Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 448 Fishing Boat Explosion

With the release of the navigation ban, Tan Min and Zhan Hui on Qiong 106 finally felt relieved.

What they are most worried about is the little tricks that the islanders are doing in the nearby waters that are hidden and not easy to be discovered. Now, let No. 002 speak out and directly mark the nearby waters as a restricted area, prohibiting your ships from approaching. Now what do you think? You can't even make small moves, can you?

The so-called "non-identifiable ships", to put it bluntly, are the ships that have not been recorded in the maritime system of the 002 formation. This time the ocean fishing operation was organized by the Fisheries Administration, and all the ships were reported in advance. Prepared, such a ban naturally has nothing to do with them.

Watching all kinds of boats with island flags gradually disappearing, the two felt extremely happy.

"Hey, these little days, you still dare to snatch our fish, so let's run away! It's a pity, I knew they were so cowardly, I should have bumped into them when I met their security boat last night."

"... Hit you on the head and stop causing trouble for the country? It's over if you force them to leave. Didn't you listen to the leader, we are already a radical operation this time."

"This time they obeyed and left, which means that they have completely given up the competition for this sea area. We will come and leave if we want in the future. Maybe the airport on Yuyu Island will be built in a few years."

"Damn, that's Hu Jian's blessing too, we're still too far away... Sayanara! Sayanara! Dog day's Sayanara!"

Zhan Hui shouted loudly while waving at the fishing boat not far away. Tan Min was helpless as he watched his reckless splashing.

You can't even scold him for taking advantage of it verbally, right?

The fishing boat on the opposite side also seemed to hear his voice, and several islanders on the deck also waved at him as if to say goodbye.

"Hey, these bastards thought I was saying something nice to them, and they couldn't understand the curse. It's really stupid."

"It's almost done. Maybe people are scolding you in the island dialect, so you can understand it? Okay, hurry up and pack up, we're going to catch the last net, and it's time to go home."

Tan Min patted Zhan Hui on the shoulder, and the latter left the deck reluctantly. He still wanted to watch the excitement, but he also knew that what the boss said was the truth.

After arriving in the waters for more than a week, their fishing operation has basically ended, and the refrigerated fish tank on the ship is almost full. If they are not ready to return, the whole ship of fish is likely to be wasted due to improper preservation.

Although this fishing activity is not just as simple as fishing, fishermen like myself still have to eat after all.

Thinking of this, he reluctantly walked to the trawling net at the stern, and while walking, he complained to the other crew members that the islanders had no guts to see the wind. Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering explosion from behind.

Zhan Hui turned around abruptly, and the scene in front of him made him stunned in place.

The island fishing boat he had greeted and waved goodbye to just now exploded.

The entire stern has been plunged into a sea of ​​fire, the smoke has rushed up from the sea, the hull has been completely tilted, several sailors have jumped into the sea, and the remaining people on the deck are struggling to put down the lifeboats. escape.

As the fishing boat slowly sank, the surrounding sea water was swirled into vortices one by one. Although the sailors who jumped into the sea were excellent at water, in this case, if the rescue was not timely, they would definitely be inactive.

" my mouth opened?"

Zhan Hui stared blankly at the fishing boat that caught fire in the distance. He thought that when he said "Sayanara" before, he was indeed a bit vicious and hoped that they would disappear forever, but when this scene really happened in front of his eyes, But in his heart he couldn't help but have an urge to save people in the past.

---- After all, this is at sea.

From the first day he got on the ship, Tan Min had emphasized to him countless times that if he encountered a shipwrecked person at sea, no matter who the other party was or what happened to the other party, he had to save them first.

Even if it is a mortal hatred, even if you pull him ashore and kill him with a knife, the process of saving people cannot be omitted.

He had always wondered what the meaning of doing this was before, but Tan Min told him that the most important thing in doing things was to return to each other. If you die at sea, Mazu will not bless you.

After all, Mazu can see someone falling into the water, but not necessarily the grudge between you and him.

But the problem is, there are islanders on the opposite side.

Want to help?

Zhan Hui rushed to the cab, and just after two steps, he ran into Tan Min who rushed out of the cab.

"Quick, get the lifeboat ready, let's go save people!"

"No, boss, save people? Is it true? Can't we just let them fend for themselves?"

Zhan Hui grabbed Tan Min's hand and looked extremely confused.

This is an extremely contradictory choice. The inescapable hatred of the country and family makes him unable to make up his mind to save people, but the reverence and kindness for life in his heart makes him unable to sit back and ignore it.

"...If I don't see it, I'll let them die. Who the hell is it? You think I want to control them? No way! We're not that kind of people!"

"It's their business that they are bad. We can't follow them. This is at sea. When someone is in distress, they can't help them. Are we still human?"

"Let's go, listen to me, pick them up first, and I don't care how you want to toss them after you pick them up!"

Seeing that Zhan Hui was still hesitant, Tan Min sighed heavily and said:

"Don't be so petty here, every yard is a yard, even if we copy their house in the future, we have to rescue them today."

"Hurry up, prepare the lifeboat!"

Hearing Tan Min's words, Zhan Hui gritted his teeth angrily, and finally ran towards the lifeboat.

On the nearby sea, Qiong 106 Yu was the closest to the exploding fishing boat. They had already approached the fishing boat in less than 5 minutes at full speed. Under the leadership of Zhan Hui, the two lifeboats advanced rapidly, risking The risk of another explosion rescued all the people who fell into the water in just a few minutes.

On the other side, the lifeboats on the island ships had also been put down. Tan Min saw from a distance that the other party seemed to want to find their security boats. After a stalemate on the sea for five minutes, Zhan Hui pointed at his nose and scolded a few words, After almost making a move, he followed up reluctantly.

The three lifeboats gradually moved away from the fishing boat that was still on fire. The smoke billowed behind them. When the lifeboats all reached the vicinity of 106 Fishing, Tan Min quickly adjusted the direction to let the boat out of the boat, and pulled everyone on the lifeboat up one by one.

As soon as he stepped on the deck, Zhan Hui pointed at the fishermen from the island country and cursed.

"Damn, these bastards, let's get on the boat and not get on the boat, it's about to explode, and he's still dawdling there, is he so clueless? How many people can their broken boat hold? Really pissed off!"

As he spoke, Zhan Hui rushed up and grabbed one of them by the collar. For a while, a very high amount of swear words came out, and the scolded islander on the opposite side couldn't lift his head until the second explosion sounded. At that time, Zhan Huicai finally stopped.

In the distance, the fire and smoke from the fishing boat had risen dozens of meters high. Seeing this scene, Tan Min faintly felt that something was wrong.

It is actually not uncommon for a fishing boat to catch fire at sea. If the operation is not careful, the flammable material on the boat is ignited, and then the fuel tank is further ignited, and an explosion like this is possible.

In his career, he has heard and even seen many such explosions with his own eyes. It is almost no surprise that he has heard of this kind of problem on the ships of the island nation.

After all, the fishermen on the other side are notoriously cautious, or to be more objective, they have a higher degree of specialization and stricter process management, and such extreme accidents are almost unlikely to occur.

Moreover, secondary explosions, especially explosions that are stronger than the first, are too rare in ship fire accidents. The only thing that can cause an explosion on the ship is the fuel tank. Two fuel tanks?

Thinking of this, Tan Min quietly took a few steps back, and then began to look at the few islanders in front of him with his eyes.

Dark skin, fishy smell all over the clothes, most of them stained with liquid of unknown color - this is the standard fisherman's dress.

However, upon closer inspection, their expressions were somewhat abnormal.

They acted...a little too calm.

Fishing boats can be said to be the only guarantee for the survival of ocean-going fishermen. Now that the boats have been bombed, these people can still stand quietly?

Is this an ethnic difference?

Tan Min didn't know the concept of these twists and turns, just like he judged that there was a problem with the security boat of the island country before, at this moment, he also felt that there was a problem with these fishermen.

Could it be a gang?

But the question is, if it's a gang, what's the point of blowing up the ship?

He restrained the suspicious look on his face, calmly instructed the sailors to take the islanders on board to the rest cabin, and then quietly pulled Zhan Hui aside and said:

"We may really get into trouble this time. I'll go and stabilize them. You hurry up and contact the Coast Guard!"

"These islanders....none of them are right!"

Zhan Hui nodded quickly, he didn't think much about what Tan Min said, just ran to the radio station in the cab as fast as he could.

When he passed the rest area, his eyes swept over the islanders who were squatting or sitting on the ground drinking hot water, but he didn't notice that several of them were looking at him coldly with the help of the quilts. .

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