Follow Tan Min's line of sight and continue to look east. On the other side of the sea, Birmingham National Laboratory, Healy Organization headquarters, Aldo is organizing a closed-door meeting of Healy core members, and the theme of the meeting is About recent South Island developments.

"...Judging from the current situation, our earlier strategy of restricting the development of local events through religion has basically failed, and China's response has been more swift and fierce than we expected."

"Although they are currently superior in strength, they still continue the asymmetrical strategy they have always used before. They did not entangle with us in religion, but directly interrupted our subsequent series of layouts through other actions."

"The Camp Lemonier incident can only be regarded as an introduction, and it did not cause serious threat or harm to us. The follow-up voyage visit of the 003 fleet is the real killer."

"According to their current visit list, in the near future, they will complete the 'presence declaration' of the whole of Europe, and our regional presence will be seriously challenged."

"It has to be said that the other party has a lot more experience than us - before they just didn't have a chance, and now, after letting them take the initiative, they are doing far better than us."

Hearing his words, everyone in the conference room nodded silently.

As members of the highest decision-making level in this country, they have already obtained detailed reports on the incident at Camp Lemonnier, and they also know the mental damage caused to their own soldiers by the routine take-off and landing training conducted by the other party at the Djibouti base.

In just two weeks, Camp Lemonnier has reported 15 emergency repatriations and evacuations due to severe mental illness, and more than 400 soldiers have protested and complained against camp management. The mental state of the hundred people is not optimistic. If they do not intervene, I am afraid that their results will be the same as those of the 15 soldiers.

In addition, other soldiers are not all normal. Long-term lack of sleep has caused almost all the camps to stop, training has been completely terminated, and fights have emerged one after another. Even in such an outpost, in order to avoid large-scale riots, they are actually implemented. strict gun control.

---- To put it more bluntly, it is a complete ban on guns.

A gun ban in a military camp?

This is one of the biggest jokes everyone in the Healy organization has heard, but the fact cannot be doubted by them, because if they continue to manage according to the previous weapons management regulations, I am afraid that no one else needs to do it. Rivers of blood have been killed.

There was only one man driven mad in the Full Metal Jacket movie, and there were 400 in Camp Lemonier.

"We did lose a lot in the Camp Lemonnier incident, but this is a consequence of the fact that we cannot make corresponding military countermeasures against them. It cannot be said that there is a problem with our strategy."

"I think the main problem with our strategy is religion -- it's a bad move."

"How can the Chinese people eat this way? Let alone the official attitude towards religion, their people have no concept of religion at all, they don't believe in gods at all, how can they be controlled by a strange god?"

An optician in the seat said.

His name is Kaiwei. In fact, when Aldo first formulated a strategy related to the Holy See, he expressed his clear opposition, but his opinion alone was not enough to change the decision, so the last The strategy he had never hoped for in the first place was carried out.

Hearing his words, Aldo didn't have any dissatisfied reaction, just nodded slightly and said:

"It can't be said that the religious strategy was a complete failure, at least we did make some progress on the South Island..."

"That's not called progress at all, that's called purification."

Kevin interrupted without hesitation, and continued:

"What do you think the people we won in the South Island can represent? They represent those people who will not turn to each other and are firmly opposed to peace. No matter what Huaxia does, it is impossible to win over these people. The religious strategy we launched not only failed to win fresh blood for us, but helped them screen out these people with our own hands.”

"Just like that, can it still be called progress?"

"Does the so-called progress mean to help the other side more clearly distinguish between enemy and friend forces, so that they can implement different strategies for the two?"

"As I said, Chinese people don't believe in religion at all, and we don't need to deceive ourselves to promote achievements in this regard."

Aldo frowned slightly, he knew that what Kaiwei said was correct, but there was still some unwillingness in his heart.

"However, Chinese people are religious. For example, their own native religion has Taoism..."

"...You are completely mistaken. Chinese people believe in not religion, but ancestors. The so-called Taoism is also based on the concept of 'ancestor' and gradually developed."

"Their religion is a utilitarian religion. They believe that those who contribute to the world can become gods, and those who can continue to benefit the world after becoming gods can secure their place in the gods, and if you are an unreasonable person The gods...there will be countless ordinary people scrambling to pull you off the altar."

"This is somewhat similar to Norse mythology - it's all about outstanding resistance, maybe we should start from this..."

Aldo interjected.

Kaiwei glanced at Aldo with a slightly mocking color, and retorted:

"The kind of resistance in Northern Europe is also considered resistance? There is no such thing as a bastard in the religious system of Huaxia. Wait, this topic is too far away. In short, this strategy has basically failed."

"Let's continue to discuss the next strategy."

Hearing his words, Aldo didn't say more, but skipped a large section of the content that he was going to summarize, and said directly:

"Whether Kawhi's point of view is right or not, but at least from the actual situation now, we really shouldn't continue to discuss this past thing."

"So, back to the point, what we want to do now has not changed, we still have to consider slowing down the progress of the South Island to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing them."

"Then we have to consider other directions."

As he spoke, he pointed to the map behind him with a laser pointer, and then continued:

"And now this direction is already in front of us."

"Fish Fish Island."

After a pause, he continued:

"The dispute between China and the island country over Yuyu Island is essentially a geographical dispute. If China can take back the Diaoyu Islands, it means that they can advance the strategic base point of the first island chain by 300 kilometers. At this distance, China If it is used as an outpost, it will have a significant strategic deterrent effect on the island nation."

"Of course, we also know that under the background that Huaxia currently owns 3 aircraft carriers and is about to own a fourth aircraft carrier, the strategic position of Yuyu Island is actually declining, but this does not mean that Huaxia can abandon it at will. ."

"But on the contrary, the island country's attitude towards Yuyu Island has been very clear - as early as 10 years ago, the situation in the waters around this island has been reversed."

"If 10 years ago, it was an island country cruise and China protested, then 10 years later, it has gradually transformed into a China cruise, and the island country protested."

"Until now, the two Huaxia aircraft carrier formations are swimming nearby, and the island country has not even dared to protest - the attitude of the island country in this large-scale fishing operation is a clear signal."

"However, we cannot allow this to happen."

"Once the two sides reach a tacit agreement on the ownership of Yuyu Island, and once Yuyu Island is in fact under the control of Huaxia, then the last psychological defense line of Nandao will also be overwhelmed. At that time, we will want to stop it. It's not realistic."

"So, this point in time is our only chance to intervene..."

"Okay alright, stop talking about these useless backgrounds, we all know - the question now is, through what intervention?"

Kaiwei interrupted Aldo's speech again, who shook his head helplessly and replied:

"Of course it is the intervention of non-military means.... Before the RSA technology is cracked, we have actually lost the bargaining chip of military confrontation with them, but this does not mean that we have completely lost the countermeasures. ."

Aldo realized that the people in front of him were impatient, so he stopped talking about those lengthy expositions, but directly pressed the button in his hands, quickly skipped several pages of materials, and went directly to the final conclusion page.

"Okay, since everyone doesn't want to listen to my discussion, let's just look at the results."

"A brief summary."

"Our goal: to prevent Yuyudao from actually falling under Huaxia's control."

"The condition is: no military confrontation of any kind can take place."

"The overall direction is: let Yuyu Island lose its due value, or the actual control and governance costs will outweigh the benefits in the near future."

"The specific plan is: make the fish island completely disappear, or lose its functionality."

"The path to realization is: restarting the Halp program."

Hearing Aldo's last words, everyone present widened their eyes.

The Harp Plan is a comprehensive plan launched by the official Ugly State against the background of confrontation in the last century. Its research direction is not fixed, and its scope includes meteorological weapons, electromagnetic weapons, light energy weapons, and even Mind control facilities, etc., a series of technologies that are still somewhat bizarre even at present.

These techniques often turn out to be poorly practicable or impossible to implement, but there are a few that have yielded quite remarkable results—even applications.

For example, how to create a small-scale low-intensity earthquake.

For example, if you detonated a volcano.

Even undersea volcanoes.

Kaiwei frowned and looked at Aldo, and asked in a stern tone:

"Do you know what you are talking about? To restart the Halp plan, even if it is just to implement one aspect of it, the price we have to pay is huge, and the consequences can be said to be devastating. , indiscriminate."

"Huaxia now has far more control over information than we imagined. If they capture the evidence, what awaits us is not just the loss of a South Island!"

Aldo smiled slightly and asked rhetorically:

"When did I say that we are going to implement this plan ourselves?"

"Rest assured, our hands are clean, and there are always some people who will be willing to be dogs for us..."

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