Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 443 Let The Sun Shine In

While Ye Zhou and Chen Hao were sitting on the sofa relaxedly discussing the development of Nandao, Liao Guoxing was standing beside the bed sweating profusely, helping his paralyzed father roll over and scrub.

His arms were sore and tired, but the expression on his face did not show any impatience.

"Dad, you have to move on the bed frequently and try to turn over. Your back is always against the bed, and you will have bedsores in the future."

The old man on the bed took a few breaths and said with difficulty in a vague voice:

"It's going to be... people who are about to die, so many people still care..."

"What are you talking about! Doctors have said that your organs are still very healthy. As long as you keep exercising and recover well, you may be able to stand up by yourself in a few months."

Hearing this, the old man sighed and replied:

"What's the use of standing up, my eyes are blind, I'm a waste..."

"What if my eyes are blind? Dad, I'll read you a news in a while, and I'll tell you that the technology on the other side is so powerful now that the eyeballs are removed, and you can see things with electronic cameras!"

While speaking, Liao Guoxing helped his father to lie down on the bed again. The latter stared blankly at the ceiling with a look of disdain on his face.

"How to see things without eyeballs, nonsense..."

"It's not bragging. It's not just the media on the other side. The newspapers of the ugly countrymen are bragging about it. Their technology is really advanced, and I heard it's not expensive."

"Dad, you take good care of your body. When I save enough money, I will install a mechanical eye for you. Have you seen Robocop? Cool."

Liao Huazhi's expression gradually became a little unbelievable. Although he has been completely disappointed with the officials of the South Island and the ugly country in the past few months, under the long-term propaganda and indoctrination, he still subconsciously feels that only the ugly country approves. things that are really useful.

Now, the ugly country has issued a document to admit it, so this technology... Maybe it is true?

"You read the news to me -- no, don't read the news, you read other people's comments to me!"

"Okay, your son tells you that you don't believe it, and you have to listen to others..."

While pretending to complain, Liao Guoxing dragged over the chair and wiped the sweat from his head with a tissue by the bed. He took out his mobile phone and clicked on the news interface he had seen before, cleared his throat, and began to read the above content to Liao Huazhi.

"The title of this report is 'Let the blind see, make the handicapped whole' -- and it's quite literary!"

"I won't read the content. You don't want to hear it anyway. The comments below... I'll start with the popular ones for you."

"This guy said: I'm typing with voice recognition now, and hopefully in two years, I'll be able to look directly at my phone and type."

"I hope the price can be cheaper so that the common people can afford it."

"Our scientists always surprise me in places I didn't expect..."

"What the ugly people can't do, we have done it, who really cares about their own people?"

"This technology is real. I'm the neighbor of the little girl on the news. I went to see it that day. Unfortunately, I can't use that device, but I believe that I can use it myself soon..."

"I wish all the best upstairs, hold on, the light is in sight!"


As he read, Liao Guoxing's voice gradually decreased. On the contrary, the fire in his chest became more and more intense.

What he saw from these comments was definitely more than just touting the technology, because in addition to these comments he read out, there were actually many other comments questioning the practicality of the technology, questioning the The cost of the technology, and even question the application prospects of the technology itself.

But even the most vehemently critical comments maintained a fundamental point:

After this technology appears, it will definitely be used by ordinary people.

This is completely different from the public opinion environment in the South Island. In the South Island, if there is a technological breakthrough in a certain direction, the first thing that everyone thinks of is that "officers and gentlemen should enjoy again."

This is a fundamental difference.

Liao Guoxing scratched his head, trying to figure out when this difference appeared and why he had never noticed it before.

The network environment is obviously public.

I used to think that the news media on the other side and the public opinion on the other side were all shackled, but now it seems that the one who is really shackled... seems to be me?

Liao Guoxing sighed lightly, turned to look at his father on the bed, and then asked:

"Dad, are you still reading?"

Liao Huazhi shook his head and replied:

"No, read something else."

"What do you want to hear? I'll read it to you!"

A look of joy appeared on Liao Guoxing's face. Since he was discharged from the hospital, this was the first time his father had asked to hear the news.

It has been more than a month since he regained his language ability, but for more than a month, he has been sealing himself in a world that cannot be lifted by others, and it seems that he only hopes to die silently like this.

Now, being willing to accept information from the outside world means that his hope for life has returned.

Liao Huazhi was silent for a few seconds, and then said:

"Read it.... Read the news about the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge."

"And their 003 aircraft carrier."

"And tell the railway, and the big plane they took off last time."

"Read me the story of Yuan Longping again, about our hybrid rice."

"Also... I heard on TV two days ago that which fishing boats from the Qiandui Fishing Farm have gone to that island, you can read it to me."

"I want to know what's going on with our island now..."

Liao Guoxing nodded heavily, and his wife, who was watching, poured him tangerine peel tea to moisten his throat, and then carefully helped him adjust the position of the hospital bed, so that the old man on the bed could bask in the sunlight coming in from the window.

Later, the youngest member of the family, her daughter Nana, also pushed her grandmother into the room. The family of five sat around the window like this.

The man in the middle was holding a small mobile phone, struggling to read the simplified characters on it. Every time he found the result he wanted, he read it to others intermittently.

"The Qilian-3 engine is a super-thrust commercial engine independently developed by my country, with a maximum thrust of 165 tons and a constant thrust of 140 tons. In the future c989 commercial aircraft, only two Qilian-3 engines can be used. Moving thousands of tons of cargo..."

"The 003 aircraft carrier has left my country's Djibouti supply base in Africa today, and their next stop will be to Ireland, where they will have friendly exchanges with European countries..."

"'Longping-Qiong No. 1' high-yield rice has once again ushered in a bumper harvest. The local farmers bluntly said: There is too much grain, and I hope the state will ensure that grain prices will not fall."

"Hundreds of Chinese fishing boats went to the relevant waters of the Diaoyu Islands to carry out fishing operations. The coast guard of the island country stated that they will not interfere and fish with confidence."


After reading the news one by one, the expressions on everyone's faces were first surprised, then questioned, and in the end, there was only admiration.

At the end of the reading, the wife stood up and opened the curtains, and brighter sunlight shone into the small room. For a moment, everyone's eyes stinged.

However, this sting is only temporary after all.

After getting used to the light from the sun, they suddenly felt a strange warmth.

Probably, this room has been dark for too long?

Probably, your family has been isolated from the world for too long, right?

At this moment, even if you can't go out of the room immediately, you should really let the sun shine in and kill the viruses, those molds, and even those evil spirits in this dark and damp room...

So, on this sunny weekend afternoon, Liao Guoxing's family gathered quietly like this, sat in the sun, and enjoyed the long-lost heat of the ultraviolet rays burning on the skin.

At this moment, people doing the same thing as their family are all over the South Island.

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