Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 442 Let Them Live

That night, Yaoyao came home with a portable avs device. This was the first time she saw the world again in two years. Everything she was familiar with seemed to have changed.

For example, she found that she had grown a lot taller than a chair without realizing it, no wonder it is now more and more effortless to climb up the chair; she found that the display of her mobile phone had long been broken, and it was only touch The function can still be used normally----no wonder the big brother has to listen to the voice prompts to operate every time he finds cartoons for himself; also, the sister named Chu Ya can't really be called Aunt, Ye Uncle and Chen Uncle are also Not as old as the "Uncle" in her concept.

Everything was new to her. After the initial panic, her child's nature regained the upper hand. On the way back, she kept trying to get close to the car window to see the world in the beginning of the bright lights outside. The helmet banged the glass.

Yang Yijin was protecting the camera on her head, for fear that she would accidentally smash this hard-won "eye", the two of them twisted and turned, and the other tried their best to block them until they returned to the city in the North City. In Nakamura, Yaoyao finally stopped.

After tossing for a day, she was already tired, but she couldn't bear the world in front of her, so she didn't fall asleep.

When the neighbors saw Yaoyao coming back, none of them didn't cry out, especially after confirming that she could really see her, everyone was so excited as if they had witnessed a miracle.

People without eyes see the world again.

At this moment, for the first time, human beings have realized the desire for eyes and vision that has been rooted since ancient times.

Among the many neighbors, the one who was the most excited was the second uncle who bought Yaoyao snacks and gave her bacon. He played with Yaoyao again and again the game of guessing the number with his fingers in front of his eyes. Even Ye Zhou was starting to feel bored, but Yaoyao took the trouble to answer his questions.

In the end, the second uncle laughed and burst into tears, and no one knew what kind of emotion this laughter came from.

Natural pity for a helpless child? Witness the shock of fate being reversed? Or is it a surprise that the incredible power of technology happened around you?

Probably both, but the most important thing is that this little guy who he has been taking care of for two years, finally has a world of her own.

When Yaoyao thanked him and turned to leave his room, he subconsciously stood up and followed behind her, but suddenly sat down in a loss.

---- Damn, I no longer need to take care of her in this way in the future.

But unexpectedly, Yaoyao stopped after walking out two steps, then turned to look at him and asked:

"Second uncle, why didn't you follow me? Big brother invited everyone to dinner today!"

The second uncle was stunned for a while, and it was only then that he realized for the first time that Yaoyao had always known that he was following him.

That's right, her hearing is more developed after losing her vision, how can she not hear the sound of her staggering footsteps?

He reached out and wiped his eyes, and said:

"Okay, okay! The second uncle is going to cut some meat, you and big brother are waiting for me at home!"


This day's dinner was naturally arranged by Ye Zhou—or, more appropriately, by Wu Ping. The two brothers and sisters who were closely related to Yaoyao were invited to the dinner. The location at home was too small, so I finally booked two tables in a nearby restaurant to celebrate the 7-year-old girl's rebirth.

Children are naturally not allowed to drink, but Liu Aunt and the second uncle, who are the guardians of the community, made a toast to Ye Zhou and his party on behalf of Yang Yijin.

"...Mr. Ye, today my old man is a little disrespectful, don't take it offense, I'm really happy!"

"I watched Yaoyao grow up. I hugged her when she was born. At that time, they lived in the building on the patio. Her father lived outside all year round, and it was inconvenient for her mother to take her upstairs and downstairs alone. , I will help you when I see it."

"Ask Director Liu, how cute Yaoyao was when she was a child, there is nothing we don't like!"

"When she was less than a year old, Yaoyao would walk, wearing open-crotch pants, babbling to and fro in the alley, and everyone who drove by had to stop and tease her before leaving!"

"I didn't expect that, that fire burned..."

"Why do you think it's so coincidental? It's not easy for the whole family to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together..."

"Master He, stop talking about this!"

Liu Aunt, who was beside him, quickly patted the second uncle's arm, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately stopped the conversation.

"Yes, yes. You can see that I am old and confused. After two glasses of wine, I talk too much. By the way, Mr. Ye, how long can your helmet last? Is it rechargeable?"

"You have to ask Teacher Chen."

Ye Zhou smiled and pointed to Chen Li who was beside him. The latter hurriedly replied:

"It is rechargeable. It can be used for more than 40 hours at a time, but it is best to develop a habit of charging it once a day, so as to avoid the trouble of suddenly running out of power the next day."

"It's really convenient. It's more convenient than my mobile phone. The battery of my mobile phone will bottom out in half a day. Do you think it's irritating?"

"Then it's time to change the battery of your mobile phone - hey, it's still Apple's, second uncle, let's replace it with a domestic one. Now the domestic mobile phone has a long battery life."

Ye Zhou glanced at the second uncle's mobile phone and said with a little teasing.

"No way! My daughter bought this phone, it's not easy to use! I'll replace it in two days. By the way, Teacher Ye, this helmet... can only be used by Yaoyao. Can it be used, or can blind people use it?"

"This technology can be used, but at present, Yaoyao can only use the helmet on her head. It's like customizing a prosthesis. Everyone's size and strength are different, and they cannot be shared."

"That's the truth!"

The second uncle took a sip of the wine from the glass to himself, then sighed and said:

"This science is developing so fast now. You said that when I was young, who would have thought that I could have this kind of technology? I can still see without my eyes, it's like a fairy spell!"

"I have to say that I have dealt with a lot of blind people in my life. When I was a child, the young man in the village, the old man He Tou who was blinded by molten iron at work, the young grandson who had an eye disease two years ago... Director Liu , in our piece, there are quite a few blind people, right?"

Liu Aunt on the side nodded and replied:

"That's quite a lot. There are more than 2,000 people in our residential area. There must be more than 60 blind people, and some are visually impaired and semi-disabled. There are a hundred people in total."

Hearing this, both Ye Zhou and Chen Li showed a bit of surprise on their faces.

How come there are so many?

According to the proportion, the number of blind and severely visually impaired people in China is between 1% and 2%, but now it seems that the proportion of this type of disabled people in this area has almost reached 5%.

Ye Zhou opened his mouth to ask a question, but suddenly swallowed the words that rushed to his mouth, because he suddenly realized the reason for the imbalance.

The location where they are now is the northern part of the city that outsiders call the "slum area" of Yuhang.

The vast majority of the people living in this urban village are those at the bottom who live in poverty and have no fixed source of income, and the composition of these bottom groups and the disabled group is actually highly repetitive.

Poverty due to illness and illness due to poverty are an endless cycle that no country has ever broken for thousands of years. Huaxia still has a long way to go to break it.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou sighed softly, and then asked:

"Director Liu, these people... Are their lives guaranteed?"

The opposite Liu Aunt was obviously hesitant. She didn't know Ye Zhou's identity, so she didn't know how to express it in front of him.

Ye Zhou saw her embarrassment and said bluntly:

"Don't worry, you will tell the truth today. If anyone troubles you afterwards, I will let him be laid off immediately."

Liu Aunt glanced at Ye Zhou and then at the two guards standing at the door. After a pause, he finally said:

"Mr. Ye, since you said that, I won't hide it from you."

"To be honest, there's nothing to hide—everyone can see it. Yuhang is one of the richest places in China."

"You said that their lives are guaranteed or not, then there must be. But to what extent are they guaranteed?"

"This is something that can't be helped. The country needs to develop, the society needs to progress, and there are more places to spend money."

"We have a massage parlor for the blind, and we have a coffee shop for the blind, but to be honest, the effect is not good."

"Their life is very hard. During the festivals, we rely on our neighborhood committee to distribute some meat and rice, noodles and oil so that we can eat dumplings."

"Just this year, it's only been 6 months, and 4 people have left in this film. It's all... Harm, let's not talk about this."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou finally felt the pain of these disabled people, especially the blind. For them, their most important connection with the world has been cut off. They have no job, no source of income, only Just "living" is already in an extremely fragile balance, and once this balance is broken again, isn't the choice left to them only the most extreme way?

He suddenly understood why Huaxia on the timeline in the simulator would promote the development of aes technology in such a radical way that it seemed incomprehensible to him, because this technology brought absolutely more than what he had always been. The cold "5% to 10% increase in productivity" that is thought of, but a "survival path" that is really put in front of these people.

A way of life in the literal sense, a way for people to live.

Ye Zhou let out a long sigh of relief. At this moment, the haze that the ending had cast on his heart completely dissipated.

You know, after watching the ending, he once doubted whether the official Huaxia on that timeline had undergone some kind of change that he did not want to see, whether they had been defeated under the flood of capital, Did this change happen in that timeline, or maybe it happened in my own timeline.

But now he understands that this is not the case.

Those people's original aspirations are still there, it's just that they have taken too big steps in some technologies.

Thinking of this, he lifted his glass in relief and said to Liu Aunt in front of him:

"Director Liu, don't worry, we will solve this problem sooner or later."

"Give us a little more time."

"Not only this technology, but also in a wider field, everyone is working hard."

"One day, we will let the unseen can see, the unheard can hear, the legless stand up, and the unliving... can live."

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