Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 443 Waiting For A Burst

Ye Zhou did not expect that his words would appear on the front page of the news within a few days.

"Aes technology is applied for the first time! Engineers speak: let the blind see, let the deaf hear, let the handicapped complete, and give hope to the hopeless."

This report has caused an uproar all over the world. After all, no country can attack this kind of technology full of humanitarian care against its will.

Even if politicians want to do it, ordinary people are unlikely to agree.

As a result, Zhejiang University's bci/avi research institute has been in the limelight for a while. In order to avoid unnecessary harassment, Chen Li decisively closed all channels for external communication and devoted himself to the improvement of avs technology with his own team. go.

This made Ye Zhou admire him even more, and at the same time, he also understood more what Chen Hao said to him.

Yes, I am the butterfly flapping its wings, but by no means the only protagonist of this era.

The real protagonists are Chen Li, Zhu Xuan, Yaoyao, Ma Weiming, the chief engineer of the integrated power system of No. 003, Xiao Ping, who really led the six-nosed project, Xu Lei, who presented flowers in front of Yuan Lao's tomb. There are more ordinary Chinese people who he can't even name.


After returning to Rongcheng, Ye Zhou checked the progress of several other projects with Chen Hao. During the regular tea break, Chen Hao pointed to the headline on the newspaper with a little teasing and asked:

"You really said that at the time? It's not like your style, is it?"

Ye Zhou glanced at him helplessly and replied:

"It's not like my style, it's not the style of our organization at all. That is, the media in the south will write this kind of headline. If our official media reports it, the headline should be similar to 'aes technology is practical, technical standards have been Reaching the international advanced level' is the right thing to do."

Chen Hao laughed and asked back:

"Isn't this title pretty good now? What, don't you like it?"

"...Can I like it? The middle school is going to die. I didn't say that at the time."

"Damn, I can guess that a straight man like you can't say such sensational words, but it is true that everyone is eating this way now, and this report has been quoted many times internationally, which will expand our influence. Strength is still very good.”

"We've been talking about cultural export and cultural export. In fact, the most important thing is the export of values ​​- look, isn't this a success?"

"We will take care of the people you Westerners don't care about; we will treat the diseases you Westerners don't want to treat. In a word, we will give what the Westerners can give, and we will give what the Westerners can't give. !This is......."

"Stop stop stop! Why are you talking more and more like a second grader?"

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao with disgust, the latter laughed for a while before replying:

"I'm sorry, I just entered the play."

"Occasionally let yourself be warm-blooded, even if it's the blood of the second year? What does a young boy look like when he is so sullen?"

"I'm no longer depressed, and all I'm thinking about now is how to connect our legs..."

"....You should think about how to connect your exercise plan first. The nutritionist has complained to me seventeen or eight times. How long have you been not going to the gym?"

"...change the subject."

Hearing Chen Hao's question, Ye Zhou took a sip of tea with a guilty conscience.

During this period of time, he really didn't take time to fulfill his previous fitness plan, but fortunately, he didn't feel how badly his physical fitness declined - after all, the regular life and exercise before were still effective.

Seeing Ye Zhou's reaction, Chen Hao did not continue to hold on to this point, but asked:

"The door of aes technology has been opened, what are your plans for the follow-up?"

Ye Zhou thought for a moment in silence, and then said:

"I'm actually very confused about this. Like I said to you just now, aes technology is a technology we really need, but if it advances too fast and spreads out too widely, the crisis contained in it Not too small."

"This is a contradiction between the needs of the majority of disabled compatriots to restore physical function and our lack of control over technology."

"The best way is of course to wait until the results of medicine, especially neurology, appear on a large scale, but the problem is that none of us know how long we will have to wait."

"Maybe we can afford it, but those fellow disabled people really can't."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao sighed involuntarily.

Before he was transferred to the SASAC, he had been a grass-roots cadre for a long time, and his understanding of the bottom-level life was far deeper than Ye Zhou's. He could also understand the strong desire that sprouted in his heart after coming into contact with these poor people. Emotions to change the status quo.

This emotion is not naive or blind, but it should be said that it is the response that a qualified organization member should have.

But the most paradoxical point is that if you want to really do something for the people you care about, you must suppress such emotions and formulate strategies objectively and rationally.

The two sat opposite each other, and after a long silence, Chen Hao said:

"This matter.... you shouldn't be involved."

"I will discuss with the relevant social security department to control the pace of technological advancement."

"I will also reflect all the problems you mentioned, and let professional planners make judgments. You should be able to understand what I mean, right?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a while, then nodded slowly.

In fact, Chen Hao's meaning has been clearly expressed. He will report risks to his superiors, but whether to accept such risks or rely on additional strategies to balance risks and benefits, leave it to those People who can really see the big picture make decisions.

This is the most secure solution, but it is also the one that requires the highest level of governance. If some uncontrollable influencing factors appear in the middle, it is likely to have a devastating impact on the whole situation.

However, a confident nation cannot refuse such a challenge.

Just like those cultivators in immortality novels, if facing a strong enemy, they retreat and bypass, I am afraid that they will be forever dusted on the road in the future, and they will no longer be able to advance an inch.

"...In this case, I will let go of the aes thing. Anyway, in my opinion, Chen Li and the others have done a good job. I think as long as there is strong support, they will not fallible."

A smile appeared on Chen Hao's face again.

"That's right, trust your comrades, and leave your back to them with confidence."

"I know, I know.... You've become more and more preachy lately. Let's stop talking about this and talk about South Island."

"How far has it developed in the past few days when I was away?"

"No big deal, 003 just left the base in Djibouti yesterday for Ireland. Francis's visit has been suspended, but the countries on the list have not cancelled their visit - they are still watching."

"In the case of the island... it's a mess, the 'credit-knife man' you said is still fighting with the church, but I guess the winner will be decided soon, what we're waiting for now is A tipping point."

"general election?"

Ye Zhou asked tentatively.

"The election is too far away.... We can't wait until then."

"What we have to wait for is the transition of the grassroots."

"Nine-in-one election?"

"Yes. This is our best chance, and if things go in our favor, it doesn't matter if 'that day' doesn't come so soon."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou nodded solemnly, and then continued to ask:

"Are there any other alternatives?"

A meaningful smile appeared on Chen Hao's face, his fingers swiped lightly on the table, and he wrote a few strokes with the water stains accidentally spilled on the table.

Ye Zhou turned his head away, and there were three words vaguely written on the table.

is the name of an island.

A small island that was once dubbed "since ancient times", "indivisible" and many other words.

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