Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 446 A Significant Exchange


Still in a living room that didn't resemble a formal meeting, several Asian men in suits sat on the ground, with sake in front of them, and several wine glasses were lined up, and the cups were empty.

The acquaintances sitting around the low table had obviously had a round of drinking, their faces were slightly red, and their eyes were a little erratic.

But completely different from such a drunken state, the logic revealed in their conversation indicates that none of them are actually drunk.

".... Mount Fuji's response is getting stronger and stronger. Our experts predict that within a year or two at most, we will be facing a major eruption."

"The impact of such an eruption on us would be devastating ... by their estimates, the whole of Tokyo could be plunged into darkness by that time."

"Gentlemen, we must be prepared for this..."

Hearing his words, the rest of the people nodded together, but no one was willing to speak.

The reason is very simple. In the eyes of others, what a man says has no meaning at all, and is purely drunk after drinking.

Mount Fuji erupting?

So what can be done?

Or, what else can a mortal like me do?

If Amaterasu really punished him, then it would be good to bear it honestly, and he wouldn't even organize manpower to block Mount Fuji, right?

As for the series of actions such as disaster prevention drills and post-disaster reconstruction drills, they are not things that should be considered under the current situation. The economy of this country is already extremely fragile. The reaction, the consequences are definitely not what officials like them want to see.

So, when faced with a possible crisis, just bury your head in the soil and be an ostrich.

Instead of thinking ahead and thinking about the unrealistic, it's better to gamble on your luck.

---- Who can say when Mt. Fuji will erupt?

Everyone here is already an old man. As long as they survive this session, even if the floods are raging, what does it have to do with themselves?

Seeing everyone's performance, the man frowned in dissatisfaction, and then asked:

"Why, gentlemen, do you think I'm talking drunk? Don't you care about the lives of the people of Tokyo?"

"...Sakata-kun, we are concerned. But the problem is, this kind of concern is too much..."

"What is too much! Isn't it our responsibility to prevent disasters from happening? You bastard, what are you talking about!"

Hearing Sakata's stern question, the man who answered hurriedly sat up straight, put his hands upright on his knees, lowered his head almost to his chest, and then answered loudly:

"I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I was wrong! We should be prepared!"

Sakata snorted softly, and without looking at the servile man, he turned his gaze directly to the others, and continued to ask:

"So, Mikami-kun, what do you think? Do you think we should prepare for the eruption of Mount Fuji?"

Mikami on the opposite side was obviously stunned for a moment, and after hesitating for a while, he answered:

"Uh.... Sakata-kun, you know, I always agree with you. The recent activity of Mount Fuji is indeed a big threat to us. If we consider the safety of the people, we should do something. Prepare."

"For example, we can carry out disaster prevention drills in advance, communicate warning messages to the public in advance, and prepare the emergency transportation system in the city in advance... But the problem is that such actions will seriously damage the normal operation order of the entire city. , causing a lot of trouble."

"To cause trouble for the people, I think... Even Sakata-kun is unwilling to do it, right?"

Hearing his answer, the face of Sakata on the opposite side finally eased a bit. He filled the glass in front of him with wine again, and then said:

"Sanshang-kun, it's very good, at least you have more things to think about than this bastard Zhutian!"

"This is the attitude we should have. We must make all plans in advance, otherwise if something happens, will we just watch the people suffer?"

"However, your point is correct that post-disaster preparation is indeed too extravagant for us now, and this country's fragile economy cannot afford such harassment..."

Having said that, everyone else secretly felt some slander in their hearts.

After all, you still can't do it, do you?

I said so much before, and I played a big role, isn't it to show your authority as a superior?

I just drank a few glasses of sake, are you really drunk?

However, what they didn't expect was that after a brief pause, Sakata's tone suddenly changed.

"We can't afford the consequences of an eruption, and we can't organize disaster drills in advance, but what if I said, we have a way to stop the eruption?"


Even with the person who was still bowing his head to reflect, everyone in the room widened their eyes.

They didn't understand what the so-called "preventing the eruption of the volcano" meant, but Sakata's serious tone made them understand that the other party was not joking.

After hesitating for a moment, Mikami asked tentatively:

"Sakata-kun, do you mean... We already have the technology to control volcanic eruptions?"

Sakata shook his head and replied:

"No, we don't."

"However, the Ugly people have, and they have contacted me through extremely confidential channels, expressing their determination to teach this technology to me."

"Teach us technology?! At what cost?"

Mikami asked in disbelief.

He doesn't believe that those ugly people will provide his country with such a technology that is no small matter at first glance based on the so-called "humanitarian spirit". This is the experience he has accumulated in dealing with each other for a long time.

To the superpower on the other side of the sea, the bureaucracy where he is located, and even the country where he is located, is just a dog, and this dog is not a pet dog, but a hunting dog and a watchdog.

The owner will give the dog free food, but this treatment will never be imposed on the guard dog.

No bite, no barking, no food, this is a very simple rule.

The only thing he can look forward to is that the object they need to bite this time should not be too strong.

If it's the South Island, it's fine, but if it's China....... then forget it.

The dog bites the dog sometimes, to bite a tiger that has stepped out of the deep forest? A bit too strong to be difficult.

Sakata has obviously noticed the expressions of the people around him, he lowered his tone a little, and then said soothingly:

"Don't worry, what we are going to do this time is not to directly fight against Huaxia... In fact, even the ugly people, they don't dare to do it now."

"Or to put it more directly, we're not fighting anyone this time."

"We just need to deliver something to their designated place under strict secrecy."

"Wouldn't it be a weapon of mass destruction?"

Mikami asked suspiciously.

"Of course not! If that's the case, how could I take it out and discuss it with you gentlemen?"

"Why, in the eyes of the lords, am I such a stupid person?"

"... Of course not, Sakata-kun, but we are really curious, what is it that needs to be transported by us---- this obviously wants us to take the risk for them?"

Sakata nodded slightly and replied:

"It's true....but this time the risk is not so great."

"As I said, we're not directly threatening anyone, it's just going to cause trouble for some countries when it's done."

"I won't play dumb with you guys anymore. This time, our goal is Fish Fish Island."

"We want to detonate the submarine volcano near Yuyu Island, destroy the surrounding environment of Yuyu Island, and prevent Chinese people from landing on the island in the short term."

"I think everyone can guess the reason why the ugly country wants to do this, but what I want to say is that this is not necessarily a bad thing for us."

Hearing this, everyone in the room nodded in agreement, but there were still people who expressed concern about it.

"But, Sakata-kun, if the things we do are discovered by the Chinese.... After we, it won't be better, right?"

"Everyone already knows what happened at Camp Lemonier. Their methods are even more bizarre than we thought. Even if the final result is not a hot war, I think they have countless methods to break us down."

"Don't we dare to confront them head-on? It's not realistic..."

Sakata sighed and then replied:

"You're right, we really don't have any capital to fight them."

"But the problem is, we have to make that choice too."

"Under such a situation now, we can't just bet on one side. While maintaining a close relationship with Huaxia, it is the best strategy to leave a back path for ourselves."

"After all, who can see the future? Huaxia has an advantage now, but how long can such an advantage last, you don't know, right?"

"What if one day, they get into trouble again?"

After he finished speaking, the room fell into silence. After a long time, everyone drank the wine in their cups and left the room in twos and threes.


Two days later, a special container arrived at the Port of Tokyo, and was then secretly shipped to a Coast Guard base.

No one knew what was in the container, but everyone involved in the covert operation knew that a storm was brewing in the Pacific Ocean.

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