gropingly.

Seeing her action, the second uncle said with satisfaction:

"Hey, that's right. Come, walk over by yourself, can you hear my voice? Do you know where I am? Yes, yes, come, keep walking!"

Yaoyao listened to the other party's voice carefully, and moved carefully step by step. When her hand touched the stubble on the other party's face, she couldn't help laughing.

"Second uncle, beard!"

"Hahahaha, it's the beard. Yaoyao is getting smarter and smarter. Come, sit down and I'll get you chocolate."

While talking, the second uncle picked her up and placed her on a chair that was still a certain height for her, and then got up and left.

Listening to the voice of the other party gradually disappearing, Yaoyao sniffed, she smelled a complex aroma mixed with meaty and smoky flavors, which was the first time in her memory.

"Second uncle, what are you cooking?"

The second uncle in the room answered loudly:

"It's not cooking, it's smoked bacon! I'll cut a piece for you later, and let him cook it for you when your brother comes back, you know?"

"My brother won't let me want your stuff."

Hearing this, the second uncle, who had already approached with chocolate, burst into laughter.

"Don't listen to your brother's nonsense. You don't want anything from the second uncle. Who else can you want? Come, eat chocolate, and I'll cut the bacon for you."

Yaoyao nodded, carefully wiped the dust off her hands, and groped to unpack the chocolate, but just as she was about to put the chocolate in her mouth, the chocolate that had peeled off the candy wrapper fell to the ground.

Not far away, the sound of chopping vegetables was heard intermittently. She sat there for a while, she first raised her legs to cross the chair, then bent down laboriously, and groped the ground in front of her with her hands to make sure that there was nothing on the ground. After the dropped chocolate, he carefully climbed down from the chair, then squatted down and groped for the piece of chocolate that had fallen from nowhere.

This was a difficult job for her. She gradually knelt down from standing at the beginning, and finally got under the chair on her stomach, but fortunately, every household is now equipped with tiles, and when she finally finds the piece of chocolate , it's not that dirty.

----From the touch point of view, it is not too dirty.

She rubbed the chocolate on her clothes a few times and put it into her pocket, then groped and climbed into the chair. When the second uncle cut the bacon and turned around, she happened to see the scene where she took out the chocolate from her pocket.

"Ouch! Don't eat it! Your pocket is full of ashes! What's wrong? It fell to the ground?"


Yaoyao nodded lightly, the other party took the chocolate in her hand, took out a tissue to wipe it clean, and then stuffed it back into her hand.

"Come on, let's eat. If you don't eat it cleanly, you won't get sick. We didn't pay much attention to it when we were young... I heard from your brother, are you going to see the doctor tomorrow night?"

"Going to see a doctor."

"Where to see? What doctor did you see?"

"For eyes. Go to the university to see!"

"Don't talk about it, those eyes... Harm, I'll ask you for nothing. When your brother comes back, I'll ask him. Don't you two have been deceived by others for that little subsidy. Well, you can sit and eat, the second uncle is going to be busy."

"After a while, go home and watch TV, don't run around, do you have your phone in your pocket?"

Yaoyao took out her mobile phone from her pocket and shook it, the second uncle nodded with confidence.

"I'll put the bacon aside for you. Come on, you can hold it and see if you can carry it... ok? It's not too heavy!"

"We Yaoyao are really capable, even better than my little granddaughter..."

In the praise of the second uncle, Yaoyao finished eating the chocolate in her hand, then said goodbye to the second uncle, and walked out of the room cautiously.

What she didn't know was that the second uncle who said he was going to be busy actually followed her all the time. He shook his head and turned away until he saw her walk to the small bench in front of his house and sit down.

Yaoyao raised her face, she could feel that the angle of the sunlight had changed slightly, the alarm clock on her phone reminded her that there were 3 hours left before her big brother came home, and for the next 3 hours, she kept on Sitting on the bench like that, only when I heard the sound of the gradually approaching whistle, would I stand up and take a few steps back in the direction of the house.

The surrounding light gradually dimmed, but to her, it was only the surrounding temperature that changed.

She didn't hear the voice of her big brother Yang Yijin from a distance until the last alarm clock of the day went off.

"big brother!"

She stood up excitedly, holding the bacon in one hand, groping the wall in the other and stumbled forward, and the figure opposite her quickly ran two steps forward and grabbed her hand.

"Are you good at home today? Did you have class?"

"Go! I'm done!"

"What did you learn today?"

"Study the multiplication table today, but I can't memorize it..."

"It's okay, come on, Yaoyao, my name is Uncle."

While talking, he handed the hand that was holding the other party to the hand of Ye Zhou who came with him.

"This is Ye Uncle, this is Chen Uncle. Tomorrow Ye Uncle will take you to treat your eyes, thank you."

There was a rare look of joy on Yaoyao's face. She squeezed Ye Zhou's hand like a little adult, and then said solemnly:

"Thank you Uncle!"

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