Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 439: The Decision Of The Shuangwen Male Protagonist

After entering the room with two people, one big and one small, Ye Zhou began to carefully observe the layout of this small farmer's house.

The furnishings in the house are extremely simple. There is only a table with four corners and two low chairs in the living room. In addition to a sofa in the corner, judging from the clothes piled on the sofa, it should be No one has ever sat there.

There is no real kitchen in the house, just a small area in the living room. On the table are an induction cooker, pots and some simple tableware. To Ye Zhou's surprise, they still have one to watch. Up to the condition of the induction cooker is very new.

"Do you usually live with your sister? Is this house yours or is it?"

Ye Zhou asked.

"The house is rented for us by the neighborhood committee, so we don't need to spend any money. I applied for a free late night self-study study. I came back every day to cook for her, and then went to class during the day."


"Actually, to be honest, it's okay. We are not living as hard as others seem to be, but Yaoyao will have more trouble going to school in the future----but the neighborhood committee is also trying to solve it, and will send her to the special education school next year. ."

Looking at Yang Yijin's calm and peaceful expression, Ye Zhou realized that his heart might be stronger than he thought.

But thinking about it, it is impossible to be a simple and naive junior high school student who can drag his sister to survive in this huge city after both parents passed away.

"Do you usually have a source of income? Or do you just rely on subsidies?"

On one side, Yang Yijin swiftly took out two brand-new folding chairs from the room and sat down. She helped her sister put on her earphones, opened the cartoon on her phone, and poured out the bacon in the bag on a plate. Then she finally took a breath. , sat down opposite Ye Zhou.

"Now the main source of income is subsidies. My parents didn't have insurance before, so they took a little compensation, and they are almost exhausted to see a doctor for my sister."

"The main reason is that I'm not yet an adult, and no one wants to work part-time on weekends - but I can be a doll and hand out flyers. I'm tall enough. This is quite profitable, and it costs one or two hundred yuan a day. Some stores There is also a commission, and one customer will be given one dollar. At most, I made more than 400 yuan a day."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly. He remembered that he had also worked part-time as a doll during the holiday of graduating from high school. Under the high temperature of 30 degrees, he had to stand outside all day, and he had to play tricks and sell cuteness to attract customers. relaxing work.

At least not as easy as Yang Yijin said.

After thinking for a moment, he continued to ask:

"What are your plans for the future? I'm talking about going to college, work, etc. Have you considered it?"

"Yes, but I don't think it's a serious problem. I estimate that the tuition for the high school will cost more than 20,000 yuan. It happens that there is so much left in the deposit, which is basically enough."

"Then if I go to university by myself, I will definitely go to a national defense university. In this way, tuition and living expenses are completely free, and there is basically no pressure."

"The main problem now is Yaoyao's problem. She spends too much money on school. If her eyes are not cured... To be honest, she can't afford it with subsidies."

Having said this, he paused for a moment, then smiled.

"But there is still hope. If your avs technology can be successful, at least she can basically return to a normal life in the future, and the pressure will be much less."

"You know avs?"

Ye Zhou asked in surprise.

"It can be found on the Internet. I have a mobile phone, and I have gone to study before."

Ye Zhou nodded with a smile. From the boy on the opposite side, he saw a maturity that was completely beyond his age, which made him let go of his previous worries.

If the other party, as the only "de facto" guardian of the experimenter, fails to meet the corresponding standards in the way of doing things, then he will stop the experiment without hesitation.

This is not a Madonna plot, but the most basic rational judgment as a scientific researcher.

Now, the boy's response clearly conveyed a message to him: he knew what the technology meant and had a preliminary understanding of it.

That alone is far better than many adults.

After a pause, Ye Zhou looked into the other's eyes, and then asked solemnly:

"Since you understand this technology, do you also understand the risks of this experiment?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Yang Yijin also nodded solemnly, and then answered:

"Chen Uncle told me before, mainly because of the possibility of mental damage. But Aunt Liu and I - our guardians - I have read the test reports of several other people with her. , the most severe of which only had mild symptoms and recovered within a few days."

"Yaoyao's previous test results were much better than theirs. I observed her for a long time, and there was no special change. I feel that this technology should have no negative impact on her."

"Not seeing it now doesn't mean it isn't."

Ye Zhou said seriously.

"I know, but her eyes have to be healed."

"It's not that urgent, is it?"

Yang Yijin shook his head, glanced at Yaoyao who was "watching" the cartoon with relish, and then said:

"Uncle Ye, things are not as you think."

"Maybe in your opinion, there is absolutely no need for me to let Yaoyao participate in this experiment, because our life is relatively stable now, although there may be some difficulties in the future, but if you think of other ways, you can get through it."

"I can wait until the technology is mature and the equipment is perfect, and then I can buy such a device for Yaoyao to help her restore her eyesight, right?"

Seeing Ye Zhou nod his head, he continued:

"But the question is, how long will this time take?"

"Ye Uncle, in order to determine whether this technology is safe or not, I have checked some other information and the development history of some similar technologies, the most typical of which is the cochlear implant technology."

"This technology appeared in the 1950s and matured in the 1990s, but until now, it costs more than 200,000 yuan to install a cochlear implant."

"I think avs technology is actually an upgraded version of cochlear implant technology. It will be popular in the future, but the price will definitely not be low."

"I need at least 8 years - it should be 10 years before I can afford the cost of cochlear implants. If I consider the development of avs technology, this time should be extended to about 15 years, which is the most optimistic. The situation, because of the 15-year-old avs technology, will definitely be expensive.”

"By that time, Yaoyao will be 22 years old, and the most important period of her life will be spent in the dark, which is unfair to her."

"More importantly, the ideal time for cochlear implant surgery is in childhood. What about this avs technology? It should be the same, right?"

"So, the key to the question is not when will this technology mature, but when will I have that kind of economic strength."

"But obviously, the growth of my economic strength cannot keep up with the growth of Yaoyao's age, so we can only choose to take risks."

"After all, she's in good shape and the risk isn't that big...and it's free."

Ye Zhou looked at Yang Yijin's face in shock. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he could hardly believe that this was what a 14-year-old junior high school student could say.

The other party looked at the future of himself and his sister with a calm and almost cold gaze, and then, after fully understanding the information he had, put forward a logic that could be said to be impeccable and self-consistent.

Of course, in Ye Zhou's opinion, this logic actually has loopholes. For example, when the avs technology flows out of his hands, it has already reached its final form after maturity, so it does not take so long to develop; for example, this The risk of a technology depends not only on the immediate reaction, but more importantly, the negative impact accumulated in the future.

But there is no denying that the choice he made was definitely the most rational decision he could make based on his conditions.

A young man actually has such a mind that can be called terrifying. At a certain moment, Ye Zhou almost suspected that he was a transmigrator.

Both parents died, my sister is blind, and I am a junior high school student...Is this an inappropriate template for the male protagonist of Shuangwen?

"These came up with it yourself?"

"No, I asked the teacher, and then discussed it with Chen Uncle. I read some information and thought about it for a long time before I decided to do it."

"I have persuaded Liu Aunt, and she agrees with my decision. When the experiment starts tomorrow, she will sign it as a guardian."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

At least this process doesn't sound so evil yet.

Then, he turned to Chen Li, who was on the side, and asked:

"What's your advice? Is it risky?"

Chen Li is the master of first-hand data, and his advice also plays a pivotal role in such key decisions.

Chen Li thought for a moment, then answered:

"I personally agree with Xiao Yang - this is the best choice for them."

"In addition, from a risk perspective, I think it is controllable. We have done a comprehensive analysis of Yaoyao's neural data set, and so far, she has a good tolerance for external signals - we I have also tested myself, and even a healthy adult is not as good at correcting false signals as she is."

"In a very simple example, infants experience inverted vision during their developmental stages, because the structure of our retinas inherently causes us to see objects that are inverted, and for the average infant, they may need 10 times The above adjustments can be completely corrected, but Yaoyao only needs two times."

"So, on the whole, she is not actually a 'last resort' choice, but the best choice."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou was silent for a few seconds, and finally nodded.

In fact, the main questions he wanted to solve during his home visit this time have already been answered, so he has no reason to object to this experiment.

Risks are bound to exist, but there are bound to be people who are willing to take this risk for various reasons. Their reasons may not be so noble and great, but this does not prevent them from becoming so-called pioneers.

And now, this 7-year-old girl is about to embark on the road of exploration.

Seeing Ye Zhou nodding, the opposite Yang Yijin jumped off the chair happily, stopped Ye Zhou and the two who were getting up to leave, pointed at the bacon on the table and said:

"Uncle, stay and eat. This is the bacon from the second uncle's house. It's delicious."

As he spoke, he took out the chopped vegetables neatly sealed with plastic wrap from the refrigerator, skillfully took them to the tap outside the door and rinsed them, then turned on the induction cooker and started cooking.

"Why don't you use a gas stove?"

Ye Zhou started to help him and asked curiously.


Yang Yijin was silent for a few seconds before answering:

"Yaoyao is afraid of the sound of a gas stove, just like the sound of an electric fire. I'm also...a little afraid of fire."

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